09 May Red Jasper – Meaning, Uses, Healing Properties
Have you ever seen a crystal that’s a gorgeous, rusty red color with streaks of black or other shades running through it? Chances are, this was a red jasper.
Red jasper is a valuable stone to have in your collection. The gem boasts a long and fascinating history across various cultures and traditions and is known for having many essential healing and energizing properties.
If you’d like to know more about red jasper, read on. This article will detail everything you need to know about this powerful red stone, from its scientific classification to its spiritual significance and therapeutic uses.
What is Red Jasper?
Red jasper is a mass of mineral crystals comprised of quartz and/or silica and possibly other types of minerals. Jasper is opaque and occurs in various colors, including brown, red, yellow, green, and blue, with blue being the rarest color. Red and red-toned jasper is the most commonly occurring color due to the large deposits of iron found in the stone.
Red Jasper in History
Red jasper has been used for centuries, in both spiritual and everyday traditions.
Thanks to its marbled look and diversity in color, jasper is a beautiful decorative crystal. It has been popular as a material for making pottery, carvings, jewelry, seals, amulets, and other types of art.
Jasper was a popular gem in ancient times. Evidence of jasper has been found among Hebrew, Arab, Persian, Greek, and Roman civilizations via archeological digs and ancient manuscripts.
The ancient Egyptians respected red jasper as a symbol of Isis, one of their primary goddesses. They saw the deep red color of the stone as a sign of Isis’ blood that flowed through all of her creation.
The Old Testament story of the temple building is well known in the Judeo-Christian world. In the story, the High Priest Aaron was fitted with a breastplate adorned with various crystals and precious stones, one of which is believed to be red jasper.
Red Jasper can be found in Brazil and Venezuela and parts of the central and Western United States. Some native American tribes believed that the stone helped strengthen a person’s connection to the earth. Like the Egyptians, these tribes saw the stone as the blood of mother earth and would use it in rituals they hoped would usher in the rain or reveal water sources.
Red Jasper Today
These days, it’s easy to shop online for just about any crystal or precious stone, including red jasper stones. A quick search shows that the stone is available in various quantities on Amazon and eBay and from smaller stores that specialize in gems.
Online or In-Person?
Some gem enthusiasts prefer not to buy their stones online. There can be a few reasons for this. The first is that they can’t always trust the genuineness and quality of a rock they order online.
The second reason is that they don’t know the source of the crystals and believe that the energy of the gems could have been compromised in the sales process. If you choose to obtain your red jasper online, be sure to use a shop with good reviews and feedback.
You can try a local metaphysical shop if you prefer to get your red jasper crystal from a more intimate source than an online store. Get to know the businesses that sell crystals in your city or town and support them by purchasing locally.
You can also try New Age or Pagan expos and fairs. There are sure to be several vendors selling crystals at these events; you can visit each one and decide where you feel most comfortable buying your stones.
Red Jasper in Nature
Are you the adventurous type? If you happen to be near a place where the stone naturally occurs, you might be able to find them in your backyard. You might enjoy skipping the store entirely and hunting for your red jasper stones in nature. Rivers, forests, and creeks are great places to practice some rockhounding.
There’s something extraordinary about discovering a gemstone on your own. It can help you feel more connected with nature and like the stone was meant to find its way directly to you. Regardless of the outcome of your search, the practice itself can be a peaceful, meditative experience.
Identifying a Red Jasper Crystal
Whether you buy your red jasper stone or find it in nature, it helps to know what you are looking for. There are plenty of red-colored rocks on earth, and it isn’t always easy telling one from another.
If you’re looking for a red jasper stone, look for these physical features:
- Red or reddish-brown color. Red jasper can sometimes be a very bright solid red, but more frequently, it tends to lean more toward a red-brown.
- Opacity. Red jasper is not a translucent stone. It is opaque and doesn’t allow light to come through it. One way to test if a stone is a red jasper is to hold it up to the light – whether the sun, a lamp, or your phone light – and see if any light shines through. If so, it isn’t red jasper.
