04 Feb Blue Crystals – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties
Although very few things in nature are blue, this color symbolizes freedom, tranquility, and heaven and skies. Blue crystals are associated with the throat chakra and can assist us in resolving conflict by bringing honesty and clarity to all communication.
Learn the power a blue crystal brings to your life should you decide to incorporate it.
Blue Crystals: Meaning & Importance
Blue crystals are full of wonderful water energy and are all about lulling you to a place of sweet serenity. The beautiful blue color speaks to the wide expanse of sky and deep bodies of water like the sea, lake, rivers, and streams. Blue gemstones are healing crystals that raise your intuition and wisdom. Clarity is one of the things that the color blue brings us — one thing we can expect blue crystals to influence.
Blue crystals are deeply connected to the throat chakra and bring hope, sincerity, authenticity, and trust. They work to bring balance in our throat zone, which we use to articulate our thoughts, stand up for what we believe in, and connect with others.
Moreso, blue gemstones are used to help resolve conflict, especially in matters of miscommunication. They grant the user the power to speak from the heart and clarify their intentions.
What are the Benefits of a Blue Crystal?
Chakra Healing (Throat)
The throat chakra speaks to the color blue — it’s only fitting that blue crystals should respond to it. This chakra sits at the center of our necks, and we turn to it to communicate with the world. Blue gemstones open the throat chakra, so we feel confident, understood, and heard. When there is a blockage in the throat chakra, we might have difficulties enforcing our boundaries and communicating our needs, choosing instead to keep quiet so they can keep the peace.
Physical Healing & Well-Being
Blue crystals also heal physical aspects of your body like the throat area, including the mouth, thyroid, larynx, neck, and shoulder. Blue gemstones soothe sore throats, ease earaches, and reduce the risks of contracting pesky colds and fevers. Those experiencing discomfort and tightly wound muscles in their body or getting the occasional migraine will also find that blue crystals can give them comfort.
Wealth & Finances
Blue crystals help you find clarity in making decisions that could bring a positive outcome to your finances. As blue gemstones are also stones of communication, these directly impact leadership as they elevate your connection and understanding to other employees. Blue crystals carry that much-needed motivation you need to pursue business or artistic projects.
Personal Relationships
Blue crystals lift love to a whole new level by enhancing communication with your partner, friends, and family. They will contribute to building nurturing and loving relationships with the help of committing to honesty and the truth. Ever so cooling, blue crystals exude calm power and vibes to those who are quick to anger and hot-headedness.
They can also help resolve emotional disagreements between partners and welcome more intuition into your connections to prevent them.
19 Blue Crystals For Your Everyday Use
1. Aquamarine
The light blue crystal aquamarine stone is chock-full of elemental water energy. Like the water, this pale blue crystal is cooling and refreshing, and it encourages you to go where the flow takes you. It invites you to live in harmony and enjoy the freedom of purely personal expression. You can trust that the universe only wants the best for you with the aquamarine stone around.
2. Blue Moonstone
The blue crystal moonstone is full of soft, feminine vibes. The healing vibes present in this blue crystal are enough to give you that beautiful sense of support one needs every single day. This enchanting blue moonstone is nourishing and gives you exactly what you ask of it. This stone soothes and balances the chakras and neutralizes any negative energy clinging to them.
3. Blue Kyanite
The blue kyanite stone inspires you to open your mouth and speak your truth with utmost clarity. It encourages conscious thinking and inspires you to become more elevated in yourself. You can harness the powers of the blue crystal kyanite to give you the energy to heal your expression and do it from a place of peace and honesty. The blue crystal kyanite can also give you the courage to stand for what you want and never shy away from asking for it.
4. Lapis Lazuli
The lapis lazuli is one of the oldest gems prominently featured in history. Back in the olden days, people used lapis lazuli to lead their souls into immortality and shield them from evil. The artist Michaelangelo ground this crystal and used the blue pigment to adorn the famed Sistine Chapel.
In crystal healing, the lapis lazuli invites you to plunge into self-awareness so you can become your own guiding light. This dark blue crystal awakens deep-seated intuition by tapping into your third eye and opening your mind to knowledge and the divine truth. Some people also use the lapis lazuli stone for its protective and artistic properties.
