Healing Benefits of Crystals and Stones for Anxiety Panic Attacks

Healing Benefits of Crystals and Stones for Anxiety Panic Attacks

Healing Benefits of Crystals and Stones for Anxiety Panic Attacks

Discover the power of healing crystals in relieving stress and panic Attacks. Unlock a natural and holistic approach to finding inner peace and tranquility.

Anxiety and panic attacks are real health problems that should not be taken lightly. Mental health is something that you should work on improving like your overall physical health. Your mental health can deteriorate especially when something stressful happens or you are getting too burned out. Overwhelming situations can affect your mental health and if you don’t get the help that you need, it will take a turn for the worse.

Panic attacks can come up out of nowhere and are debilitating especially to someone who does not have them frequently. These attacks are usually caused by a traumatic event or a stressful period and can happen at any given time, without any warnings.

Thankfully there are healing stones for anxiety and panic attacks that you can use especially if you prefer the naturopathic way instead of medicating to help with your anxiety. Crystal healing has long been used by generations and can aid in restoring and refocusing your energy or filling a need that you have. Powerful stones for anxiety and panic attacks can store positive energy that can be transmuted to you.

In This Article

8 Healing Crystals To Relieve Stress and Panic Attacks

Read along as we discuss what crystals help to relieve stress and panic attacks and how they can help improve your mental health.


Characterized by a bright and sunny hue, Citrine emanates positivity and light which is a great counter-balance for somebody prone to anxiety and panic attacks. This gemstone is considered one of the best crystals for anxiety and panic attacks because it promotes soothing and gentle energy, emotional well-being, and the power of positive thinking.

This special gemstone will help you have clarity in envisioning what you want and gives you the power of persisting through negative thoughts that bring about stress and memories of traumatic events that will eventually cause you anxiety.


This ancient healing stone is specifically known as the soothing gemstone and it’s not hard to see why, because it gives off pure calming energy and tranquility just like the clear quartz crystal. Amethyst is very effective against anxiety disorders and will help you curb panic attacks. Regarded as one of the best crystals for anxiety and panic attacks, the Amethyst gemstone will help soothe and calm you when you feel like a panic attack is imminent.

Healing Benefits of Crystals and Stones for Anxiety Panic Attacks, Crystal Panic Attacks

Black Tourmaline

This gemstone is known as the grounding crystal and is one of the best protection crystals that you can use. In terms of grounding, Black Tourmaline can help in making sure that all the negative energy is released in your thoughts, emotions, and intentions which can help minimize stress and anxiety.


Like the moon which is akin to the mystics, Moonstone is a gemstone that is widely used in journeying towards your inner spiritual self which can help you discover inner truths that you might not be aware of. This gemstone is truly special because it hones your intuition and makes you hyper-aware of whenever a panic attack will happen soon.

This gemstone is also known for honing your wisdom and patience which are both important factors when it comes to trying to get rid of panic attacks.

Rose Quartz

When you are thinking about what crystals help with anxiety and emotional balance, Rose Quartz might come to mind. Known as the love gemstone, Rose Quartz is helpful because it will help you open your heart and mind so that you can trust in love again.

Anxiety and panic attacks stem from traumatic situations and things that happened in the past that did not have a favorable outcome. With the help of Rose Quartz’s healing power, you will have a chance to open up your heart to trusting someone again and in turn, this will lessen the occurrence of anxiety attacks.

You will also feel more grounded with Rose Quartz because it will help you keep a firm grasp on reality and focus on things that are happening and within your control. This is important because anxiety and panic attacks feed on things that we cannot control so it is essential to have a determination between the things we can and can’t control.

Blue Lace Agate

One of the most apparent symptoms when it comes to having a panic attack is the inability to reach out and tell somebody that you need help. This is where Blue Lace Agate comes along because of its ties to the throat chakra. This gemstone will essentially help you communicate how you are feeling and vocalize the need for help making it one of the best healing crystals there is.

Mental health issues are a real problem and one of the signs of growth is to seek help. Seeking help is not a sign of weakness but rather, a push to become better because you know that you deserve better.

Blue Lace Agate is one of the crystals for anxiety and panic attacks because it strengthens the need to communicate how you are feeling. This is a super empowering feeling because being able to talk about how you are feeling is a step in the right direction and towards healing.

Mother of Pearl

Generally known as a stress-relieving stone, the Mother of Pearl provides a soothing calmness to your emotions that might be going haywire because of an anxiety disorder. Your emotions play an important part in anxiety because the more balanced your emotions are, the lesser you are likely to be anxious and suffer from panic attacks.


If you find yourself with racing thoughts all the time and the inability to concentrate, Flourite is the appropriate gemstone for you to use because it can greatly help to declutter your thoughts due to its healing powers. With the help of this gemstone, you will be able to focus on what is important which is helpful during a panic attack because it will help you focus on happy thoughts.


Now that you know about what crystals help with anxiety, you can focus on getting one or multiple crystals that can help you. Crystals are great tools that you can use to help with feelings of anxiety because it is all natural and has no harmful side effects, unlike medication.

It is important to choose a crystal that you connect with for optimal use and to get rid of anxiety and panic attacks for good.

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