Third Eye Chakra Stones & Ajna Crystals

Third Eye Chakra Stones & Ajna Crystals

Third Eye Chakra Stones & Ajna Crystals

If you are bombarded with doubts, negativity, and temptations, your third eye chakra must be blocked or imbalanced. Since everything begins with a thought, you must filter out negativities and focus on the positives. 

Our team spent 24 hours researching third eye chakra crystals and how they can help your sixth energy center. 

In This Article

Understanding The Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra, also known as brow chakra, is the sixth chakra located in the middle of your head and in between your eyebrows. The sixth sense is believed to be related to concentration, clarity, imagination, and spiritual awareness. Third eye chakra releases and receives innovation, ideas, and even mental stress. 

The third eye chakra has a Sanskrit name Ajna, meaning to perceive or command, and when it is activated, you will have full access to your internal guidance system. It helps perceive inner vision beyond the physical world and illuminate your past, expectations, and judgments.

20 Pineal Gland Healing Crystals

  1. Labradorite

Labradorite is a Stone of Magic that can connect you to the ethereal world and help awaken your psychic powers. It can enhance intuitive understanding and create a protective shield in the spiritual path. Labradorite is a third-eye chakra stone that can calm your mind and give balance to your chakras. 

In addition, it graces better discernment and understanding of spiritual development and issues in life. It gives you wisdom, better understanding, and inner power that will help you conquer life’s difficulties. 

  1. Sodalite

Sodalite is one of the third eye chakra crystals that promotes emotional balance and peace of mind. It helps dissolve anxiety, drive away negative energies, and calm your mind. Sodalite brings clarity, intuition, and balance between your feelings and thoughts.

Moreover, Sodalite connects us to our higher self and helps us gain self-acceptance, self-esteem, and acceptance. It has a higher vibrational energy that keeps you connected to the inner voice of truth and the sense of logic. 

  1. Amethyst

Amethyst is a Stone of Spirituality that optimizes the third eye chakra and brings spiritual development. The third eye chakra stone can awaken the soul and enhance intuition and psychic abilities. It can be helpful in meditation because it brings calm energy that can help deepen the state of consciousness. 

Amethyst can be used to recall dreams and nightmares. It raises vibrations and integrates spiritual insight for a clear mind. In addition, Amethyst promotes healthy hormones and spiritual guidance in the spirit world.

  1. Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a third-eye chakra stone that brings spiritual awareness and deep peace. It can be used to open vision and intuition that can be helpful for the future. Moreso, Lapis Lazuli is a stone that can relieve mental disorders and stress and brings spiritual awakening and third eye awakening. 

On the other hand, Lapis Lazuli is a protective stone that can help you contact spiritual guides and open your third eye. It can recognize psychic blocks and be a powerful cleanser of negative energies. 

  1. Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is a solid grounding stone for your third eye chakra. It has a powerful energy that can be helpful to unblock the third eye chakra and bring back its balance. In addition, Black Tourmaline brings mental clarity, focus, and balance to your mind.

When you want to feel safe and secured, Black Tourmaline can be your go-to third eye chakra stone. It gives you a balanced third eye chakra and provides deeper wisdom and thinking. 

  1. Kyanite

Kyanite is one of the incredible third eye chakra stones to strengthen psychic abilities and telepathy. It creates a link for receiving and releasing healing energies that can benefit both the physical and spiritual bodies. More so, it easily helps you transition from a meditative state when doing meditation or yoga. 

Kyanite gives intuitive support and encourages self-discovery. It opens your mind, boosts memory, and helps you do logical thinking. In addition, Kyanite is a loving stone that helps shift moods and brings a more connected emotional overdrive. 

  1. Citrine

Citrine is a sunny and bright third-eye chakra stone that brings golden vibes and glory. It brings healing and impact to the third eye chakra and other lower chakras and energy points. In addition, Citrine helps maintain a good connection with everything. 

Citrine stirs up creativity, passion, and self-confidence. It attracts wisdom and a deeper sense of the higher self that can be helpful to the third eye, solar plexus, and sacral chakra. 

