01 Dec How to Heal a Blocked Throat Chakra
The Vishuddha or throat chakra is one of the seven primary or root chakras. Identified by Hindu holy scriptures dating back as far as 1500 BCE in various literature, the Root Chakras (solar plexus chakra, third eye chakra, sacral chakra, etc) are described as the energy center within the body. The chakras run up the spine beginning at the lower lumbar and up to the top of the head.
Each of the root chakras has been identified by yogi philosophers as being responsible for specific functions within the person. Body, mind, spirit, and intellect are all fed by the wheels of energy within the seven root chakras. The seven primary chakras should not be confused with a specific chakra whose translated name is the Root Chakra. The Root Chakra in the original language of the Hindu holy books, Sanskrit, is named Muladhara.
In the ancient holy language of the Hindu holy books, the throat chakra (fifth chakra) is referred to by its Sanskirt name, Vishuddha, which translates into English as “especially pure”. The Throat Chakra is located in the 5th position at the base of the throat, more precisely at the center of the Larynx.
In This Article
A Balanced Throat Chakra
The location of the Throat Chakra hints at the responsibilities for its energies to the person. The Throat Chakra is responsible for the ability to speak the truth, internally as a personal truth, as well as to communicate with others. Along with the focus on truth, it harbors the energies associated with social interactions, integrity, and honor.
When there is a throat chakra blockage, sometimes also referred to as unbalanced its negative effect on the person can include:
- Fear of discovering inner truth
- The inability to effectively communicate to others one on one and or too large gatherings
- It may cause a person to be argumentative, unable to calmly discuss subjects based on facts causing them to resort to emotional outbursts.
A blocked chakra can manifest its need for healing physically. In fact, most physical ailments are identified by the yogis and spiritual practitioners as having their roots in a blocked chakra. Physical Signs that there is a need for a Throat Chakra energy healing may be reflected in symptoms that manifest as:
- Thyroid Problems
- Gum Disease – Mouth Ulcers – TMJ
- Raspy, low, or gravelly voice
- Chronic sore throats
Healing stones are an effective way to begin the practices necessary to bring a healthy throat chakra into alignment. An aligned chakra with free-flowing energy benefits every aspect of the person, physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual along with a connection as One with the universe.
Throat Chakra Healing Stones
The Throat Chakra is associated with the color blue. Knowing the colors associated with each chakra is important when choosing healing crystals. The Throat Chakra healing stones will have a bluish hue to correspond with its associated color.
The concept of healthy, properly functioning chakras is that there is a free flow of energy. When the Throat Chakra or any chakra is blocked or out of line it will impact the person with negative energy. The energies of the chakras should be free to flow through and into each other to complete the spiritual connection of the person with the higher powers of the universe.
As with all the chakras, the Throat Chakra affects the person with very specific positive energy. When it is out of line or blocked it is said that that chakra needs healing or alignment. Practices for Throat Chakra healing include the energy power of crystals, the practices of meditation and yoga as well as mantras and affirmations.
Among the many available Throat Chakra healing stones are:
Blue Lace Agate
This stone mined in Morocco, Brazil, India, the Czech Republic, and the USA exhibits a light blue hue interspersed with a veil of lace. It emits soft angelic energy said to be a direct connection to the universal power. Should be carried in the pocket when performing public speaking or during important meetings. It has been nicknamed by some as “The Stone of Articulation”.
Another soft blue and white stone with a smooth, polished look, Angelite is found in Egypt, Peru, Mexico, Germany, and Poland. Said to balance the Thyroid gland, as well as communication and self expression skills that include the powers of clairvoyance. Among the Throat Chakra healing stones favored by spiritualists, healers, and practicing yogis. It has been nicknamed the “Stone of Awareness”.
There is a wide selection of Throat Chakra stones readily available from around the world with a blue hue. There are a number of stones related to Throat Chakra healing, each is easily researchable and equally easy to use. They can be carried throughout the day, used in mindful breathing, placed on the Larynx when reclining in quiet, or set in jewelry to be worn. Certainly not the only way to balance the Throat Chakra but healing stones are a basic way to start.
In conclusion, healing a blocked throat chakra is essential for restoring clear communication and authentic self-expression. By employing techniques such as chanting, singing, and engaging in creative activities, individuals can stimulate and open the throat chakra, allowing for the free flow of energy and empowering their voice. Incorporating blue gemstones like blue lace agate into daily practices can also aid in unblocking the throat chakra, promoting effective communication and fostering a sense of inner truth and confidence.
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