12 Nov A Guide to Crown Chakra: Meaning, and Fixing Blockages
The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head, The Seven Chakra points run from the base of the spine to the top of the head in the physical body. Thus, the Crown Chakra is considered in the seventh position of the root chakras. In the ancient Hindu Holy books dating from 1500 BCE, the Crown Chakra is called Sahasrara.
The Crown Chakra or Sahasrara is the energy source that is related to spiritual energy and self. This chakra system is associated with peace and the connection to the higher One of the universal power. The crown chakra connects the center of higher consciousness and transformation. It promotes awareness of the soul and divinity and also self-esteem.
There are seven chakras. Yogi philosophers, spiritualists, and healers who dedicate their lives to the alignment of major chakras recognize one hundred and fourteen. The average person seeking to align, balance and maintain clear energy centers should concentrate on the seven primary or root chakras. These begin at the base of the spine and are identified by their location.
Crown Chakra Meaning
As the energy wheel that opens the doors of perception to higher consciousness the meaning of the Crown Chakra is particularly pertinent to discovering and exploring the spiritual self. It is the Crown Chakra that lays the bridge between the physical life and the energy source of higher consciousness.
Along with the exciting possibilities of the Crown Chakra meaning, its associated colors are intriguing. Bright violet and white as symbols of the Universal One of all energy are the colors of the Crown Chakra. This dynamic color association is symbolic of cosmic energy. It can be seen as a connective force with the colors of the stars as well as those which represent the life-giving forces of the energy of the spirit and soul.
Chakra crystals that play an important role in balancing the Crown Crystal will mirror the violet and white colors associated with it. These include Clear Quartz, Moonstone, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, White Agate, and others. Most of these energy healing chakra crystals are directly related to positive energy, spiritual consciousness and offer protection against intrusive bad vibes.
Symptoms of a Blocked Crown Chakra
As the pinnacle and representative head of the seven root chakras, the energy flows of the Crown Chakras can affect all the chakras below it. The Crown Chakra can also be a repository for the flow of bad energy or blockages from the other root chakras. Zeroing in on the energy flow of the Crown Chakra alone, physical, and emotional symptoms that point to blocked crown chakras which can be healed with chakra crystals, meditations, mantras, affirmations, sound, yoga, and more include:
- Hearing Abnormalities
- Neurological Problems
- Alzheimer’s
- Brain Disorders
- Lack of Concentration
- Learning troubles
- Attention Disorders
- Delusions
Working to unblock the Crown Chakra or just to maintain a balanced energy flow is significant for every other root chakra. Balancing the root chakras can be accomplished with little effort and time. It is a very easy process to learn which healing crystals and chakra stones will aid in balancing the seven root chakras including the Crown Chakra. The process begins by learning where the Chakra points are in the body.
Chakra Points
The Chakra points that correspond to the root chakras are:
- The Base of the Spine – The Root Chakra
- Between the base of the spine and navel – The Sacral Chakra
- A few inches above the navel in the upper abdomen – The Solar Plexus Chakra
- In the Chest at the center of the 7 Chakras – The Heart Chakra
- At the Throat – The Throat Chakra
- Between the eyebrows – The Third Eye Chakra
- The Top of the Head – Crown Chakra
The size of a chakra is a philosophic question that has been debated for centuries. It is a question without a definite answer, for there are many dimensions to a chakra. The chakra points are in the physical realm. Chakras also have a spiritual or energy realm. Arguments trying to decipher the size of a chakra are mute. The Chakra Points are centers of awareness through which the essential energies of life flow.
Four Crystals Associated with the Crown Chakra
Amethyst: Amethyst is one of the most well-known crystals associated with the crown chakra. Its beautiful purple hue carries a high vibrational energy that stimulates spiritual growth and enhances our connection to higher realms. Amethyst promotes clarity of thought, calms the mind, and aids in meditation and deepening one’s spiritual awareness.
Clear Quartz: Clear Quartz is often referred to as the “Master Healer” crystal due to its versatile and powerful properties. It is a perfect companion for the crown chakra as it amplifies energy and facilitates spiritual expansion. Clear Quartz helps to purify the mind, balance energy centers, and heighten intuition. It is also a valuable tool for programming intentions and manifesting positive outcomes.
Selenite: Selenite is a gentle and calming crystal that resonates strongly with the crown chakra. Its ethereal white appearance evokes a sense of purity and clarity. Selenite facilitates spiritual awakening, deepens meditation, and helps to establish a connection with higher realms of consciousness. It can also cleanse and recharge other crystals, making it a valuable addition to any spiritual practice.
Howlite: Howlite is a soothing and calming crystal that aids in attaining a state of deep relaxation and tranquility. It is often used to quiet the mind, alleviate stress, and promote a sense of serenity. Howlite stimulates the crown chakra, facilitating higher states of consciousness, spiritual insights, and a greater understanding of oneself and the world. It can also assist in releasing negative energy and promoting emotional healing.
These four crystals, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Selenite, and Howlite, offer unique and complementary energies that resonate with the crown chakra. Incorporating them into your meditation, energy work, or daily life can help balance, align, and activate this vital energy center, leading to a deeper connection with your spiritual self and the wisdom of the universe.
Chakras are Points of Awareness
The chakras are often referred to as a “wheel” of energy. It is impossible to discern the radius of chakra points. Some believe there is a defined size while others hold to the theory that chakras are always in flux. It is thought that a chakra with a disrupted or blocked energy flow will be larger than normal. Others think that when fully healed or balanced, the chakra has a free flow of spiritual connection and energy. Debating the size of the unseen is fruitless. The importance of the root chakras is their relationship to a balanced, rewarding, fulfilling life.
In conclusion, delving into the value of the crown chakra and its crystals is an essential step in our spiritual evolution. By nurturing our connection with this energy center and working with the corresponding crystals, we embark on a path of self-discovery, enlightenment, and profound spiritual growth. Let us embrace the wisdom and power of the crown chakra, allowing its crystals to guide us on our journey toward wholeness, purpose, and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the universe around us.