Third Eye Chakra Stones & Ajna Crystals

  1. Lepidolite

Lepidolite is one of the awesome third eye chakra stones to reduce stress and anxiety. When placed on the forehead, it helps an individual focus on the calmness of the stone and the healing energy it releases. 

In addition, Lepidolite is a purple crystal that can attract positivity and keep you from negativities. It can encourage you to live in the moment and provides guidance for higher consciousness. Lepidolite assists in perceiving hardships and reveals someone’s true nature. 

  1. Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is considered a master healer that can clear energy points and chakras blockages. It brings mental clarity and ensures the good energy flow of the subtle energies in the body. In addition, it is considered a bearer of knowledge, light, and psychic intuition.

Clear Quartz contains powerful positive vibrations ideal for deep soul cleaning. It can enhance patience and bring prosperity to the wearer. Moreso, Clear Quartz brings healing to the physical, mental and spiritual body. 

  1. Purple Fluorite

Purple Fluorite is a protection stone that can be used in the spiritual realm and can be an ideal dream crystal that can drive away bad dreams and evil spirits. It can radiate incredible energy to relieve stress, physical blockages, and spiritual discomfort. 

In addition to this, Purple Fluorite is a stone that brings mental excellence. It can sharpen tools in your box and lead a life full of precision and purpose. Indigo Fluorite can lose creative blocks and grant you confidence. 

  1. Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian is one of the third eye chakra stones that provide the grounding energy necessary for deep soul transformation and healing. It can be used in karmic healing because it releases energetic powers for the energy center and works well when taking a glimpse of the past life. Black Obsidian can expand consciousness and bring mental clarity. 

In addition to this, Black Obsidian is a mirror stone that brings motivation and sheds light. It promotes spiritual growth, clarity of mind, and emotional healing. Moreover, it helps in communicating with spirit guides.

  1. Purple Sapphire

Purple Sapphire is a prosperity stone that attracts abundance and good luck. It encourages you to open your mind and gain the wisdom you will need in your future endeavors. It can awaken consciousness and effectively enhance your intuition. Purple Sapphire will help you avoid crises and invite positivity. 

When you are stressed out and feel like you are filled with negative energy, you can use the Purple Sapphire to soften negative vibes. It helps balance emotions and soul and invites happiness. 

  1. Azurite

Azurite is one of the third eye chakra stones that bring psychic awareness and can help develop deep meditation skills and spiritual abilities. The powerful stone can enhance the third eye chakra’s intuition and bring guidance in psychic experiences.

In addition to this, Azurite is an emotional cleanser that can clear away unwanted emotions. It has a radiant energy flow that can be a source of wisdom and knowledge. Azurite can be used when in meditation because it invites calming energy. 

  1. Iolite

Iolite is an intricate gem with deep connections with the third eye chakra, throat chakra, and crown chakra. It brings grounding and balance that can prevent you from breaking down, especially when a spur of the moment. In addition to this, Iolite helps you access deeper knowledge useful to individuals. 

On the other hand, Iolite is one of the stones for the third eye chakra that can stir up vision and encourage a cosmic journey. It is the stone of muses and contains feminine energy that can be useful in glorious exploration. 

Third Eye Chakra Stones

  1. Moonstone

Moonstone is one of the third eye chakra stones that can clear out blockages of the third eye chakra and heart chakra. It radiates rare energy that connects different focal energy points and brings balance to it. Moreover, it is a luminescent gem that brings new beginnings and wise women vibes. 

Moonstone encourages you to wander the paths of truth and harmony. It has inviting energy that produces harmony and peace. Moreso, Moonstone reminds us to walk through a light and lead us to the truth. 

  1. Turquoise

Turquoise is a stone of abundance and good luck, a true treat for third eye chakras. It is a traveler’s talisman that protects different journeys. In addition to this, Turquoise is a stone that values truth, wisdom, and heavenly communication.

The opaque mineral has been treasured as a gemstone since Ancient Times. Turquoise encourages your inner compassion to stay soft, flexible, and wise. Moreso, Turquoise has a calming energy that washes away the anxiety and unwanted emotions. 

