08 Mar 15 Best Crystals for Grief & Loss
As humans, probably the worst emotion we could ever go through is grief. One of our favorite quotes by Jamie Anderson perfectly encapsulates this harrowing emotion: “Grief is really just loved. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.”
It’s only natural that many of us want to find solace and comfort during this tragic period. Read on to discover the best crystals for grief and how to use them during dark and difficult times.
15 Crystals to Ease Your Grief
1. Amethyst
Purple amethyst is the first on the list of the best crystals for grief. In gemology, these common crystals are widely known as natural tranquilizers and can quiet the mind, soothe the body, and soften the soul. It is a great source of emotional comfort whenever you are trying to ease feelings of grief.
Moreover, with its connections to the third eye chakra, the amethyst can also be quite useful to balance negative emotions other than grief. As a natural tranquilizer, it is especially useful in quieting anger, ebbing rage, taking the edge off anxiety, and even clearing your mind so you can sleep better at night.
2. Apache Tears
The apache tears, small precious stones that glisten in black, exude gentle energies that are especially helpful as healing crystals for grief. This is a powerful protection stone that shields your spirituality from elements that threaten to deter the progress of your grieving journey.
Furthermore, apache tears are a well-known super-absorber that can draw out all your stress, anxiety, and negative feelings, so you can better process your grief and, consequently, stabilize your emotions.
3. Black Onyx
Perhaps the strongest grounding stone in this list is the black onyx. This is the best crystal to use whenever you need help from your inner warrior, with roots deeply connected to the throat chakra and root chakra.
As a protective stone, the black onyx also offers mental and spiritual protection as you go through all the different stages of grief. This stone masterfully converts negative energy into positive energy and gives you inner strength and self-confidence at the same time.
4. Carnelian
One look at the fiery red carnelian might have you scratching your head — surely this bright crystal known for balancing big energy couldn’t be the best fit for the doom and gloom of grief! On the contrary, the carnelian is comforting and warm and makes for excellent grief crystals. This crystal gives off a calming influence and balancing energy that fills you with feelings of support and safety and imparts enough strength to carry heavy loads.
Furthermore, the carnelian also has a long history of connecting with the spirit world, so it might feel as though our loved ones who have passed on may not be so far from us in spirit.
5. Clear Quartz
One of the best things about the clear quartz is its ability to amplify the healing properties of other crystals it’s combined with, meaning it can make your favorite crystals for grief even more powerful. Aside from that, the clear quartz is also regarded as a Master Healer, meaning it can fix whatever it needs to. It will align and unblock all your chakras, so you feel balanced and at ease even while grieving.
If you feel overwhelmed about the many different crystals for grief on this list, starting with the clear quartz is a safe bet.
6. Aventurine
The green aventurine is one of the most potent heart chakra stones and will make for wonderful crystals for grief. This crystal is a source of comfort and protection, apart from providing calm energy. It encourages you to have perseverance in going through the motions of grief.
7. Kunzite
Just like the aventurine, the kunzite is another heart chakra stone. This is a great source of gentle yet unconditional love, which you’ll need plenty of during the healing process. These crystals influence self-awareness, from your mind to your heart, so that you can heal emotionally.
Many also call the kunzite the “stone of emotion” due to its ability to absorb and process negative feelings. Those who have undergone trauma of any kind will find the kunzite useful in emotional healing.
8. Lepidolite
The lepidolite, with its purple and pink hues, is thought of by many as a gentle lullaby to help in releasing suffering. This third eye chakra stone gently invites you to do the required work to move from grief towards healing. It lends a helping hand in releasing trauma and suffering and, finally, moving on towards a place of healing and self-forgiveness.
Furthermore, lepidolite can be a respite, thanks to its calming energy. It allows you to rest and trudge back on the journey of self-healing only when you’re ready again.
9. Mangano Calcite
Although calcite comes in many forms, the one that’s specifically suited to deal with grief is mangano calcite. This gentle pink chakra crystal helps foster forgiveness, especially if our grief stems from being wronged by others. This crystal fully understands that it would not do you well to harbor feelings of anger and resentment.
Furthermore, the mangano calcite invites you to let go of all bitterness that you may be clinging to from your past in order to take a positive step forward.
10. Moonstone
The pale white moonstone is one of the best healing crystals for grief. This nurturing stone serves as a gentle reminder that all things come to pass, just like how the moon goes through phases. The moonstone also serves as the proverbial light as we go through the dark events surrounding grief and loss.
The moonstone is good for all stages of grief, but perhaps its specialty is guiding us through the numbness that comes with depression. It’s also especially effective in tempering hot surges of anger.
11. Pink Opal
The pink opal, another heart chakra stone, is one of the best crystals for grief. It helps you let go of the past and move towards the future with strength, courage, and acceptance. After a loss, anger and resentment may prevent you from moving forward, but this crystal can help greatly in making sure that these stressors are released.
Furthermore, the pink opal is renowned for its spiritual healing properties by connecting us back to nature and strengthening our intuition. It also increases our confidence to face future challenges with an open mind.
