04 Feb White Crystal: Uses, Meaning & Healing Properties
In most cultures, the color white is associated with hope, purity, cleanliness, and peacefulness, so it’s only fitting that white stones bring forth purification, meditation, and spiritual awareness. Gorgeous white crystals are all about opening and strengthening the crown chakra so that your consciousness can reach a higher state.
Learn what it means to incorporate white crystals into your life and the many benefits you will get from these healing crystals.
White Crystals: Meaning & Importance
Diamonds are the first thing that comes to mind when people think of white crystals, even though they don’t necessarily have a milky white hue. In the gemstone industry, white crystals also include colorless stones.
The white crystal is regarded as a Master Healer. They symbolize innocence and are a source of purity and mental and emotional clarity. They are also deeply connected to the spiritual world. White crystals encourage us to be more open and receptive, especially when receiving direction from our spirit guides. They are also a great way to inspire the balance of power in our mind, body, and soul.
Benefits of Using Them
Chakra Healing (Crown)
The crown chakra is our spirit’s gateway of connecting to the universe, which white crystals masterfully heal. Having a crown chakra that’s cleared of all blockages will inspire the expansion of our consciousness so that we may trust that things will work out for us in the greater sense. It also signals to the universe that our consciousness is ready to receive all the blessings from the divine.
Physical Healing
As they are connected to purifying, white gemstones are all about detoxifying the physical body and keeping it clean from head to toe. They also help the body release stress and boost the immune system. For those whose mental health is often plagued, expect anxiety and depression to be washed away and replaced with plenty of clarity if you seek help from white gemstones.
Love & Relationships
White crystals encourage level-headedness and clear thinking, which are both great attributes to bring to any relationship — whether romantic or otherwise. The high vibrations in white crystals inspire innocent love that makes us feel safe, free from emotional wounds, and grants us the wisdom of letting go of petty things that don’t matter in the big picture.
White crystals give you the wisdom to say yes to the right opportunities that will surely welcome abundance to your life. They will clear the path to success, so you are not bogged down by fear when it comes to making difficult financial decisions. These crystals will expertly guide you when it comes to taking calculated risks to make sure that they don’t burn you in the long run.
15 White Crystals You Can Use Everyday
1. White Agate
The white agate is an excellent crown chakra healer that will encourage you to let go of frustrations and worries. With its white energy and pure vibes, this crystal makes it, so your spiritual self glows from the inside out. It will call balance and self-confidence unto your spiritual self and let go of old stories that no longer serve your betterment.
2. Scolecite
The gentle white scolecite works well with the third eye chakra to boost your vibrations. These great crystals will encourage you to rise and meet spiritual transformation so you can reach your highest sense of self. It is also a gentle stone of communication on multiple levels (not just talking space), and brings you closer to ethereal conversations so you can connect to your spirit guides.
The white scolecite also aids in many physical ailments such as insomnia by promoting good sleep and peaceful dreams.
3. White Opal
The white opal shares its hues with the iridescent pearl. This white stone brings self-acceptance, inner peace, and healing and brings in light even during extreme darkness. The eye-catching and illuminating white opal will also inspire creative thinking and allow your imagination to flourish and bloom.
4. White Selenite Crystal
The white selenite crystal heals the crown chakra and makes sure that both the heart and mind are aligned. These white stones work wonders in balancing our emotions and illuminating our sense of being so anxious and negative energy has no place in our spirit. This white crystal spills forth plenty of angel energy and acts as a guiding light to the cyclic nature of the universe so that we can tread toward the path of spirituality.
5. Moonstone
The moonstone is a beautiful white gem that is considered the ultimate spirit guide of many. Like how the full moon goes through phases, the moonstone also encourages crucial transformation and change. This is a beautiful white crystal with powerful feminine energy, which keeps one calm and luminous. This healing crystal inspires us to embrace the freshness of new cycles, so we don’t get stuck in boring stagnation.
6. White Calcite
The white calcite is just the white gem you need to ignite the crown and third eye chakras. This amplifies your dreams, so a touch of magic is added to your physical experience and brings you to a place where you trust your inner voice and wisdom. It also encourages forgiveness, softness, and understanding, both for yourself and those you love.
7. White Topaz
The white topaz welcomes peace and tranquility into your life. This level-headed stone brings in a heavy dose of spiritual development so you may see your dreams come to life. Just like other topaz stone colors, the white topaz brings in a heavy dose of hope and promise, with added spiritual and mental clarity and development. It also greatly enhances your thought processes.
8. White Chalcedony
The white chalcedony is an awesome stone for welcoming and receiving love. It encourages you to be more honest and trusting in relationships that, in turn, will grow your capacity for deep love. This gentle stone is filled with soft, light energy and is awesome at surrounding your aura with bright light so you can experience truly genuine relationships.
