Tips on How to Align and Unblock Chakras

Tips on How to Align and Unblock Chakras

Tips on How to Align and Unblock Chakras

In learning how to unblock chakras, the person is learning to align the lifegiving energy forces. When discovering the seven chakras, people often wonder how they are aligned for the best emotional, spiritual, physical, and intellectual health. The idea behind opening the chakras, the seven root energy sources or wheels contained within the body is to find a universal synchronization. Within each individual, there is an alignment that will open all the doors of feeling. It is like stepping out of a stuffy environment into the wide-open air and taking a deep breath of fresh, invigorating life-sustaining air.

There are processes that can unblock chakras, meditation, yoga, spiritual renewal rituals, manifesting with the moon are all among them.

In This Article

What are the 7 Chakras?

The first step in exploring the inner energy of the body is learning what are the 7 Chakras. In discovering the chakra system, there are seven that are talked about most of the time. These are the seven root chakras that are considered the most powerful. The 7 Chakras should be the ones of the highest concentration for the average person. Practiced yogis and spiritualists will make mention of many more than seven chakras, in fact, they will talk about one hundred and fourteen wheels of energy. This is a very advanced study and practice of yogi philosophy and spiritualists who spend decades of study in search of perfect alignment with the universal energy source.

To reach an everyday daily life that is physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually enriched the average person needs to learn how to align chakras. This can be conducted by concentrating on the root chakras. Learning and practicing meditation and yoga are among the best practices in discovering how to align your chakras. The energy of crystals is the simplest way to begin to unblock chakras. Each of the root chakras has a corresponding color. The corresponding colors of the 7 Chakras have corresponding crystals that can be used to unblock chakras.

The Seven Chakras with their corresponding color, location, popular effective crystal, and related energies are:

  • Root Chakra – Color is Red – Base of the Spine – Tiger’s Eye – Grounding, Stability, Vitality
  • Sacral Chakra – Color is Orange – Below the Navel –Moonstone – Creativity, Emotional Balance
  • Solar Plexus Chakra – Color is Yellow – Below the Ribcage – Malachite – Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem, Personal Transformation and Growth
  • Heart Chakra – Color is Green – Center of the Chest – Jade – Love, Wholeness, Compassion
  • Throat Chakra – Color is Blue – Center of Throat – Turquoise – Truth, Communication, Self-Expression
  • Third Eye Chakra – Color is Indigo – Between the Eyes– Amethyst– Intuition, Wisdom, Connection with Universal Energy
  • Crown Chakra – Color is Violet or White- Top of the Head – Clear Quartz – Enlightenment, Spiritual Fullness, Inner Beauty

How to unblock your chakras can be done with healing crystals. The recommended popular crystals corresponding to each blocked root chakra are the most popular easy to find healing stones. The color of the chakra is one source that is finding the proper healing stone for the right chakra.

How to Align Chakras

Remember that everyone’s chakra system is unique, so it’s important to listen to your body and intuition when working on chakra alignment. Experiment with different techniques and find what resonates best with you to achieve optimal chakra balance and alignment.

  1. Meditation: Engage in regular meditation practices that focus on chakra alignment. Visualize each chakra as a spinning wheel of energy, starting from the base of the spine and moving upwards, allowing the energy to flow freely and harmoniously through each chakra.

  2. Chakra Balancing Exercises: Perform specific exercises or yoga poses that target each chakra individually. For example, forward bends for the root chakra, heart-opening poses for the heart chakra, and neck stretches for the throat chakra. This helps to stimulate and balance the energy centers.

  3. Sound Healing: Utilize sound therapy to align the chakras. This can involve listening to specific chakra-attuned music, playing singing bowls tuned to the frequencies of each chakra, or chanting mantras associated with each energy center. The vibrations and frequencies help restore balance and alignment.

  4. Energy Healing Modalities: Seek out energy healing modalities such as Reiki, acupuncture, or crystal healing, which focus on restoring balance and harmonizing the chakras. These practices can help identify and clear blockages, allowing the energy to flow smoothly through all the chakras.

  5. Chakra-Aware Lifestyle: Adopt a holistic lifestyle that supports chakra alignment. This includes practicing self-care, eating nourishing foods, engaging in regular exercise, connecting with nature, and maintaining healthy relationships. By incorporating activities that nourish the mind, body, and spirit, you support the overall alignment of your chakra system.

To begin the process of aligning the chakras, place the corresponding stone on the particular chakra. There is more than one healing crystal for each of the root chakras. For instance, if you have an overactive throat chakra or a blocked solar plexus chakra that is wreaking havoc on your physical body, you need to find which crystals can help unblock blocked chakras and create healing energy.

How to align chakras, how to unblock chakras

How to Unblock Chakras

Knowing, feeling, sensing, and interacting with the Seven Root Chakras requires a small amount of daily dedication to practice. Learning how to unblock and align the inner chakras, the energy life forces does not involve quitting a job, moving to the holy land, doing yoga poses, or committing to a vow of poverty.

Understanding the relationship between the 7 Chakras and the wholeness of the mind, body, spirit, and universal energy source requires little daily time. The key to knowing when chakra blockages are causing physical ailments, emotional turmoil, spiritual emptiness, and a short circuit with the universal guiding energy are effortless to learn.

Meditation and Yoga are two other formidable ways used to learn how to unblock chakras. A meditation mantra and a yoga position for each of the 7 Chakras include:

  • Root – Mantra- “A Steady Foundation I will Find” – Yoga Position – Warrior 1
  • Sacral – Mantra – “I honor Others, I honor myself” – Yoga Position – Bound Angle Pose
  • Solar Plexus – Mantra – “I accept All Parts of Myself, this is Self-Love – Yoga Position – Boat Pose
  • Heart – Mantra – “Loving Others is Easy when I Love Myself” – Yoga Position – Camel Pose
  • Throat – Mantra – “I will Always Strive for Truth” – Yoga Position – Fish Pose
  • Third Eye – Mantra – “I Explore What I can Not See” – Yoga Position – Child’s Pose
  • Crown – Mantra – “I seek Love, Light, Life – Yoga Position – Headstand

These are examples of meditation mantras and yoga poses to be used to unblock chakras. The choice is an induvial one, many others can be found to correspond to each of the 7 Chakras.


Aligning and unblocking the chakras helps to restore the free flow of energy, ensuring that each chakra functions optimally. This can lead to physical vitality, emotional stability, mental clarity, and spiritual expansion. By clearing any blockages or imbalances within the chakras, we create a harmonious energetic system that supports our overall well-being.

Moreover, aligning and unblocking the chakras allows us to tap into our true potential and unlock our innate abilities. It enhances our self-awareness, intuition, and personal growth. Through this process, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, our emotions, and our desires, empowering us to live authentically and with purpose.

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