06 Dec Are Chakras Real? Find Out the Truth!
It is easy to doubt if your chakras are real or fake because you can’t see them – these colorful balls of energy that reside within you. Because the chakra system is part of your subtle body, they can be sensed only when we are free from mental clutter and tune into them.
What is a Chakra?
The Sanskrit word for “wheel” is Chakra. As a result, the seven chakra system, which runs from the base of our spine to the summit of our heads, are energy centers or spinning wheels. A chakra on the human body is a circulating disk or wheel of energy that runs along the spine. Some estimate there are as many as 114 chakras throughout the body, however, there are seven ‘main’ chakras along the spine. Chakra health is interconnected with one’s physical body, mind, and emotional health.
Energy wheels are believed to influence, as well as be influenced by, the body areas in which they are positioned. But our chakras have a connection with our emotional and mental health and well-being in ways beyond the physical.
The chakra systems symbolize the subtle energy points in our bodies that, when correctly aligned, can yield significant outcomes. It’s important to note that Chakras are not supernatural. They are as natural as the air we breathe or the water we drink.
The Science Behind Chakras
Every person has seven chakras. If our chakras are blocked by stale energy body, we can experience physical and emotional changes. These symptoms might range from headaches and stomachaches to rage and apathy. When all the chakras are open and aligned, we are all in balance physically, mentally, and emotionally.
In order to determine whether chakras really exist, let’s explore the systems and functions they represent in your body.
Chakras And The Endocrine System
According to ancient yogis, chakras govern physical parts of our bodies; however, we now know they regulate our endocrine system, which controls hormone levels in our bodies.
In our body, each chakra corresponds to a particular endocrine gland that produces hormones. These glands regulate everything from reproduction to sleep. Here is a quick description of how each chakra affects each gland:
- Reproductive glands: The Root Chakra
- Adrenal glands: The Sacral Chakra
- Pancreas: The Solar Plexus Chakra
- Thymus gland: Heart Chakra
- Thyroid gland: Throat Chakra
- Pituitary gland: Third Eye Chakra
- Pineal gland: Crown Chakra
If a chakra is imbalanced, the glands it governs will also be imbalanced. For example, a blocked sacral chakra can cause adrenal exhaustion (which results in lethargy), resulting from a malfunctioning adrenal gland.
Chakras and The Organs
Our chakras also have an impact on our other body systems; each chakra is linked to many organs in the location where it is located. Similar to how the chakras influence the endocrine system, if one of the chakras is out of balance, the organs it affects may experience dysfunction.
Here’s a quick rundown of the major organs that each chakra is responsible for
- Kidneys: Root Chakra
- Reproductive Organs, Gallbladder, Spleen: Sacral Chakra
- Stomach, Liver, Pancreas: Solar Plexus Chakra
- Heart and Lungs: Heart Chakra
- Esophagus, Vocal Cords, Respiratory Organs: Throat Chakra
- Eyes: Third Eye Chakra
- Brain and Spinal Cord: Crown Chakra
As two examples (of many), if the throat chakra is blocked, one can suffer from a sore throat; likewise, blockage of the solar plexus chakra can cause acid reflux.
Chakras and Mental And Emotional Function
The seven chakras manage not only your physical body but also your mental and emotional state, as we saw before. The way the chakras influence your emotions and life force energy is a little more complicated than how they govern your organs and glands, but it’s still intuitive. Let’s take a look at the mental and emotional systems that each chakra affects:
- Stability, safety, and groundedness: Root Chakra
- Creativity and feelings: Sacral Chakra
- Willpower, motivation, and boundaries: Solar Plexus Chakra
- Love and empathy: Heart Chakra
- Voice and personal truth: Throat Chakra
- Intuition: Third Eye Chakra
- Awareness and spirit connection: Crown Chakra
This means, for example, that a blocked heart chakra can lead to a lack of empathy. In contrast, an overactive heart chakra can lead to overactive and boundless empathy.
