12 Nov The Different Chakra Stones and Their Meanings
Chakra crystals are used to aid, heal, protect, and enhance the energy sources within the body. Those that use chakra stones are of the belief that certain crystals have a strong influence on particular energy sources and the chakra system. Although practitioners in the crystal healing field assert that there are more than one hundred chakras throughout the body, there are only 7 root chakras that run up the spine.
In using root chakra stones, they are placed on the spine on or near one of the 7 chakras. Generally, root chakras refer to the seven main chakras, however, there is a particular one that bears the name Root Chakra.
The 7 chakras include Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra. For each of these seven primary chakras, there are root chakra stones that aid in the opening, clearing, and clearing of the energy path for a healthy mind, body, and spirit.
In This Article
What are the Different Chakra Stones?
Each of the seven essential chakras corresponds to a color. Knowing the colors of the Chakra makes it easy to remember particular chakra crystals that correspond to each. It is not a hard and fast rule, meaning that other chakra stones of various colors are also beneficial to opening, awakening, healing, and protecting essential chakras.
Chakra Healing Crystals recommended for each of the seven primary chakras include:
1. Root Chakra – Color is Red – Red Coral- Black Tourmaline – Hematite – Tiger’s Eye – Fire Agate – Bloodstone – Red Coral protects from depression while stimulating the energy center to pursue new visions.
Agate is a grounding stone. Its benefits are known as a root chakra healing stone. It is noted to smooth out emotions keeping a steady, stable outlook, not allow energy to be overburdened. It is widely recommended for empaths. Black Tourmaline is a purifier, it offers an especially significant benefit to the root chakra.
2. Sacral Chakra – Color is Orange – Orange Carnelian – Citrine – Moonstone – Coral – One of the most vibrantly colored chakra crystals, Orange Carnelian, bestows the benefits associated with balancing energy. Stimulates oxygen intake which aids in fitness pursuits for health and well-being. Moonstone is a root chakra stone known for its ability to aid in balancing intuition.
3. Solar Plexus – Color is Yellow – Amber – Calcite – Topaz – Malachite – Citrine – Venerated as one of the powerfully Solar Plexus Chakra Stones, Amber is a stimulator for the mind while shielding emotions from letdowns, negative energy, and depression.
Amber is hailed as having the power to aid in combining wisdom with power. Malachite is another of the most dynamically colored chakra crystals. A protector stone, it absorbs and deflects negativity vibes, and blocks depressive emotions. It draws in energy for the overall well-being of the mental and physical body.
4. Heart Chakra – Color is Green – Green Agate– Rose Quartz – Green Tourmaline – Jade – Green Calcite- The richly colored chakra stone, Green Agate, is suspected of improving decision-making while relaxing emotions to be able to judge with compassion. Its energy source is beneficial to the heart chakra as an influencer of judicious generosity.
Rose Quartz is hailed by crystal users and spiritualists as one of the most dynamically strengthening root chakra stones, as such it is especially significant to the heart to provide it with healing energy and protection.
5. Throat Chakra – Color is Blue – Blue Lace Agate– Aquamarine – Turquoise – Lapis Lazuli – As one of the rare pastel-colored chakra healing stones, Blue Lace Agate, is loaded with the strength of energy which influences emotional health, as well as physical healing.
Another of the extremely important chakra crystals for the Throat energy source is Aquamarine, it reflects the calming feeling of the seas. At one time believed to be a gift of the mermaids, it is associated with trust and belief.
6. Third Eye Chakra – Color is Indigo – Sodalite – Black Obsidian- Amethyst- Purple Fluorite – One of the unusually colored of the root chakra stones, Sodalite is associated with mental stability, calm decisions, and focusing energy on rational thoughts. It aids the users in focusing the universal energy of the Third Eye Chakra with the discovery of truth through a combination of balanced thoughts and emotions.
This is among one of the most overlooked chakra crystals by beginners and novices. Clearly popular based on its color, the Black Obsidian chakra crystal is a powerful psychic healer and protector.
7. Crown Chakra – Color is Violet or White – Clear Quartz – Selenite – Amethyst – Diamond – Often ignored for its energy chakra uses, the Diamond is one of the root chakra stones. Beyond its meaning in love and faithfulness in the traditional sense, it offers the energy sources of the body its power of durability, toughness, personal power, and clarity in thought and emotion.
As one of the powerful chakra crystals associated with the Crown Chakra, it is seen as a spiritual door opener, an energized truth detector, and among the determined healing chakra stones.
What are the Different Chakra Stones?
Opening, awakening, and aligning the seven essential chakras are seen as vital necessities in sustaining a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Crystal practitioners who understand the significance of chakras also believe that the powers of crystals from beneath the surface of the earth, bestow universal energy that can protect, heal, and open the seven essential chakras.