08 Feb Heart Chakra Stones & Anahata Crystals
The Heart Chakra, located at the center of the chest, is associated with love, compassion, forgiveness, and emotional well-being. When the Heart Chakra is blocked, imbalanced, or overactive, it can manifest as difficulties in forgiving others and holding onto grudges.
In this article, we will delve into different Heart Chakra stones and explore how they can aid in unblocking the chakra, restoring balance, and fostering forgiveness.
Understanding the Heart Chakra
The heart chakra, also known as Anahata in Sanskrit, means unstruck, unbeaten and unhurt. Anahata is the fourth focal point of energy, and it is located in the center of the chest and near the heart.
The heart chakra is responsible for showing and growing compassion, love, and empathy. It governs peace, gratitude, kindness, emotional control, and healthy boundaries.
The heart chakra’s main color is green, a calming color that encourages balance and harmony. However, aside from green crystals, some pink stones resonate well with the heart chakra, and today, we will walk you through that.
16 Healing Stones For Heart Chakra/ Anahata Crystals
Emerald is one of the green stones that resonate well with the heart chakra because it restores balance in a relationship. The heart chakra stone is often called the “Stone of Successful Love” because it releases healing energy for your heart chakra. It teaches individuals about higher love and helps see pure love as a gift you should give and receive.
In addition, Emerald reminds you that you are deeply loved and cared about. It will take you on a journey of deep understanding and assist you in self-discovery.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is one of the pink heart chakra crystals oozing with the energy of unconditional love. Rose Quartz is often called “Heart Stone” because it releases loving energy that nurtures your entire aura.
Moreso, Rose Quartz is a perfect stone that can purify your heart. It is one of the stones for the heart and brings healing to both the spiritual and physical body. The vibration energy that the Rose Quartz releases is gentle, calming, soothing, and nourishing.
Rhodonite is one of the pink crystals that can perfectly match your heart chakra because it helps in balancing your emotion and protecting oneself from jealousy and envy. It is a wonderful stone that promotes balance, healing, compassion, and joy.
Rhodonite can strengthen self-worth, self-confidence, and self-love for stronger and more loving relationships. The Stone of Love can clear the blockages of your heart chakra and is useful in combating insecurities, doubts, and anxieties.
Amazonite is one of the heart chakra stones known for instilling compassion and empathy. It helps you become aware of the situations and be strong enough when dealing with challenges in life.
In addition, Amazonite is an excellent energy filter because it is one of the higher vibration stones that can drive away negativities and other unwanted energies. It can clear the pathway between the throat chakra and heart chakra and makes it easier for us to say things and be truthful with our words.
Malachite is a color green crystal that has the ability to connect will and heart and give us the determination to work through difficulties and emotional blockages. It is one of the best stones to make us confident and strong to take charge.
Moreso, Malachite shields and protects us from negative energies that surround us. It can absorb negative energies for your aura and shatter it into pieces.
Green Calcite
There are times when we neglect the importance of the heart because we choose the mind over the heart, and it may cause imbalance. Fortunately, Green Calcite can assist in finding parts of our lives where we need to focus. It is one of many stones that resonate well with the heart chakra because it can sweep the pathway of stagnant emotions.
In addition, Green Calcite helps in draining bad energy and frustration that needs to leave the heart chakra.
Moss Agate
Moss Agate is one of the green heart chakra stones that have a deep connection with Mother Earth. It teaches us to appreciate small and simple things and oppose artificial desires. It is one of the specific stones that can help bring back to our roots and allow the inner child to shine through.
In addition, Moss Agate is a gentle whisperer that encourages harmony and peace. It works well in balancing mood and nurturing oneself.
Green Aventurine
Green Aventurine is one of the heart chakra stones attracting abundance, luck, and prosperity. It helps you conquer challenges with calmness and manifest your desires. In addition, Green Aventurine can get you out of your comfort zone and help you in difficult times.
Green Aventurine is a gentle gem that can heal your fourth chakra, root chakra, and third eye chakra. The heart chakra stone encourages spring energy and ensures that your heart is receiving nurturing and balanced energy.