- Scratch resistance. Try to scratch your red crystal and see what happens. Did it come out unscathed? That sounds like red jasper! If you’re a gem lover, you might be aware of the Mohs Scale. The Mohs Scale is a measurement of the hardness of rocks and minerals. For example, on the Mohs Scale, talc ranks as a one, and diamonds are set at the top at 10. Red jasper comes in at about a seven on this scale, meaning it is one of the harder gems.
- Color variations. Red jasper is usually not one solid color; it features bands and “veins” of different colors throughout.
Sometimes, you’ll need a magnifier to see the various streaks and bands of black and other colors. You can often see the grains in the gem, too, because it is formed from many tiny quartz crystals blending into a pattern
Caring For Your Red Jasper Stones
Toughness and resilience are among red jasper’s properties. It doesn’t get scratched or break easily, and the color doesn’t fade under everyday conditions. You can store your red jasper in a gem box or have it displayed in a case or on a plate.
Many people believe that crystals serve you better when you keep them with you, whether you wear them or display them in a place where you spend a lot of time.
If you plan on storing your red jasper in a gem box, they can be kept alone or with other crystals. Gemstone lovers often recommend that crystals with similar energies – usually corresponding to their color – be stored together, but ultimately it’s up to you.
Collecting red jasper stones in their basic form may not be your style. If not, you can add red jasper to your life in other ways. Jewelry is one of the most ways to decorate with this stone. Earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and rings are lovely ways to showcase your red jasper crystals.
You can also bring red jasper into your home with decorative vases, carvings, and other pieces that feature the stone somehow.
Red Jasper: Spirituality and Healing
We’ve already discussed red jasper’s physical characteristics, history, and where to find it. Now we’ll talk a bit about why you might want to use this celebrated ancient stone.
Red Jasper Meaning
Red jasper is often associated with the essence of life. Its red color is reminiscent of blood, so it is related to the force that keeps us alive, gives us energy, and animates us. It’s seen as a powerful symbol of steadfastness in the face of difficulty, restoring the fighting spirit to get people through hard times.
It has also traditionally been viewed as a symbol of protection from harm, including from the harmful tendencies and habits we contend with inside our heads. It represents the ability to control anger, rage, anxiety, and hopelessness.
Seeing red jasper in a dream can mean you’re being granted strength to deal with your internal or external challenges and that you can have hope in your inner ability to find equilibrium. It can also be a sign of life, fertility, and feminine energy, as it is often associated with creation goddesses.
Red Jasper and Zodiac Signs
Each of the twelve zodiac signs has a set of stones corresponding to their energy. Some gem collectors may feel more drawn to stones assigned to their zodiac than they do to other stones.
Red jasper is associated with the sign Aries. Red jasper’s vibe is dynamic, energetic, and geared toward manifestation. This lines up with Aries, who tends to have similar tendencies, and the drive to make things happen.
You don’t have to be born under the sign of Aries to enjoy the energy of red jasper. Milder, more sedate zodiac signs may benefit from this stone’s strength, determination, and endurance.
Red Jasper Chakras and Healing
When you hear people speaking about using crystals like red jasper stone for healing, you may hear them refer to “chakras.” While the idea of chakras has become somewhat mainstream in the last couple of decades, many people still aren’t sure exactly what they are or how they are believed to work.
Chakras are energy points in your body. Each chakra is in a specific location that ties into vital muscles and nerves. The seven chakras are:
- Crown Chakra
- Third Eye Chakra
- Throat Chakra
- Heart Chakra
- Solar Plexus Chakra
- Sacral Chakra
- Root Chakra
You can learn more about chakras here.
Energy healers teach that these points need to remain balanced to help maintain health and wellbeing. When they’re out of balance, it can lead to mental and physical discomforts and complaints.
Balancing Chakras With Red Jasper
Yoga is one of the primary ways to keep your chakras balanced. Moving through the positions of a yoga routine, you can release “stuck” energy and bring yourself to a state of greater peace and wellness.
