28 Sep Zodiac Birthstones – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties
Zodiac birthstones are a common staple among spiritual circles, especially in astrology and crystal healing. Let’s take a look at everything you need to know.
What are zodiac birthstones?
Zodiac birthstones are gemstones whose energies resonate the most with a particular astrological sign. Everything in the natural world has energy – including crystals, and using your birthstone can help you to stay on track in life.
There are also monthly birthstones, but these are slightly different and resonate more with the energy of the seasons than astrology.
History of birthstones
Some scholars believe that the origin of birthstones may relate to the Breastplate of Aaron, as described in the Book of Exodus in the Bible. It contained twelve gemstones that represented the twelve tribes of Israel – although these have nothing to do with astrological signs.
Eastern religions have long associated different crystals with different star signs, and there are various old poems that match each month of the Gregorian calendar with a gemstone. These are the traditional birthstones of Western societies, which were officially published by famous jewelers Tiffany & Co in 1870.
The American National Association of Jewelers also officially adopted a list in 1912, as did many other similar companies afterward, and they remain a popular concept to this day.
Benefits of using zodiac gemstones
As mentioned above, using your birthstone can help to keep you on the right path in life; bringing you good health, good luck, good energy, and protection, helping you to attract the right people and find success.
Twelve zodiac signs and their birthstones
Let’s take a look at the birthstones by zodiac sign. Some signs have more than one stone that resonates with their energy, but they all have one particular gemstone that is thought to resonate with them the most.
Date: January 20 – February 18
Symbol: Water bearer
Element: Air
Characteristics: Progressive, independent, intelligent, unique, idealistic
Amethyst is a spiritual superpower connecting with the third eye chakra to enhance your spiritual intuition and align you with your natural gifts. It’s also a master-healer and can be used for personal growth, physical and emotional healing, and manifestation and spell-casting.
Date: February 19 – March 20
Symbol: Fish
Element: Water
Characteristics: Sensitive, gracious, empathetic, romantic
Aquamarine is a beautiful water-like stone of courage that helps sensitive people speak their truth. It’s name literally translates to water of the sea in Latin and in ancient times, it was used to provide courage and protect those at sea. It connects with the throat chakra which governs truth, self-expression, and communication, and it provides emotional and spiritual balance, as well as peace and youthful energy.
Date: March 21 – April 19
Symbol: Ram
Element: Fire
Characteristics: Assertive, brave, ambitious, independent
The diamond is the hardest and most expensive stone in the world. So, naturally, it brings out strength, fortitude, and courage, and it can be used to attract opulence and drive away negative energy. It also resonates with the crown chakra which connects us with the divine.
Date: April 20 – May 20
Symbol: Bull
Element: Earth
Characteristics: Intelligent, dependable, hardworking, dedicated, stubborn
The Taurus zodiac stone is Emerald – a symbol of rebirth and good fortune. It connects with the heart chakra which represents self-love and the unconditional love of others and it can be used to manifest a more youthful appearance, good health, new ideas, and creativity, as well as wealth and abundance.
Date: May 21 – June 20
Symbol: Twins
Element: Air
Characteristics: Flexible, clever, extraverted, playful, duality
Agates are excellent stones for the Gemini because they help to bring balance and stability to their intrinsic duality, absorb any negativity and transform it into positive energy. There are many types of Agate – but they all hold these qualities.
Date: June 21 – July 22
Symbol: Crab
Element: Water
Characteristics: Sensitive, nurturing, compassionate, playful
Date: July 23 – August 22
Characteristics: Proud, attention-seeking, dramatic, ambitious, loyal
Rubies resonate with both the root and the heart chakras. It is a very protective stone and is often used to bring spiritual wisdom and shield against psychic attacks. It’s also a great booster of energy and concentration, as well as creativity and loyalty.
Date: August 23 – September 22
Symbol: The Maid
Element: Earth
Characteristics: Kind, humble, self-effacing, industrious, practical
Sapphire is associated with royalty as well as the throat chakra, and it is believed to be good for attracting abundance and miracles. It has also been used to protect against negative energies, calm the mind, strengthen intuition, and attract spiritual clarity.
