08 Feb Chakra Crystals & Stones: Full Guide
It is believed that chakra crystals hold a large amount of therapeutic power and energy that can be helpful to individuals. It contains high vibrational energy that can restore energetic balance and bring healing.
Today, our team will introduce you to the seven chakras and how their crystals can benefit you.
What Exactly is a Chakra?
Chakra is believed to be the focal point where body functions and psychic forces merge and interact with each other. In Ancient Times, Chakra originated from the old Sanskrit Word Cakra, meaning wheel, and is considered an ancient meditation practice.
Chakra represents seven focal points around the body with different centers of energy. Each of the chakras is connected to an emotional state and area of the body. Energy balancing on chakras will benefit one’s emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being.
7 Chakras & Their Crystals
- Root Chakra
What is it?
Root Chakra is the ultimate foundation of oneself and keeps you confident and grounded. The base chakra is responsible for bringing safety and stability to an individual. In addition, it is connected to the bladder, colon, and lower vertebrates.
Root Chakra keeps us secured, grounded, and protected from overwhelming physical and emotional status. It is associated with survival, comfort, stability, energy, and safety. Moreso, Root Chakra is an Earth element, and its main color is red.
Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine and tailbone.
Which Crystals to Use
- Red Jasper – brings confidence, courage, self-trust, grounding, stability, and good energy flow.
- Orange Carnelian – Helps overcome past trauma and bring motivation, courage, confidence, and energy balancing.
- Obsidian – Provides protection, courage, self-confidence, clarity, and grounding.
- Bloodstone – Imparts protection, courage, clarity, grounding and helps with decision-making.
- Tourmaline – releases tension and fear and brings self-confidence and protection.
Balanced Chakra:
When you have a balanced Root Chakra, you will feel more stable and rooted in your own energy. You will be more grounded, and it would be easier to give full attention and a positive mindset in every situation. Moreover, a balanced root chakra manifests stability, conviction, and stillness.
Unbalanced Chakra:
When you have an unbalanced Root Chakra, you can be depressed, fearful, and anxious. Unbalanced root chakra brings a lack of determination and inability to keep boundaries. In addition, when you have an unbalanced root chakra, you will have a low immune system and feel disconnected.
- Sacral Chakra
What is it?
Sacral Chakra is the center of play and pleasure, where your sexual energy sits. It is the focal point where you will find desire, home of creativity, and the childlike in oneself. In addition, the Sacral Chakra is associated with the color yellow and orange because it has a warm, nurturing energy.
Sacral Chakra is connected to the issues of fertility, emotional intuition, spiritual joy, and happiness. When Sacral Chakra is open, you can access your inner child and have the ability to hold boundaries.
Sacral Chakra is located below the belly button and is connected to the lower abdomen and reproductive organs.
Which Crystals to Use
- Carnelian- Initiates fertility, creativity, strength, and sexuality. It can help overcome past traumas and attracts balanced energy and self-confidence.
- Golden Topaz – Relieves depression and attracts good fortune, optimism, and happiness.
- Yellow Tiger’s Eye – Brings happiness, optimism, protection, sexuality, and motivation.
- Orange Calcite – Ushers self-awareness, optimism, vitality, happiness, and overcome shyness
- Citrine – Helps manifest desire, self-confidence, prosperity, and wealth.
Balanced Chakra
A balanced Sacral Chakra brings passion, energy, sensuality, creativity, and gentleness. It can help you source energy for movement, desire, procreation, fertility, and relationships. In addition, it will help you freely express your needs, and wants and pleasure will be a top priority. The visualization and creativity will be easy to tap since the Sacral Chakra is aligned.
Unbalanced Chakra:
If you have an unbalanced Sacral Chakra, you can be overly emotional, sensitive, controlling, and stiff. You may have overactive or low libido, and your lower abdomen can be stressed. Moreover, you may feel fear, depression, loss of creativity, and develop addictive behaviors. Unbalanced Sacral Chakra can make you imbalanced, physically and emotionally weak.
- Solar Plexus Chakra
What is it?
Solar Plexus Chakra is known to be a home of a warrior spirit. The inner strength and self-confidence are found in this focal point and wait to be helped to shine. In addition, Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with the colors gold and yellow and is connected to the body’s energy flow.
Solar Plexus Chakra is attached to personal power, ambition, and intellect. In addition, Solar Plexus Chakra helps drive decisions and build confidence and assurance. It helps improve the digestive system and nervous system of the body.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is located at the naval area, upper abdomen, and below the breastbone.
Which Crystals to Use
- Amber- brings self-confidence, emotional balance, patience, clarity, and focus.
- Golden Topaz- develops self-confidence, willpower, courage, and creativity.
- Tiger’s Eye- gathers protection, focus, and good luck.
- Citrine – helps build self-confidence, clarity, optimism, creativity, wealth, and prosperity.
- Pyrite – attracts grounding, protection, persuasion, and improves communication skills.