  1. Celestite

Celestite is one of the third eye chakra stones that bring mental clarity and higher purpose. It is a mineral made from strontium sulfate and is mostly seen in sedimentary rocks. Celestine comes in different shades of colors, and like other chakra stones, it brings healing to physical, mental, and emotional issues. 

Celestite is one of the chakra stones that can be used in meditation, mindful practices, and prayer. It provides wisdom and understanding and improves visualization and imagination. Celestine encourages an open mind to see the big picture and improve intuition. 

  1. Arfvedsonite

Arfvedsonite is a bluish-black to black stone under mineral sodium amphiboles. It is a rare mineral widely sought by healers and collectors because it is a powerful tool in expanding consciousness and psychic gifts. 

Arfvedsonite is a primary gemstone for the third eye and throat chakra. It is believed to relieve nightmares and help substitute fear in sleep. It helps restore child-like optimism and relieves adulting pressure that creates fear of the future and life. 

Ajna Crystals

  1. Hypersthene

Hypersthene is a magical stone that resonates well with the third eye chakra. It has a strong gift of prophecy and helps develop the psychic abilities of an individual. Hypersthene contains abundant metaphysical powers that can be beneficial to the wearer. 

In addition to this, Hypersthene is a healing crystal that brings healing to be spiritual and physical symptoms. It helps you activate your third eye chakra and develop psychic abilities because of its high vibration. 

  1. Scolecite 

Scolecite is an inner peace stone that can be a perfect remedy for someone who had a long day or is stressed out. It can activate your third eye and crown chakra and is commonly used as a meditation tool. 

In addition, Scolecite strengthens memory and initiates self-healing of the auric field. It can pull out negativity without absorbing it, and its high vibration can unlock your chakras. When you have a blocked third eye chakra, your mind will be filled with negativity, so that this crystal can be of good help. 

How To Use These Crystals

  • Meditate with third eye chakra stones.
  • Place the crystals on the location of the third eye (forehead, between your eyebrows)
  • Put the third eye chakra stones in different places inside your home. 
  • Wear it as crystal jewelry or accessory.
  • Infuse third eye chakra stones in the water you will use when bathing or place them around your tub. 
  • Hold the stones or place them inside your pocket.
  • Drink water-infused elixir with third eye chakra stones. 
  • Decorate your bedroom with stones or place them on your bedside or working tables. 

Other Third Eye Chakra Practices

  • Do self-discovery work. 
  • Practice yoga practices such as lotus, downward-facing dog, eagle pose, plow, and child pose. 
  • Use essential oils like almond blossom, frankincense, basil, and lavender. 
  • Eat purple foods like eggplant, blueberries, purple kale, purple potatoes, and red onions. 
  • Eat dark chocolate to enhance mental clarity. 
  • Eat omega-three foods such as salmon, chia seeds, walnuts, and flax seeds. 
  • Recite chants and affirmations about your life purpose.
  • Wear purple clothes
  • Meditate and pray. 


What element is the third eye chakra?

The element of the third eye chakra is light. If your third eye is closed or blind, the third eye chakra has deep vision because the light is directed inside. It governs and connects the unconscious and conscious mind.

How do you know your 3rd eye is open?

When your third eye is open, your mind will be calm and have rational thoughts. It would be easier for you to do self-reflection and adjust your actions. More so, you will take full responsibility, and it would be easier for you to manifest what you desire.

What color is the third eye chakra?

Purple is the color of the third eye chakra. Purple is a magical and mystical color that represents wisdom. It opens the door to the Divine and brings clarity to the physical senses. 


Third eye chakra imbalance can affect the quality of life. However, when it is clear and balanced, we feel confident, empowered, peaceful, and positive. Fortunately, third eye chakra gems work well in balancing and clearing the overactive third-eye chakra. 

The third eye stone will help improve psychic abilities and strengthen our clairvoyance. A healthy third eye chakra ensures evolution and mental progress. It filters out negativity and helps you focus on positive goals. 

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