Rhodochrosite is a high-energy pink heart chakra stone that radiates abundance, love, and healing. It has a calming energy that can help your emotional body and keep you in a serene state. Rhodochrosite works well with trauma, pain, anguish, and distress that can clog in your heart chakra.
In addition, Rhodochrosite creates a beautiful bond with the heart chakra to clear out the negativities in life. It can track down blockages and can be a bridge to your energy channel.
Kunzite is one of the heart chakra healing crystals that release loving energy to help you clear out your energy center. It can tap the infinite wisdom of your third eye chakra and bring calming energy useful in stressful situations.
The sweet pink stone Kunzite is known for its energy that releases love and devotion. It dubs tranquility, inner peace, and love that can be useful in stressful situations.
Green Tourmaline
Green Tourmaline is one of the heart chakra crystals that gives direct access to the emotional body of an individual. It helps us understand our emotions and allows us to go straight to the root cause to bring healing.
Green Tourmaline is an earthy gem that connects your heart with the world and the Divine. It can raise compassion and help improve physical strength. In addition, Green Tourmaline can clear the energy center of your body and can be a great tool that brings success.
Green Jade
Green Jade is one of the powerful heart chakra stones that brings healing energy. When its energy is released, it infuses nurturing and loving vibes that bring healing to the spiritual, physical, and emotional body. Green Jade can unload burdens, transmutes negative energy, and releases positive energy.
Green Jade is a talisman stone that helps you tap into abundance. In addition, Green Jade is a self-made success stone that you can use to have a bright living.
Chrysoprase is an Australian Jade that resonates well with your heart chakra. It is one of the heart chakra stones that contains energy that can be useful for our emotional and physical bodies. It provides inner strength and love that will help you get rid of the negative energy in your body.
In addition, Chrysoprase has the ability to refresh your aura and heart space. Chrysoprase encourages you to be more independent and self-forgiving.
Prehnite is a golden stone that strikes a cord of your heart chakra and resonates well with the Solar Plexus chakra. The luminous gem has high levels of healing and unconditional love. It can keep you open, free and soft from burnout, which is important to avoid blockages on your heart chakra.
Prehnite has strong spiritual vibrations that can be a great tool to keep your heart connected and grounded.
Green Moldavite
Green Moldavite is a Star Born Stone that contains swirling cosmic energy and a vibrant mood that will help you turn in a new perspective. It can awaken your chakras and pour love and light into your Anahata. In addition, Green Moldavite can remove old patterns and guide you in your dreams and vision.
Peridot is one of the pale green chakra stones that attract positive blessings and radiate sunny energy. It helps us let go of our ego and keep emotional balance. If you want to get rid of your anger, resentment, and jealousy, the soothing energy of Peridot can help you with strong emotions.
How To Use Heart Chakra Stones
- Use the chakra stones as jewelry or accessories because when the healing crystals are directly in skin contact, your body can easily absorb the stones’ release.
- Use the chakra stones as a healing stone because they release high vibrational energy that brings healing and calming energies.
- Place the stone at your home or office because it can drive away negativities and stagnant energy.
Complementary Therapies You Can Do
- You can practice chest and heart-opening yoga poses and meditations.
- Eat heart-warming soups and green foods.
- Inhale and breathe deeply because the chakra resonates strongly with the air element.
- Always say affirmations to attract positivity.
- Use essential oils like jasmine, lavender, and rose.
Where do you place crystals for the heart chakra?
You should place the crystals for the heart chakra over your heart center, in the middle of your chest area. Your heart space will absorb the healing power of the crystals.
What blocks the heart chakra?
Ailments, stress, conflict, and emotional pain can cause blockages to your heart chakra. It may affect your well-being, and it would be hard for your emotional wounds to heal.
A balanced and clear heart chakra is beautiful because it helps us improve our quality of life. An open heart can help you overcome serious difficulties, enhance compassion and self-esteem, self-love and bring good fortune.
Fortunately, heart chakra stones can assist in stabilizing your chakra and bring spiritual healing. It helps heal previous traumas and pave the way for high energy flow. In addition, it is responsible for attracting abundance and removing energetic blocks that help you live life to the fullest.
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