5. Larimar
The light blue larimar bridges the gap between your voice and your heart. Although soft and soothing, it is strong enough to extinguish hot-headed energy in arguments. It gives you the platform to speak your truth and promotes level-headed communication. The larimar gemstone also encourages you to be more playful in your approach to the world and not to take life way too seriously.
6. Blue Lace Agate
The light blue lace agate is a gorgeous healing crystal strong enough to replace anxiety and negative thinking with simple joy and gratitude. This level-headed blue gemstone brings peace to the mind and paves the way for self-acceptance. The blue lace agate stone will also clear blockages that may be plaguing your throat chakra.
7. Blue Quartz
Like all other colors of quartz stones, the dark blue stone quartz doesn’t shy away from amplifying the energy of your spirit and the unique properties of other stones. The dark blue quartz stone brings the strength and confidence to move us out of rigidness. When we’re open and honest with ourselves, it will result in a vivid sense of freedom. The dark blue quartz stone will also open our intuition to better be there and communicate with others.
8. Sodalite
The surface of the blue sodalite stone can be likened to the depth of the universe dotted with stars. This dark blue crystal invites you to carve your own path towards your destiny in the universe. When we are truthful and own our integrity, we can expect to make healthy decisions that reflect our head and heart balance.
When you wear the blue sodalite, it can also lead to creativity with the balance of artistic and logical and deeper communication with others.
9. Blue Calcite
The blue calcite stone is full of calm energy and inspires you to let go of things that no longer serve you. Those suffering from grief will also find that the blue calcite soothes the mind to better process the pain and trauma that comes with the loss of life.
This blue crystal is also one of nature’s best teachers; it stimulates memory sharpening by retaining new information and encourages learning from a place of wisdom.
10. Azurite
The dark blue azurite is as deep as our dreams during slumber. This blue crystal taps into the third eye chakra, which gives you the psychic abilities to enhance inner vision, awaken insight, and interpret dreams. The azurite also has strong associations with the heart and can ensure clean lines of energy flowing within your upper chakra system.
Furthermore, the azurite gemstone lets go of your self-limiting beliefs and anxiety so you can be at peace with life.
11. Celestite
The light blue crystal celestite is a dreamy combination of blue and silver. It welcomes ethereal and serene energy into your life, granting you access to higher powers. This crystal is all about opening your third eye chakra so you can better interpret your dreams and enhance your clairvoyance skills. People who have sought the help of the celestite have discovered that there is more to life than the simple 3D world.
12. Blue Apatite
You might’ve noticed that the surface of a blue apatite has ripples, much like the waves crashing to the shore. This dark blue crystal effectively wipes feelings of heaviness and negativity, much like the movement of the waves against the shore. It stores away emotional baggage in compartments, so you are free to handle more. This crystal also encourages creative thinking and stepping outside the box when handling difficult situations.
13. Dumortierite
The dark blue dumortierite stimulates your brain in all the right ways, giving you an extra boost of confidence! This blue crystal strengthens your intellect and stabilizes your emotions, so you exude nothing but strength and empowerment. It’s also the perfect dark blue gemstone for those who don’t find patience to be their best virtue and will rouse and stir the spirituality of those who’ve stashed away their psychic abilities.
14. Spinel
The spinel comes in a wide variety of colors, and we especially love the blue spinel for inspiring us to move forward. This light blue crystal encourages you to break out of old beliefs and keeps you stuck. It inspires forward movement, whether that’s a single step or a whole mile. However, we all know that moving forward does have its risks, and we’re happy to say that this light blue crystal encourages mindful progress sprinkled with reflection, thought, and focused practice.
15. Blue Sapphire
Arguably the most celebrated blue crystal, the regal blue sapphire is synonymous with integrity, wisdom, and commitment. This dark blue crystal brings purifying energy in both your throat and third eye chakras that works both physically and emotionally: the sapphire flushes out toxins from the body and shakes off negative thought patterns from the mind.
The blue sapphire also strengthens inner vision, good judgment, and self-discipline, even though the world around you may be in chaos.