Balanced Chakra:
A balanced Solar Plexus Chakra brings empowerment and confidence. It helps develop a healthy immune system and keeps you motivated at all times. In addition, Solar Plexus Chakra boosts self-esteem, calmness, and initiative that will help you live a fulfilling life. A well-balanced Solar Plexus Chakra helps develop a social and outgoing attitude to the real world.
Unbalanced Chakra:
If you have an unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra, you will feel low confidence and self-esteem, leading to depression and anxiety. You will lack motivation and may develop insecurity. In addition, unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra can cause fatigue, digestive system problems, hypoglycemia, diabetes, overeating, and excessive weight gain.
- Heart Chakra
What is it?
Heart Chakra, also known as Anahata, is associated with compassion, acceptance, love, and sincerity. The fourth chakra is the epicenter of our heartfelt connection to others and helps us sit comfortably and love ourselves. Heart Chakra is under element air, and its main colors are green and pink.
Heart Chakra is connected to our heart and chest physically and emotionally. When open, Heart Chakra allows you to live a joyous life without having fear, self-destructive patterns, and jealousy rule over your life. In addition, Heart Chakra allows you to give and receive love because of the inviting feminine energy it releases.
Heart Chakra is located in the middle of the chest and over the sternum.
Which Crystals to Use
- Rose Quartz – Encourages self-love, compassion, forgiveness and clears energetic blocks such as stress and anxiety.
- Emerald – Promotes good relationships, wealth, and prosperity.
- Malachite – Gives empathy, unconditional love, aura cleansing, and psychic protection.
- Rhodonite – Attracts optimism, concentration, focus, and self-confidence.
- Amazonite – Develops mental clarity, compassion, and empathy.
Balanced Chakra:
When you have a balanced Heart Chakra, you can feel inner peace, empathy, and compassion. You will feel surrounded by joy, love, and connection to the world around you. In addition, you will feel open to all life experiences and can easily flow and resolve challenges you might encounter. A healthy alignment of the Heart Chakra gives good blood circulation and healthy blood pressure.
Unbalanced Chakra:
If you have unbalanced heart chakra, you can manifest physical ailments and diseases that directly affect the lungs, heart, arms, hands, and chest. You may develop manipulative behaviors, codependency, unworthiness, and difficulty to trust. Moreover, you may feel lonely, jealous, grudged, overly defensive, and isolated.
- Throat Chakra
What is it?
Throat Chakra, also known as Vishuddha, is associated with self-expression and communication. The fifth chakra brings creativity and inspiration under the element ether or sound. It is often associated with the leading colors turquoise and light blue.
Throat Chakra is a focal point where the voice and truth flows. It deals with communication, articulation and helps us voice out boundaries. It is also connected to the physical body issues such as throat, sinus, larynx, and thyroid problems.
The throat chakra is located in the throat area, above the collar bone in the neck.
Which Crystals to Use:
- Turquoise– helps with communication, self-expression, physical healing, leadership, and panic attacks.
- Agate – builds self-confidence, clarity, communication, public speaking and helps relieve stress and anxiety.
- Aquamarine – encourages public speaking, communication, self-confidence, meditation, and mental clarity.
- Aqua Aura Quartz – initiates self-realization, communication, clarity, and awareness.
- Chrysocolla- relieves anxiety, stress and imposes awareness, creativity, self-realization, and self-expression.
Balanced Chakra:
A balanced throat chakra allows you to speak the truth with ease and calmness without fear or decisive action. When it is open and balanced, you can fearlessly but with compassion, speak your own truth, and be open to listening to others. In addition, if you have balanced throat chakra, you can keep healthy boundaries because of good communication.
Unbalanced Chakra:
When you have unbalanced throat chakra, there are emotional signs that can worsen if not dealt with accordingly. You may feel depression, low self-esteem, and anxiety, leading to an inability to express feelings. In addition to this, you may feel low physical energy and encounter different ailments such as thyroid problems, sore throat, gum disease, TMJ issues, and tight shoulders.
- Third Eye Chakra
What is it?
The Third Eye Chakra is the gateway to the inner wisdom and wellness of intuition in the spiritual sense. It is the focal point where we can tap into psychic powers, inner selves, and spiritual awareness. In addition, the third eye chakra can be the bridge between the throat and crown chakra.
The third eye chakra encourages clarity, understanding, and guidance. It has powerful vibrations and intuitive powers that can help channel vision and truth. In addition, the third eye chakra is associated with lucidity, meditation, trust, and intuition.
The third eye chakra is located in the middle of the forehead, above the eyebrows.
Which Crystals to Use:
- Amethyst – helps with meditation, spiritual awareness, mental clarity, and creativity.
- Lapis Lazuli – gives protection and guidance in lucid dreaming, astral projection, psychic abilities, and awareness.
- Sapphire – initiates self-realization, mental clarity, meditation, decision making, self-expression, and awareness.
- Sodalite- attracts clarity, communication, luck, wealth, psychic abilities, and emotional balance.
- Angelite – improves spiritual awareness, clairvoyance, telepathy, psychic abilities, and astral projection.