12. Pyrite
It’s extremely easy to get consumed in feelings of overwhelm that could translate to heightened anxiety whenever we’re going through grief and other strong emotions. Pyrite, known as the fool’s gold, can absorb excess negative energies to bring balance and respite to your system, which can overcome feelings of grief and greatly contribute to the process of emotional healing.
The pyrite is also known to resonate greatly with the solar plexus chakra, which is the source of our confidence and self-esteem — two things we tend to forget in the face of grief and loss.
13. Rhodonite
The soft pink rhodonite is rich in self-love and acceptance. This is one of the best crystals for grief that can influence you to seek the retrospect needed to heal emotional wounds. This crystal is more than capable of guiding you through the journey of clearing the heart and emanating the love that you need during this time. Furthermore, its root chakra association lends a hand in helping you let go of the emotions that are no longer serving you and move you to a place of gentle acceptance.
14. Rose Quartz
One of the gentlest heart chakra healers is the rose quartz, and it inspires you to have self-care and compassion during times of grief and loss. The rose quartz is a loving gem with high vibrations and can be particularly helpful during the bargaining stage when blame and self-doubt take over your soul.
The rose quartz can be one of the best healing stones to keep by your side as you go through the stages of grief. It serves as a constant reminder to be kind no matter what you’re going through.
15. Smoky Quartz
Grief can often make one feel out of control, as though they’re helplessly being hurled in all directions by a strong gust of wind. The strong grounding properties present in the smoky quartz can offer a sense of stability even when your emotions are throwing you around. The smoky quartz helps you understand what you’re feeling and makes you feel rooted.
Furthermore, the smoky quartz promotes healthy action in the entire grieving journey, from the initial anger to the deep breath of acceptance. It is also a great crystal to keep by your side during days when you find yourself wallowing in depression, as the smoky quartz can help shift the negative energy into something positive.
Five Stages of Grief
In psychology, it’s said that people who process grief tend to go through five stages. Some deal with the stages of grief in one linear motion, but others may find themselves fluctuating from one stage to the other — in any case, it’s fine, and you mustn’t berate yourself for processing grief the way you do.
Going through these five stages takes a lot of patience, time, and courage. It’s also important to remember that loss is not solely reserved for physical death — a relationship breakdown, emotional loss, spiritual loss, and even circumstantial loss can be grieved, too.
1. Denial
The first stage people go through at the onslaught of grief is denial. This is a common defense mechanism and is the body’s way to numb itself from overwhelming feelings. In any case, be gentle with yourself during the denial stage. You’ll process things on your own time.
2. Anger
After a person processes denial, overwhelming feelings may cause them to be prone to bouts of anger. This anger can be directed to anything in your path — be it at the person you believe caused your grief (or anything else) — but this is an important process of going through grief.
3. Bargaining
During the bargaining stage, people often find themselves dealing with “what if” statements. In the third stage, you ruminate over the littlest details and try to force a different outcome, wishing that things could be different.
4. Depression
Just before acceptance comes depression. This is the stage where you question what your life has come to, choosing instead to wallow in feelings of “it doesn’t matter anyway.” The flood of grief can leave you feeling drained and empty, yet completely bewildered and confused at the same time. It’s important to keep your friends close at this stage until you’re ready for self-love again.
5. Acceptance
Many would think that acceptance is the last stage of the grieving process, but it’s perfectly okay if you find yourself stepping back and forth into the other stages even though you’ve begun the process of acceptance. This stage means that you are in the process of accepting the end result. You begin to see a visible light at the end of the dark tunnel of grief.
Special Tips in Using These Crystals to Cope with Grief
- Wearing crystal jewelry against your skin is one of the best ways to bring its healing powers into your life. Choose crystals that can be directly pressed against your skin, such as necklaces, bracelets, and rings, so their healing vibrations have nowhere else to go but straight into your broken heart.
- Grief can often cause sleepless nights. Placing a crystal for grief (rose quartz is a great example) underneath your pillow may be just what you need to snag that elusive restful slumber.
- Whenever you feel as though the feelings of overwhelm are starting to consume you, hold a worry stone, such as rose quartz, in your hand. The wonderful stone will act as an absorbent for feelings too difficult to contain.
- Set aside some time during the day to meditate with crystals for grief. Allow the crystals to wash away your worries and process overwhelming emotions to clear your emotional and spiritual self. Make sure to cleanse them after your ritual, so they’re primed and ready the next time you need them.
How does the lepidolite crystal help with grief?
The lepidolite crystal helps with grief by gently inviting you to do the work that is required to go through the grieving process. It lends a strong helping hand in releasing trauma and suffering so you can move forward towards a place of healing.
Can you use herbs to help with grief aside from crystals?
Yes, you can also use herbs to help with grief, aside from crystals. Hawthorn, rose, and mimosa are some of the best herbs as healing aids for grief’s mental, emotional, and physical ramifications. You can use their berries, flowers, and leaves to make tea, infused honey, and elixirs.
Most of the time, grief can make us feel that the end is nowhere in sight. Aside from our family and peers, crystals can be a great support system due to their natural healing properties. They can help us process grief with kindness and can even lend us strength so that we can finally move on to a more positive outlook.
We hope these crystals have provided you with the comfort and loving energy needed to keep you afloat during these low moments. We’d love to know what you think by commenting below.
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