16. Chalcedony
The light chalcedony is a healing crystal that cuts off feelings of negative tension and anxiety that tend to eat away at us. This light blue crystal is full of calm energy that encourages you to bring feelings that have been tucked away to the surface, so they can be resolved and washed away. This blue stone keeps you calm and connected to the present moment and does not allow any overwhelming feelings to take over your heart.
17. Chrysocolla
The deep blue chrysocolla is a showstopper, with blue, green, and copper shades intertwined in its surface. This light blue crystal encourages you to express your inner vision, grow your forms of self-awareness, and step into your highest truth. Many also call chrysocolla the “teaching stone” due to its influence and desire for knowledge. It brings light and love into your heart and throat so that you stay in your center of authenticity.
18. Blue Dyed Howlite
The blue dyed howlite is white-and-black howlite that has been dyed with blue, which means it’s not a naturally-occurring crystal here on earth. Nevertheless, it is still a potent light blue crystal with plenty of healing properties, including giving you strong forms of security that translate to a positive outlook on life. It also snaps you out of depression and anxious thoughts whenever you feel them creeping up on you.
19. Blue Goldstone
Like the blue howlite, the blue goldstone is another man-made gem resembling a dark blue sky dotted with stars. Unlike other blue crystals that respond to the throat, the blue goldstone speaks to the heart and crown chakras and is a great sidekick for empaths who find themselves bogged down by all the emotions they absorb from others. This blue crystal transmutes healing energy so that the user finds solace in hypersensitivity.
How To Use Blue Crystals
Harnessing the cooling and cleansing powers of your favorite blue stones would do you and your spirit a lot of good. One of the best ways to get the most out of blue crystals is to wear them as jewelry on your skin.
Having blue gemstone jewelry flushed against bare skin is the best way to bring their powers into your life and raise your vibrations by clearing out stagnant energy and blockages within. Having high vibrations gets us more attuned with our ownselves and opens us up to the wonderful blessings of the universe.
Many spiritual healers perform throat chakra cleansing by placing blue crystals directly against the throat. You may also use the blue crystals in crystal grids, reiki healing, or feng shui. When placed inside your home, blue crystals will bring calm energy right through your door.
Gemstones to Combine With Blue Crystals
Blue Crystals
There is nothing more perfect for blue crystals than other beautiful blue gemstones! For example, combining light blue gemstones with something that’s much darker in color will raise your base foundation for self-respect, honor, integrity, and humanity, all while raising your vibrations and tapping into your spiritual side. As a result, you will feel more confident and ready to welcome the abundance that’s sure to manifest.
Purple Crystals
Blue crystals also work great with purple gems like amethyst. Having this crystal combination deepens your insight and intuition so you can be there for others more. And although not purple, the pink rose quartz crystal can work with blue crystals to bring more love out into the world. And we don’t even have to mention how gorgeous blue and purple crystal jewelry would look!
Green Crystals
The unique properties of green crystals like malachite, aventurine, or amazonite will be amplified further if combined with blue crystals. This crystal combination will ensure free-flowing energy linking the heart and throat to make sure that you always speak from a place of love and compassion.
Yellow Crystals
When combined with blue gems, yellow crystals will bring a sense of balance to the cooler, calmer energy found in blue crystals while encouraging a bright burst of positivity from the yellow. The sunny citrine and bright topaz will work wonders with blue crystals.
What are blue stones used for?
Blue healing stones are mainly used for their chakra healing properties, especially in the throat. They will allow us to speak our truth from a place of love and compassion without having to sacrifice our boundaries. Blue crystals are also used to bring respite and feelings of peace to tumultuous minds.
What are the blue chakra stones?
The blue stones respond greatly to the throat chakra. As the throat chakra is the center of communication and emotion, you can express all your thoughts and feelings with honesty when it is open.
Blue crystals are forever calm and will bring tremendous peace into your life. They work the difficult tightrope of balancing honesty and self-expression without inflicting pain on others’ feelings. Raising your vibrations and intuition and getting attuned to the universe has never been easier with the help of blue crystals.
Blue crystals’ associations with royalty, regality, and power make them highly sought after and a glorious addition to your crystal collection.
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