The Chakras and Healing
According to yogic beliefs, if the chakras are balanced, we shall be in perfect health. As a result, chakra balancing has become an important part of many modern-day healing techniques. Healing Crystals, Yoga, meditation, and diet are some of the most common techniques to unblock chakras. There are also a variety of oils and crystals that are said to work together cumulatively and holistically to balance each chakra and assist bring the body and mind back into harmony.
How to Unblock Your Chakras
Each chakra is associated with a certain set of physical, emotional, and mental traits. To discover which chakra is obstructed, you should first figure out what you’re feeling. It will most likely be linked to the chakras’ associated ideas, behaviors, and bodily concerns.
How to Unblock Your Root Chakra
If your root chakra is blocked, you may feel alienated from your surroundings and suffer from anxiety, tension, decreased spiritual awakening and low self-esteem. Ground yourself with “root vegetables” and look for red-colored foods to complement your chakra color. To help unblock the root chakra, look for black or red crystals and place one over your lower back or soles of feet when sleeping, meditating, or bathing. To unclog chakras, massage lightly on feet with nutmeg, patchouli, and vetiver to soothe overactive chakras, and bergamot to maintain healthy functioning. Child’s pose, standing forward bend, bridge stance, and reclining bound angle pose are some suggested poses.
How to Unblock Your Throat Chakra
Sound and truth are governed by the throat chakra, which is an important aspect of communication. If this chakra is out of balance, you may find it difficult to communicate successfully. The throat chakra is said to benefit from a breathing technique known as lion’s breath. Simple neck exercises can help prevent stress and tension from building up in your throat and neck. Neck muscles should be released through yoga poses including Shoulder Stand, Plow, and Fish. Throat chakra stones can also be used to assist balance and unblock blocked chakras.
How to Unblock Your Heart Chakra
Open up the body and strengthen the core, lungs, rib cage, and arms/hands using poses including the Eagle posture, Camel pose, backbends, and shoulder stretches.
Any yoga practice that opens the heart will help. Look for crystals that are pink or green in color to help unblock the heart chakra. Place a little crystal near or around this chakra when relaxing, meditating, or bathing.
How to Unblock Your Third Eye Chakra
Plant medicines, mental focus techniques, and mindfulness meditation are some of the spiritual tools that can substantially aid in unblocking the third eye. It’s also important to avoid drinking too much fluoride water and ingesting other pollutants through your diet. The pineal gland is calcified by both fluoride and nutritional pollutants, which blocks this chakra.
How to Unblock Your Solar Plexus Chakra
If you wish to align or unblock the solar plexus chakra, you can incorporate yoga poses into your daily routine. Experts in chakra work usually recommend all types of yoga, although certain activities have a greater impact on the location of the solar plexus chakra. You can also wear solar plexus chakra crystals as jewelry, meditate with a stone in the palm of your hand, or simply keep one in your pocket. Increasing fiber intake, limiting sugar intake, and lowering saturated fat intake are all beneficial to your solar plexus chakra.
How to Unblock your Sacral Chakra
Meditation chakras are a fantastic location to start the healing process. Getting your creative juices going can assist you in unblocking your sacral chakra. Explore your artistic abilities and do something that requires you to think outside the box.
The sacral chakra is orange, therefore foods that are orange in color are thought to help keep them healthy. Eating orange-colored foods is also thought to help keep the chakras open by removing obstructions. Amber, citrine, and hematite are examples of therapeutic crystals.
How to Unblock Your Crown Chakra
The chanting of ‘aum’ is a very effective way to clear the crown chakra. Try it for 15 minutes and see how it makes you feel. This will help you to let go of the clutter in your mind, bring you into the present moment, and unblock your crown chakra.
Different stones and their energy qualities also have an impact on each chakra. Clear quartz has a strong influence on the crown chakra. When unblocking your crown chakra, meditate with clear quartz, carry the stone with you, or wear it as jewelry to allow the stone’s energy to assist in restoring balance.
It is entirely up to you whether or not you believe in the Chakras. But the point is that there is a powerful energy force within our physical existence that has a tremendous influence on our well-being.
You don’t need to know whether Chakras are real or simply a theory to connect with your mind and body on a deeper level. When you take the time to do this, you might just discover that your chakras are an important part of your total physical, mental, and emotional health!
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