02 Aug Best Crystals For New Home
Moving home is a huge event in anybody’s life and it can be stressful for various reasons. To make the process easier, why not use a crystal?
Whether you’re struggling to find your dream home, you’re in the process of moving, or you have just moved in; let’s take a look at the best crystals for new homes and how to use them.
Best Crystals To Manifest Your Dream Home
Before we get into the best crystals to put in your new home, let’s have a look at some of the best crystals to help you manifest your dream home. To use, you can hold them whilst you meditate and set your intentions or repeat positive affirmations about your dream home.
Amethyst is one of the most popular healing and manifestation crystals there is. The beautiful purple stone is a great all-around crystal for spiritual practices and rituals, as it is known to amplify your energy and stimulate the third eye chakra, which also helps us to manifest our desires.
In addition, stimulating the third eye helps us to figure out and focus on what we want, so it’s great if you are stuck on any decisions regarding your move.
Hematite is a black root chakra stone; this chakra is located at the base of your spine and governs your sense of safety and security in the physical world. So, it’s a great stone to manifest your dream house with, and it can also help you to decide where in the world you want to live.
Green Adventurine
Green Adventurine is one of the best crystals around for intention setting and manifestation. It is known as the stone of opportunity and is considered to be one of the luckiest gemstones there is. It instills a sense of optimism in us and pushes us to take action in getting what we want. It also attracts good luck, prosperity, abundance, and joy.
Blue Sandstone
Blue Sandstone is another great manifestation stone. The dreamy dark blue crystal resembles a starry night sky and although it is technically a manmade gemstone, all of its elements are naturally occurring and combine to help us to attract our desires. In fact, in many cultures, it is known as the wishing stone and the stone of new beginnings and success.
Best Crystals For Moving Home
Moving home is famously known to be one of the most stressful things that you can do in life, so, keep these crystals close to you to help you keep calm in the process of moving home. To use, wear them, carry them around in your pocket, or keep them next to your bed at night.
Alternatively, you can place them in a glass of water overnight to make a crystal-infused drink, or put them in the bottom of your bathtub for a relaxing crystal bath.
Angelite is as angelic as it sounds – the baby blue-colored stone is great for relaxing the body and mind, which is ideal if you’re suffering from stress as a result of moving home, especially if that stress is affecting your physical body.
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Lace Agate is known as the stone of tranquility, so it’s the perfect stone to use to soothe deep stress and anxiety at a soulful level if you’re making a big move, moving for the first time, or moving to a whole new location.
Larimar is often used as a worry stone because it helps you to block out anxious thoughts, which is super beneficial if you’re worried about the process of moving home. The pastel blue stone will also help to calm any nerves about whether or not you’re doing the right thing.
Carnelian is a vibrant orange stone that boosts our physical energy and fuels our creativity, so it is the ideal stone for anybody who needs an extra push to pack up their stuff or is stuck for ideas on how they want to decorate their new home.
It also stimulates the solar and sacral chakras, which help you to get excited about your move and overcome obstacles, and it is self-cleansing, so you don’t need to clear its energy, you can just let it do its thing.
Best Crystals For Your New Home
Here are the best crystals to bless and protect your new home and where to place them for the best results.
Selenite is a powerful cleansing crystal that purifies the energy around it, wherever it is placed. This is perfect for anybody moving into a new home that has been previously owned if you’re worried about the leftover energy of the previous owners or tenants lingering in the building.
The glowy, white crystal is self-cleansing, too, so there’s no need to cleanse it yourself; you can just let it do its thing.
Where to place it: For the best results, place your Selenite somewhere central or significant in your home, such as in the living area.
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is another popular cleansing crystal. It has an overall clearing effect which is better for smaller spaces like apartments and specific rooms that you want to focus on clearing. It also promotes relaxation, which is perfect for those who like their home to be a place of peace and quiet, and it connects to the crown chakra which is responsible for our spiritual connection and invites good spirits to look over your home.
Where to place it: If you have a smaller home, place your Clear Quartz somewhere central, or put it somewhere you really want to keep fresh, like your bedroom.
Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline is the best all-around protection stone. It absorbs negative energy in all of its forms and transforms it into positive energy, as well as preventing negative influences from affecting you in your home and blocking bad spirits and other negative vibes from entering your space.
