Blue Sandstone – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties

Blue Sandstone Meaning

Blue Sandstone – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties

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In This Article

What is Blue Sandstone?

Blue Sandstone is a gemstone that was created from quartz sand – hence the name. The sand is either infused with chromium, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, or copper particles to form the beautiful deep, dark blue-colored stone.

It contains speckles of light-colored quartz sand, giving it a beautiful shimmery effect that resembles the starry night sky. It’s sometimes called Blue Goldstone because of its sparkly appearance.

Is Blue Sandstone a Natural Stone?

Blue Sandstone is not a naturally occurring stone. It is very much manmade, and you won’t find it anywhere in nature. However, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t a “real” gem. All of its components are completely natural and come together to form a truly powerful healing stone – so think of it as a magical manmade concoction!

History of Blue Sandstone

The creation of Blue Sandstone is still not known for sure, but some experts believe that it can be traced back to the Miottis family of Venice; they were a family of glassmakers in the 17th century that supposedly invented the technique that resulted in Sandstone. There are also rumors that it was created by Italian monks, hence its nicknames monkstone and monk’s gold.

Meaning of Blue Sandstone

Blue Sandstone is also known by different nicknames around the world, including the wishing stone, the destiny stone, and the stone of ambition because it is primarily associated with good luck, success, and abundance. So, if you’re looking to manifest your deepest desires, keep reading!

blue sandstone healing properties

Blue Sandstone Healing Properties And Benefits

Now that we know a bit more about the crystal, let’s take a closer look at the healing properties and benefits of using Blue Sandstone.

Blue Sandstone & Chakra Healing

Blue Sandstone can be used to clear and balance all of the chakras, but it is especially resonant with the throat chakra, the heart chakra, and the crown chakra. The throat chakra, also called the Vishuddha, is the fifth chakra in the body, the heart chakra or Anahata is the fourth chakra, and the crown chakra, or the Sahasrara, is the seventh and final chakra, located on the top of the head.

Throat Chakra

This chakra is responsible for our sense of identity, truth, communication, and creative expression. Healing the throat allows us to confidently express ourselves clearly and honestly, and also supports the health of the physical throat and the surrounding areas, like the neck, vocal cords, and the thyroid.

Your throat chakra may need some healing if you feel like you don’t know who you are or if you have social anxiety, trouble speaking clearly or thinking creatively, or issues with your thyroid, throat, or mouth – especially after suffering from emotional trauma such as bullying or abuse.

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra governs our self-love and enables us to love others unconditionally. It is responsible for our sense of compassion, kindness, forgiveness, and the way we can heal and nurture others. It is also associated with our physical heart and respiratory system, as well as our chest, shoulders, arms, and hands.

Rebalancing and stimulating this chakra with Blue Sandstone will help you to love yourself and be open to loving and being loved by others – as well as attract new and meaningful love into your life.

You may need to heal your heart chakra if you’re struggling to love yourself or you are suffering from trust issues, social isolation, feelings of loneliness, or find it hard to empathize with others or let go of past betrayals. Issues with this chakra can also cause heart palpitations and a lowered immune system, leading to more bouts of cold and flu, and it’s common after heartbreak or betrayal.

Crown Chakra

The crown chakra connects us to the spirit world and allows us to access our inner wisdom. It’s also responsible for our consciousness and neurological health. It becomes blocked when we ignore and deny our spiritual selves, which is very common in this day and age and can result in chronic tension headaches, confusion, and closed-mindedness, as well as poor coordination, a tendency to oversleep, and tiredness.

Blue Sandstone & Spiritual Healing

As mentioned above, Blue Sandstone is great for the chakras, but it is also a great spiritual protector against negative energies and vibrates pure positivity, attracting lots of good luck. It can be used to enhance the power of other crystals and different spiritual practices, especially manifestation.

Blue Sandstone & Physical Healing

In the physical body, Sandstone can be used to boost vitality, treat wounds, and heal broken bones. It also improves water retention and assists in the restoration of degenerative eyesight, as well as the strengthening of weak nails and thinning hair.

If you struggle with stomach issues, Blue Sandstone may help to reduce discomfort, pain, and inflammation. It can also be beneficial for people who suffer from arthritis, joint pain, and problems with their circulation.

Blue Sandstone & Emotional Healing

Blue Sandstone is known to boost your mood and stabilize your emotions, helping you to feel secure in your own skin, defeat stress and self-loathing, and help to express yourself with ease. It also increases your willpower and confidence and soothes day-to-day anxieties.

Blue Sandstone & Relationships

As Blue Sandstone is known to stimulate the heart chakra and bring you good luck, it’s the perfect stone for manifesting new love. It also supports healthy relationships and protects you from attracting toxic people.