Balanced Chakra:
When you have a balanced third eye chakra, you will notice the clarity of your thought and vision. You will be more imaginative and intuitive and easily interpret different life events as lessons. In addition, you can contemplate on dreams and be more flexible in your opinions.
Unbalanced Chakra
When your third eye chakra is imbalanced, it can cause physical and emotional stress. It would be challenging for you to develop a deeper understanding and expand your intuition. You will experience blockage in the flow of your energy that may affect your overall well-being. In addition, it can negatively affect your concentration or keep you cool under pressure.
- Crown Chakra
What is it?
Crown Chakra is the highest chakra which is the perfect pinnacle of being because it is associated with consciousness, knowledge, and fulfillment. In this focal point, we find enlightenment and connection to cosmic greatness. More so, crown chakra is the source of the highest vibration, pure embodied energy, and sublime state.
Crown Chakra greatly helps individuals find a place in the world and see the bigger picture of any situation. It finds feet in spiritual practice and connects us to the spiritual being and a sense of purpose. Crown Chakra is our vessel for the highest vibrations and is a master healer.
Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head.
Which Crystals to Use
- Quartz – expands consciousness and communication with guides.
- Selenite – absorbs negative energy and helps with meditation, focus, and mental clarity.
- Amethyst – gather spiritual awareness, clarity, creativity, and psychic abilities.
- Tanzanite – helps expand awareness and manifest prosperity and wealth.
- Howlite – initiates expansion of consciousness, releasing negativities, anxiety, and stress.
Balanced Chakra:
When the crown chakra is balanced, you will feel the clarity and wisdom in any circumstances. You will feel spiritually connected, and it would be easier for you to accept reality. There will be visible changes in attitude and habits. In addition, you will feel more compassionate and grateful and will no longer be ruled by ego.
Unbalanced Chakra:
When you have an unbalanced crown chakra, you may experience an unwillingness to be open to other thoughts, knowledge, and ideas. You will feel disconnected from your body, and your energy will be ungrounded. In addition, you will have poor coordination, be exhausted, and feel chronic tension headaches.
How to Use Chakra Crystals
When Meditating
Meditation with the chakra stones is one way to use the healing crystals. Find a suitable place to ensure that you will not be disturbed when meditating with chakra stones and crystals. Hold the perfect stone in one hand or place it near you during the entire process of meditation crystal therapy. You can also place the chakra stones on the body part that associates with your chakra to activate the areas and rebalance the energy.
When Sleeping
Sleeping with chakra stones can be one of the most effective ways to use and cleanse your system. Pop the chakra stone beneath your pillows when you sleep as the powerful vibrations will seep through your crown and throat chakra. It will help address your sleep issues like chronic insomnia or give you a good night’s sleep because chakra stones are healing crystals that can drive away negative energy.
By Wearing Them
Wearing chakra stones is the most common way to use the stones. The chakra stones can be used as jewelry or accessories. You can wear this gorgeous stone like a bracelet, necklace, earrings, or rings. In addition, wearing the stones is the easiest and most effective way to absorb healing vibrations that you can release on your chakra system.
By Keeping Them
You can keep chakra stones in your pocket or at home to invite peaceful energy and block negative energies. Chakra stone is a powerful stone with a strong connection to the physical and spiritual body. Keeping it near you or in a designated place blocks negative energy, bringing healing and protection. Moreso, there is a protective stone, success stone, and grounding stone that you can keep at your home.
When Bathing
Bathing with a chakra stone is magic because it balances the chakra and elevates your relaxation. Chakra stone has vibrational energies to help you relax and wash away negative emotions. You can use the healing crystals when experiencing body pains because it brings healing and soothing energy.
How To Tell If Your Chakra is Blocked
Based on Ancient Indian philosophies, our body has seven main energy centers known to be chakras, and each correlates to our physical and spiritual system. Each chakra houses emotional and mental strengths, and if it is blocked, you may feel emotional and physical issues that may affect your quality of life.
Your chakra is blocked when you have an emotional and physical imbalance. You may feel that your spiritual energy is getting low, and you will feel different ailments corresponding to the locations of your chakras.
What crystal helps balance all chakras?
Clear Crystal Quartz or Clear Quartz can help balance all the chakras. Quartz is an excellent stone made from pure silicon dioxide, and it produces high energy and vibrations. It is a great stone that can resonate well with the chakra’s vibration and release spiritual energies.
How do you unblock your chakras?
To unblock your chakras, you can do yoga or meditations to restore your energy fields. You can take deep breaths with intention so you can restore the natural and harmonious state of your chakras. The best stones work like a charm to unblock your chakras.
There are seven chakras scattered across our body that help regulate the energy flow in our system. From root chakra to crown chakra, the seven chakras allow us to receive and send different kinds of physical, emotional, and spiritual energies.
Since Ancient Times, chakra crystals have assisted in keeping chakras clear and clean for energy flow. The best stones help restore balance and give protection to spiritual entities.
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