Where to place it: To keep your home safe, put your Black Tourmaline somewhere central in your home or keep it by the front door to stop bad energy and spirits from entering. You can also put one at each of the four corners of your home to keep it extra secure or keep it by your bed to prevent nightmares if that’s something you struggle with.
Black Obsidian
Black Obsidian is another of the great protective crystals. It shields against all forms of negativity, including psychic energy attacks, detoxifies the body, and absorbs negative energies from the environment, including electromagnetic fields from electronic devices, which can be hard on your health.
This dark crystal also draws out mental stress and tension and helps with bodily pains, so it’s a great stone to have around your home if you suffer from any of those issues. In addition, it promotes a truthful environment, which is great for couples and families.
Where to place it: Put your Black Obsidian somewhere central in your home, by the entrances, or next to your bed to protect it by keeping negative energy away.
Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz is known for its anchoring and grounding properties, helping you to feel at home in your new place. It also helps you to release emotional baggage and move on from pain, which is great if you’re moving home to make a fresh start after something like a breakup.
Where to place it: The best place to put your Smoky Quartz is wherever you like to unwind in your home, like the bedroom or living area.
Citrine is known as a stone of positivity and life force energy. The bright orange stone carries the energy of the sun and it releases and attracts positive vibes into its atmosphere, making it a great one to place in your new home to start you off on the right foot. It works especially well with cleansing stones, to replace the energy being cleared with positive vibrations.
Where to place it: To fill your new house up with sunshine energy, place it somewhere central or in the place where the most energy is emitted, such as the living area or kitchen. You can also put it in some water overnight and spray the crystal-infused water around your home or on any house plants to brighten up the atmosphere.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is another great stone to put in your new home, especially in conjunction with one of the other crystals. Associated with the heart chakra, this pink-colored Quartz is a popular healing stone, as it is known as the stone of love, and vibrates pure loving energy.
So, you can place it in your new home to foster an environment of unconditional love – which is great for singles, couples, and families alike.
Where to place it: For a loving home, put your Rose Quartz somewhere central or in the place where the most socializing takes place, such as the living room or kitchen, spray Rose Quartz infused water around your home, or put it in your bedroom to turn up the romance with your partner.
What Are Crystal Grids?
A crystal grid is when you take different crystals and set them up in a way that helps them focus their energies for a specific intention, which can be great for a new house. It works by placing crystals that complement each other next to each other to magnify and amplify their metaphysical properties, making them work even better.
They can be intimidating to attempt, because they look quite complex, but it’s not so hard when you know which crystals you want to use. Once you have got your crystals, choose a grid shape, such as a triangle for simplicity and structure, or a circle for grounding and protection, then set your intention by telling the crystals what you want them to do. You can also put it next to a window or some plants to add some natural, solar, and lunar energies into the mix.
How Often Should You Cleanse Your Crystals?
If you know anything about crystals, you know it’s important to cleanse them regularly to keep them working their best. You should cleanse your crystals around once a month to clear them of any bad energy that they have absorbed from their surroundings, unless they’re self-cleansing, like Selenite or Carnelian.
The most common way that people cleanse their crystals is by leaving them out in the light of the full moon, which you can do by placing them outside in the moonlight, or simply on the windowsill on the night of the full moon. If you don’t want to wait until the next full moon, you can also smudge them with sage, run them under the tap if they’re water-safe, or sit them next to a cleansing crystal.
You should also re-charge them to fill them with positive energy, which you can do by leaving them out in the sunlight or burying them in the Earth for 24 hours.
Other Ways to Cleanse & Protect Your New Home
Other ways that you can cleanse the energy of your home include burning incense, sage, or another purifying herb like thyme, spritzing some salt water around the house, diffusing some cleansing essential oils, such as Frankincense, and playing some sound baths.
You can also use your own spiritual powers by setting an intention, repeating cleansing affirmations, visualizing a white light cleansing the space, and ushering any bad energy out the window. Alternatively, you can ask your spirit guides or a professional to bless your home.
Spraying salt-water around windows and doors is also a great way to shield your home from bad energy, and you can use essential oils like Rosemary and uplifting sound baths to bring positive energy into your space. You can also use house plants and your own powers to attract positive vibes through meditation, visualization, and affirmation, as well as doing fun, joyful activities like hosting parties.
The Bottom Line
If you’re moving home, we highly recommend using one of the crystals mentioned to clean up the vibes of your new home, protect it, and create positive energy.
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