Blue Sandstone & Success

Success is where Blue Sandstone truly thrives – as mentioned above, it is known as the stone of ambition, the destiny stone, and the wishing stone. So, if you have big dreams, this crystal will help you to increase your focus, follow your dreams, and attract success and wealth in all of your endeavors.

Blue Sandstone In The Home

Blue Sandstone’s vibrant, protective energy is perfect for the home – or the workplace. It will fill up the space with good energy, attract exciting opportunities, and block anything negative that tries to get in.

Blue Sandstone Features


Is Blue Sandstone a Water-Safe Crystal?

Water can be a great tool for crystal healing; it’s one of the four spiritual elements and it’s easy to access inside our own homes, but not all crystals can be used with water, so is Blue Sandstone water safe?

Yes! Crystals are generally considered to be water safe when they score above a 5 on the Mohs Hardness scale, which is a scientific scale that ranks the hardness of minerals out of 10 by testing their resistance against another. Blue Sandstone scores between 6-7 on the scale, making it perfectly safe to be used with water.

How to Use Blue Sandstone

Here are some of the best ways in which you can use Blue Sandstone.

Meditation & Manifestation

Try meditating with your Blue Sandstone to connect with it on a deeper level for manifestation and chakra healing. Hold it whilst you meditate or place it over the chakra that you’re working on and try to envision it glowing and coming into alignment. Or, if you’re using it to manifest something, hold it whilst you repeat your affirmations and envision your desires coming true.

Wear Or Carry It

Blue Sandstone makes dreamy jewelry that looks great on all skin tones. Wearing Blue Sandstone jewelry and keeping it close to you is incredibly effective for healing deep chakra blocks and emotional wounds, or if you aren’t into wearing it, you can carry a small piece around with you in your pocket or purse instead.

Home & Office

As mentioned above, Blue Sandstone is a great crystal to keep in your home, workplace, or any other environment that you spend a lot of time in. Keep it somewhere central that you feel could do with a boost of good energy – it’s also known to be a great stone for children’s bedrooms if you have a child that suffers from nightmares.

With Water

Blue Sandstone works pretty well with water; you can drink crystal-infused water by leaving it in a glass overnight, take a dip in a crystal bath by popping the stone in your tub, or spray some crystal-infused water around your home, or any houseplants you have to improve the atmosphere.

How to Cleanse Blue Sandstone

You should cleanse and charge your Blue Sandstone once a month to get rid of any lingering negative energy that it has soaked up from your environment and re-charge it with good energy to keep it in tip-top metaphysical shape.

The most popular way to cleanse Blue Sandstone is by bathing it in the light of the full moon. You can also smudge it with a sage stick, run it under the tap, or place it next to a cleansing crystal like Selenite or Carnelian if it’s not a full moon. To re-charge your Blue Sandstone, you can either place it in the sunlight for a few hours or bury it outside in the Earth overnight.

Who Should Use Blue Sandstone?

Blue Sandstone is a valuable addition to anyone’s collection, but they’re especially beneficial for people who suffer from anxiety, anyone who needs a boost in physical and emotional energy, and anyone who is looking to achieve their dreams.

Can Blue Sandstone Affect You Negatively?

Most people will not have any negative side effects from using this crystal. It deflects negative energy, so it’s unlikely to carry anything harmful with it from its previous environment, but sometimes, crystals can cause strange symptoms when your energies don’t align.

This can include sleep disturbances and headaches, feeling sick or off-balance, hot flushes, cold flushes, nausea, tummy upsets, body pains, and energy tingles.

Where Can I Buy Blue Sandstone?

You can buy Blue Sandstone at many online retailers and crystal shops. However, we suggest sticking to popular websites and stores that you trust and sellers with high customer ratings and reviews to avoid fakes.

How To Tell If Blue Sandstone Is Real Or Fake?

It’s much harder to tell if Blue Sandstone is fake than it is to tell with most other crystals, because it is manmade, and therefore, they’re all pretty uniform looking, which is normally a tell-tale sign of fakery with other crystals.

If you want to be sure that your Blue Sandstone isn’t plastic, perform a MOHS scale scratch test. You may also be able to tell by its weight – gemstones are much weightier than glass and plastic replicas, and if you tune into your intuition, you may be able to tell by holding it.

Alternatives & Complimentary Crystals

Blue Sandstone is a great gem to use in conjunction with other crystals. It is known to amplify the power of other stones, and works especially well with other chakra crystals, like Citrine for the sacral chakra and Amethyst for the third eye.

If you are seeking an alternative to Blue Sandstone, Green Adventurine, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, and other blue stones like Blue Lace Agate all vibrate with similar energies to Blue Sandstone.


Although Blue Sandstone is a manmade gemstone, it is no less powerful than any naturally occurring ones – all of its components are natural, and this magical creation makes a valuable addition to anybody’s collection.

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