9. White Beryl
The white beryl is all about bringing strength and courage into one’s life so that you may keep moving in the right direction. This white gem also acts as a filter to keep stress, anxiety, and other harmful energies at bay. It’s a great stone sidekick to keep you positive as you deal with the inevitable ups and downs of life.
10. Clear Quartz Crystal
The clear quartz crystal, also known as white quartz, is an excellent stone to illuminate the crown chakra. It shines a light on positive thoughts and amplifies them. The white quartz encourages level-headed thinking and clarity in the face of tough decision-making and allows you to channel reason and logic without having to put your dreams on hold. The white quartz is a gem that wants you to vibrate at the top of your game while keeping you stable and calm throughout the entire process.
11. Iceland Spar
The Iceland spar is similarly built to the quartz and has the same healing properties. This is a stone that will help bring your manifestations into reality, with its specialty being the removal of resistant thoughts that block the way of your manifestations. Many also consider the Iceland spar a problem-solving crystal because it helps one get the perspective of the root of the problem to find the corresponding answer.
12. White Howlite
The white howlite is for people who refuse to stay in the shadows of their past lives. As a beacon of purity, this white gem beams with white light. It encourages you to embrace everything that makes you unique — you will surely find deeply fulfilled spirituality through acknowledging who you really are. It convinces you to take off your mask and live a full, enriched life, free from all pretenses.
13. Citrine
Although citrine is more yellow than white, you will still definitely see specks of white laced in between all the summer tones. This white-yellow crystal is brimming with radiance, positivity, and personal power. It’s the perfect stone for people who find themselves plagued with winter blues because it gets them out into the summer sun. Donning the citrine makes one feel good things are coming their way because they deserve it. It also paves the way for welcoming success so you can sparkle with playful energy.
14. White Sapphire
White sapphire is all about keeping your intellectual mind sharp. It connects you with your higher self and keeps your intuition in top shape. This stone also adds a bit of luck and good fortune to your intuition, so you are kept safe at all times.
15. White Diamond
And lastly, the white diamond is the most prized among the lineup of white crystals. These are considered the hardest organic substances in the world and are extremely rare. White diamonds have powerful purifying energy and have the ability to protect the wearer from evil, malice, and other psychic attacks that come their way.
How To Use Them
Carrying white crystals daily is the best way to show the universe that you intend to bring the meaning of the crystals into your life. Wearing crystal jewelry is one of the best ways to do it, as having the crystals flushed against your skin is one of the most powerful things you can do to bring its magic straight into your heart. Gemstone jewelry can also loosen chakra blockages that may be plaguing your spirit and keep everything cleansed.
Using white crystals in meditation will also allow you to receive deep spiritual messages. White crystals are especially powerful when it comes to connecting with the spirit world, so they will be highly effective in mindful meditations and chanting affirmations. You can also have them on hand while practicing tarot, scrying, or other activities that require you to call in spirit guides.
Other Stones To Combine With White Crystals
Among the gemstones, white crystals are natural amplifiers. They also help rein in calm, clarity, and focus for more deliberate intentions. Pairing other crystals with white crystals will surely bring forth more powerful torrents of energy.
For example, combining white crystals with potent love gemstones like rose quartz and rhodochrosite will result in nothing less than the marriage of love and light. This is a powerful combination that’ll open your heart to giving and receiving pure, unadulterated love.
On the other hand, Fluorite crystals are known for their psychic abilities, which white crystals will greatly amplify. Prepare for the wonders of new beginnings and opportunities if you bring these other crystals alongside the white gems into your life.
Moreover, black crystals will do wonders when combined with white gemstones. Keep yourself safe from negative energy and psychic attacks by utilizing black stones like obsidian, tourmaline, onyx, and hematite, alongside your white crystals.
What are white crystals good for?
White crystals are good for the purification of energy and strengthening the crown chakra. They are known as Master Healers and do a great job of cleansing and purifying our mind, spirit, and soul. These gemstones are also good at inspiring us to be more open and receptive, which is highly important for spiritual work.
Are white stones diamonds?
Yes, diamonds are white stones. When it comes to white gemstones, diamonds are the first thing people think of. Colorless stones are considered white stones in the gemstone industry.
White crystals are some of the most popular stones today, and for good reason — they are a potent source of calming energy. These milky crystals encourage you to slow down and take a deep breath, so your entire spirit reaches calmness and serenity. People may not often turn to them when it comes to powerful intentions, but many will still consider them as solid rocks that’ll have your back when you need them the most.
Make sure that you have white crystals in your collection, as many crystal collectors do.
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