01 Jul White Aura And Its Meaning
White aura is the rarest aura color of all. They are a real spiritual gift, and they signify a true connection to the spiritual realm. Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about having a white aura.
What Is A White Aura?
Auras are the colorful energy fields that surround every living thing. They show our innermost energy, reflected from our chakra systems; each chakra is represented by a different color, and white represents the final seventh chakra – the crown.
White Aura Meaning
So what does a white aura mean? Let’s find out.
White Aura & The Crown Chakra
White is thought to be a very highly vibrational color. It is associated with pure light and universal energy and relates directly to the crown chakra, which is what connects us to our souls and the spiritual world. So, if you have a white aura, you are most probably in touch with your spiritual gifts.
White Aura & Health
If you have a white aura, you probably have a very clean diet and lifestyle, creating good natural health and strength within the body – as well as great longevity.
White Aura & Personality
People with white auras are known to be almost angelic. They have a pure quality about them with calm, peaceful, and compassionate personalities that have not been tainted by the physical, material world around them.
They have a lot of integrity and a firm stance on what is right and wrong, but without being judgmental of others. The white aura feels drawn to the spiritual world and lives their lives to find meaning, purpose, and connection to the divine and to others.
White Aura & Mood
Mood-wise, having white in your aura can mean that you’re feeling inner peace and fulfillment in your current life circumstances.
White Aura & Spirituality
White energy is the most spiritually sensitive, pure, and connected energy that there is. If you have a white aura, you have mastered your psychic abilities and have perfect intuition.
You have no problem reading other people, manifesting what you want in life, and communicating with the other side.
Many people who believe in past lives also believe that people with white auras are living their final life, and that their auras are white because they are closer to spiritual enlightenment than the rest of us.
White Aura & Relationships
People with white auras seek only genuine connections and will intuitively find the people that they are supposed to be with in life. In relationships, they prioritize their partner’s needs over their own and have an incredibly loyal, nurturing nature towards their partners and friends.
White Aura & Success
Because of their high vibration and angelic nature, people with white auras are naturally drawn to careers in which they can help and heal others. You will likely find them working as spiritual healers, homeopaths, life coaches, nurses, therapists, or in human rights, childcare, or animal rescue.
They may also be interested in environmental work or charity work, as white aura people’s true intentions in life are to help the world they find themselves in.
Challenges With White Auras
Sometimes, people with white auras can be so innocent and willing to see the good in others that they can be manipulated or deceived very easily. They can also be naive or allow their need to nurture others to overtake and sacrifice their own well-being.
In order to avoid this, you should expose yourself to the world gradually, protect your energy, don’t involve yourself with people who give off bad vibes, and make time for self-care. Also, if somebody does lie or cheat – don’t feel bad cutting them out of your life.
Variations Of The White Aura
While white is not really a color with different shades, there are a couple of types of this aura. Let’s take a look at what they are.
Bright White Aura
The main and most common type of white aura is the bright white aura. As discussed, a bright white aura means that you have a dominant crown chakra; you have had your spiritual awakening, and you are now fully in tune with the universe.
Murky White Aura
Whilst the white aura is pure and wonderful, there are a few hindering personality traits that can come with it. If you allow these to take over, the white appears dark in the aura and you can become judgemental or have poor judgment of others. This is essentially having an overactive crown chakra, but it is easily remedied with some healing rituals.
White Aura Compatibility
White energy is so pure that it has the potential to be compatible with everyone, so long as they have good intentions. However, every aura color is more compatible with certain colors, and white tends to be most compatible with purple and indigo auras.
This is because indigo and purple aura colors relate to the third eye chakra, which is very close to the crown and also deals in spiritual intuition. Their traits are very similar, making them great matches for white energy.
They’re also very compatible with blue and yellow energies because the blue aura relates to the throat chakra; representing truth and communication, which compliments the sensitive white energy, and the yellow aura signifies a strong solar plexus, which deals in joy and purpose and uplifts white aura people.
How Do You Attract A White Aura Person?
People with white auras are desirable people to have in your life because they are so selfless and full of divine wisdom. However, it’s important that you do not seek to take advantage of these qualities.
White aura people tend to be most drawn to genuine people that have an interest in the spiritual world, as this is their highest calling and biggest passion in life. So, if you’re reading this article – that probably includes you!
Does A White Aura Mean That You’re Psychic?
Whilst everybody has the ability to access some level of intuitive abilities or psychic power, if you have a white aura, it means that you have had your spiritual awakening and you are the most in touch that a person can be with their gifts.
How Can I Get A White Aura?
White auras are so rare because they’re hard to achieve. Many people, even those who are dedicated to their spiritual side do not fully open their crown chakra in their lifetime, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.
The crown can become blocked or misaligned when we ignore or deny our spiritual selves, causing an unwillingness to try new things, dissociation from the body, confusion, a lack of inspiration, and in extreme cases, psychosis.
Physically, it can cause poor coordination, a desire to oversleep, chronic tension headaches, and exhaustion. The most important thing that you can do to fix it is to meditate. Meditating with your hands in the “mudra” position and envisioning a bright white light surrounding or entering the top of your head may help.
There are also yoga and reiki practices designed to activate the crown chakra, positive mantras, and healing crystals such as clear quartz and selenite.
Caring For A White Aura
White auras are one of the worst for absorbing negative energy, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and burnt out, so they require a lot of maintenance. To keep them bright and positive, you should perform cleansing rituals such as meditation and cleansing baths, and use cleansing crystals such as clear quartz, selenite, agate, and amethyst.
You can include them in your rituals or use them by themselves. Wearing crystal jewelry, carrying them around in your purse or pocket, or even just keeping them close by at home or by your bed is a great way to deep heal.
The most important thing you can do when it comes to any spiritual cleansing practice is to make it into a routine. How often you need to do it will differ from person to person, but it’s highly recommended that white aura people cleanse their auras regularly because they are so sensitive.
In Conclusion
White auras are one of the most special and pure energies that there is. If you’re a white aura person, you will be the envy of many, as this means you have an incredible connection to the divine.
To maintain your special connection, make sure that you look after your spiritual and emotional health, and don’t be afraid to put yourself first.
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