Date: September 23 – October 22
Characteristics: Extroverted, cozy, friendly, easy-going
Opal amplifies energy, restores hope, and purifies energy. It resonates with all seven of the chakras and can also be used for cleansing and aligning the energy system as well as beginning a spiritual awakening or deepening your spirituality.
Date: October 23 – November 21
Symbol: Scorpion
Element: Water
Characteristics: Spiritual, sensual, mysterious, sensitive
The Scorpio birthstone is Topaz, an ancient stone that was believed to be blessed by the sun god due to its glowing yellow color and possessing supernatural powers that bring strength, protection, good luck, and reconciliation in daily life.
It’s also been used to break evil spells and predict the future and is associated with the solar plexus and sacral chakras, which govern purpose, joy, confidence, sexuality, and creativity.
Date: November 22 – December 21
Symbol: Archer
Element: Fire
Characteristics: Bright, breezy, adventurers, risk-takers
Turquoise is a beautiful blue throat chakra stone and a symbol of tranquility, good fortune, luck, and success, as well as a love charm.
Date: December 22 – January 19
Symbol: Sea-goat
Element: Earth
Characteristics: Ambitious, hard-working, organized, practical, goal-oriented
Garnet is a beautiful red stone that resonates with the root chakra; the first chakra in the body that roots us in the physical world and takes care of all of our basic needs, health, and security. It’s associated with blood, life-force energy, passion, and commitment, so it’s a great stone for creating new habits, improving relationships, and starting new projects.
How to use zodiac birthstones
Here is how to use birthstones for zodiac signs.
Meditating is an excellent way to use all crystals and will help you to re-balance and activate your physical and spiritual energy systems, heal your mind, manifest good things, and protect your aura.
Another popular way to use birthstones is to wear them in jewelry. This is excellent for deep healing and constant protection. If you’re not into wearing jewelry, you can also carry smaller gemstones around with you.
If you’re a water sign, you may find it helpful to perform water-based rituals with your birthstones. Providing your birthstone is water-safe, you can make crystal-infused water by leaving it in a glass of water overnight – and you can either drink it after meditating or spray it around your home or house plants to create a cohesive atmosphere.
Alternatively, you can try running a crystal bath by filling your bathtub up as usual and placing your stone at the bottom of it. These rituals are also good for fire signs to help balance out your energy.
At home
Keeping your birthstone somewhere central or important in your home or workspace will help to make your environment more cohesive for you – whether you want a peaceful home, a fun home, or a more creative or cohesive workplace.
Cleansing & charging birthstones
You should cleanse and charge your birthstone at least once a month if you use it or keep it close to you regularly to get rid of any negativity it’s absorbed and renew its positive energy to keep it working well with you.
The most common way that people cleanse their crystals is in the light of the full moon, which you can do by placing your stone outside or putting it on your window sill on the night of the full moon.
This is a good way to cleanse all types of birthstones, lunar energy is especially beneficial for water signs, and if you want to add water or salt water to the ritual, you can place it in a bowl of water first.
You can also run it under the tap for a quick water-based cleanse or put it in a bowl of dry salt for a deep cleanse. Other options include smudging it with sage, putting it in a bowl of brown rice overnight, or placing it on top of a crystal-cleansing Selenite plate.
The easiest way to charge your birthstone is by putting it in the sunlight for the day. This is good for all birthstones, but it is especially powerful for fire signs, so long as your stone is sun-safe, as some crystals can lose their color when they’re exposed to the sun.
You can also bury your gem in the Earth for 24 hours for an Earth-based recharge, which is especially great for Earth signs but can help to bring balance to all types of energies.
Where can I buy my birthstone?
You can buy your zodiac birthstone at many reputable online retailers and spiritual stores. However, to ensure legitimacy, you should only buy from sellers that you feel familiar or safe with and those that have good ratings and reviews from previous customers.
Final thoughts
Birthday gemstones can bring you love, luck, and security, whether you’re just getting into spirituality, crystals, and astrology or you already have a glittering crystal collection. So, if you’re looking to utilize your birthstone, use our guide for the best results! So, if you