Crystals also are believed to have a positive effect on your chakra alignment. There are seven chakras, and each one has crystals that correspond to them. If someone wants to help bring their chakras into balance, they can wear a crystal that matches the chakra that needs healing.
Red jasper stone is associated with the root chakra. The root chakra regulates passions and appetites and your sense of groundedness and security. If you are having issues with managing your sense of stability or are suffering from digestive problems or unwanted weight gain, red jasper could be an excellent stone to have around.
Red jasper’s healing properties can also extend to mental and physical endurance. Whether you’re competing in a marathon or looking at a long-term work project that seems daunting, you can find comfort in red jasper’s strengthening and balancing energy.
Creativity is another benefit of red jasper. The stone is believed to release creative blocks and impart the vision to see a project through from start to finish. It is thought to bring good fortune to actors and other entertainers too.
How To Use Red Jasper Stones For Healing
Many energy healers who work with crystals believe that simply having your gems near you or on you can help you with your healing journey.
Some things to try:
- Holding your red jasper stone while focusing your intention on what you want or need.
- Wearing red jasper jewelry on days when you feel like you need the extra boost of strength and perseverance.
- Placing your red jasper on your body over the chakra that needs balancing. Usually, this is done during meditation. For example, you can place the stone on your lower belly or groin area for your root chakra.
- Placing your red jasper next to you while you sleep. While your mind is in a relaxed state and your body is restoring itself, you are more readily able to accept fresh ideas and new attitudes.
Using red jasper and other stones to balance energies can be a valuable method of achieving wellness when combined with other practices like mindfulness, healthy eating, exercise, and restful sleep.
Cleansing and Charging Your Red Jasper Stone
Cleaning your gems – as in removing dust and dirt – is easy. You don’t need harsh cleansers; just wipe them down with a soft cloth. But when you hear people talk about cleansing crystals, they usually mean in the metaphysical sense. Crystals are believed to hold and emit vibrations. They can pick up different energies during transport or while coming into contact with people in other ways.
Some gem enthusiasts feel that cleansing your crystals keeps their energy pure and maintains their power. They recommend cleaning your gemstones every month or so or whenever you feel like it needs to be done.
If you want to cleanse your red jasper, you can do so in several ways, including:
- Light. Place your stones in an area with natural light. Some prefer to leave it out overnight until mid-morning the following day. Using this schedule allows the stone to bathe in the light of both the moon and the sun.
- Water. Run water or saltwater over your red jasper for a few minutes.
- Earth. Use fresh earth or sad to absorb any negative energies that may be in your crystal. This method is particularly effective for red jasper because it’s a stone that is associated with the element of earth.
- Rice. Rice isn’t just for cell phones that have been dropped in water! You can also use it to cleanse your gems.
- Other crystals. Crystals such as amethyst work well to cleanse other crystals. It is believed that it’s best to use a “cleanser” stone larger than the one being cleansed.
Charging your stones means refreshing their energy. If you want to charge your red jasper stone, you can use :
- Light. Use the moon and sun method mentioned above.
- Sound. Peaceful sounds that are in harmony with the earth, work well for this. Try Tibetan singing bowls, chanting, or peaceful nature sounds.
- Carry your red jasper crystal. Interacting with your stone helps keep the energy connection alive. Take it with you for a nice walk or day at the park.
- Set them on your altar. If you have an altar, shrine, or meditation focus area, you can keep your crystals there for a few days. Put your intentions and energies into your crystal during that time.
Charging and cleansing crystals are very individual rituals. The methods you use and how often you use them are entirely up to you. Ultimately, it’s all about what feels right to you and gets you the results you’re looking for.
Red jasper is a beautiful and powerful crystal connected to many ancient traditions. Today, it is still used worldwide for both decoration and healing.
If you want to learn more about gemstones, how they work and where to get them, this is an excellent place to begin.
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