29 Nov A Complete Guide to Your Sacral Chakra
The Sacral Chakra is in the second position of the seven root chakras running from the lower spine to the head. It is located just below the navel. This wheel of energy, the Sacral Chakra at the lumbar spine is positioned at the center of the lower abdomen. It is associated with the color orange. This means when practicing unblocking or alignment using Sacral Chakra stones, those that display an orange hue should be selected. Sacral Chakra healing stones include Orange Calcite, Red Jasper, and Citrine among others.
As one of the seven primary energy centers or wheels, the Sacral Chakra is known as the source of sexual desires. It is not simply responsible for physical sex, the Sacral Chakra is also linked to emotional balance, creativity, and maybe a controlling influence on addictions.
A block in the flow of energy through the Sacral Chakra does not just hinder sexual pleasures, it can also be the cause of impulsiveness, a runaway libido, passionless desire, lack of satisfaction, and dry emotions. The Sacral Chakra with a direct influence on creativity, sexuality, emotions, and desires needs to be aligned for a fruitful, engaging, interaction with others.
Sacral Chakra affirmations are individualized positive thoughts to influence the emotional connection of Self in aligning a chakra. When the Sacral Chakra is blocked, it does not just mean that sexual desire will suffer. It could lead to sexual deviations, addictions, and the pursuit of sex for base physical pleasures further creating a blockage of the energy flows for passion, balanced emotions, creative drive, self-love as well as the ability to express and share the love with another.
Emotional and Physical Issues Caused by A Blocked Sacral Chakra
Each of the seven primary root chakras is responsible for the balance of multiple, physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual energy sources. It is tempting to pick out one particular known influence of a root chakra such as thee third eye chakra and solar plexus chakra and direct all focus to that trait. This leads to seeing the Sacral Chakra as the sexual energy center. It is more complex than that assumption. All the traits of the Sacral Chakra must be considered to enjoy a zestful, fulfilling, passionate, emotional enjoyment of sex and creativity.
Physical Symptoms of Blocked Sacral Chakra
When the Sacral Chakra is blocked it can and will affect the physical aspect of sexual appetite and pleasure as well as the muse of creativity. Physically, a balanced Sacral Chakra affects vitality, influencing the physical act of sex. The feelings of being always tired, sluggish, disinterested, lack of motivation are all directly related to the blockage of the Sacral Chakra.
In committed relationships where procreation is the goal, a blockage of the Sacral Chakra can compromise the desired outcome. If one or both of the partners have an underactive or overactive Sacral Chakra that is not in alignment it could result in not just poor performance and enjoyment but physical manifestations. This will make fertilization and conception difficult. Blocked Sacral Chakras are seen as responsible for impotence, menstrual problems, out-of-sync fertility times, as well as low sperm count in the physical body.
Emotional Symptoms of Blocked Sacral Chakra
The emotional expressions of an imbalanced Sacral Chakra are also said to be responsible for addictive behaviors both sexual and because of its effect on the creativity source. The unbalanced Sacral Chakra can cause misdirection of creative energy. Drugs alcohol, gambling as well as sexual compulsive behaviors are all signs of the Sacral Chakra creativity energy being out of line.
Emotions that are affected by a blockage in the Sacral Chakra will deeply affect the possibility of interpersonal relationships. This involves not just sexual partners, but all relationships, including, parental, work, school, and even interactions with acquaintances and strangers.
How to Align the Sacral Chakra
There are a number of methods used to align or unblock the Sacral Chakra such as sacral chakra essential oils, doing certain yoga poses, sacral healing, or even sacral chakra crystals. Many are simple to execute.
There are also sacral Chakra affirmations. An affirmation is a positive statement used to overcome self-doubt, internal conflict, or counteract negative thoughts. An out-of-line or blocked second chakra, one that is not allowing the natural free flow of energy, is caused by a negative influence.
Sacral Chakra affirmations can be used throughout the day to reinforce the positive and shut down the negative.
Examples of positive Sacral Chakra affirmations are:
- I enjoy the pleasures of life
- I embrace the creative
- I will embrace my vibrant sexuality
- I love to create for my soul
- I am a sexually creative spirit
- I am a part of the universe
There are thousands of affirmations that can be personalized for Sacral Chakra healing. Also effective are the powers of Sacral Chakra healing stones. Yoga, Meditation, Mantras, Crystals, and Affirmations are all relevant processes and practices to align the Sacral Chakra symbol.
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