29 Nov Types Of Geode Rocks And Their Meaning
Geodes are a beautiful and popular form of crystal – if you want to know more about them, keep reading for everything you need to know, including geode formation, types of geode rocks, how to use them, and more.
What Are Geode Rocks?
Geodes are hollow rocks that are lined with sparkling crystals on the inside. On the outside, these spherical rocks don’t look like anything too special, but inside lies a magical, beautiful world of sparkles and color!
The outer wall is durable and the inside contains an underlining layer of agate, which is topped by fabulous crystal. They come in a few different varieties of crystal, ranging from common stones like Amethyst to rarer ones like colored opal.
What’s so fun about these crystals is that you won’t know what’s in them until it’s cracked open! Sizes vary from one centimeter to several meters in length and they’re used for many things, including jewelry, home decor, and spiritual purposes.
Where Are Geode Rocks Formed?
Geodes can form in many geographical places including volcanoes, deserts, mountainsides, and even under the sea. However, they are most often formed in sedimentary rocks like shale and limestone and they are most often found in desert regions.
Where Are Geode Rocks Found?
Geodes are found in nature all over the world, including Uruguay, Namibia, Mexico, and Brazil, where the geode industry is especially thriving. Commercially, you can see them at gem and mineral shows, crystal shops, jewelry stores, science museums, and art galleries.
Types Of Geode Rocks
There are quite a few types of geodes in the world. This is how they’re found in nature.
1. Volcanic Geode Rocks
Volcanic geodes occur as a result of volcanic ash and eruptions. Volcanic Geode Rocks are the most well-known and sought-after types of Geode. They are made when the lava rises to the surface and the gas expands, trapping some of it in the lava, and causing gaps to form. They can also flow back out of semi-hardened ones, creating tubes within the geode.
Hydrothermal fluids then transport crystal minerals into the voids through the tube. Some of them have tree-like branches, with a one-meter diameter and a length of several meters.
2. Sedimentary Geode Rocks
Sedimentary Geodes form in dolomites, limestone, basalt, and calcareous shale. They form when roots, shells, tree branches, and other biological stuff decompose and voids form. Gas fills these holes, which are eventually coated with crystal minerals. They are smaller in size than the stones above, and they’re much easier to find in nature.
3. Amethyst Geode Rocks
Amethyst geode rocks are a type of geode that contain purple amethyst crystals inside, which are believed to have healing properties that promote relaxation, stress relief, and spiritual growth. They are also known for their ability to enhance intuition, creativity, and clarity of thought.
The Amethyst geode is often sold in large pieces for home decor as well as smaller pieces on jewelry, and pieces of all sizes for crystal healing and spiritual work. They also have a large connection to Feng Shui, the Chinese practice of arranging your home to create a balance of energies and align with the natural world.
4. Quartz Geode Rocks
Quartz geode rocks are a type of geode that contain clear or white quartz crystals inside, which are believed to have powerful healing properties that promote harmony, balance, and clarity of mind. They are also known for their ability to amplify energy, making them useful for meditation, manifestation, and spiritual growth.
Quartz geode rocks are highly sought after by collectors and energy healers alike.
They’re also used in computers, electronic meters, electronic games, mobile phones, and GPS devices. They are even utilized in the manufacturing of windows, filters, and lenses for different pieces of scientific equipment like telescopes, lasers, microscopes, electronic sensors, and more.
5. Citrine Geode Rocks
Citrine geode rocks are a type of geode that contain citrine crystals inside, which are believed to have healing properties that promote joy, abundance, and creativity. They are also known for their ability to enhance self-confidence, personal power, and motivation, making them popular among those seeking success and prosperity.
6. Calcite Geode Rocks
Calcite geodes contain deposits of Calcite crystals, which is one of the most powerful healing stones in the world. It is also the most common mineral in the state of Indiana. They’re found in dolostone and are usually colorless or white, but they can also be very diluted colors, including red, yellow, blue, etc. However, while known to be the most effective calcite crystal when it comes to its metaphysical properties.
Spiritually, these stones are known to purify and amplify energies, dispel negative energies, and cleanse and re-balance all of the chakras. Because of this, it’s an excellent stone to use for personal and spiritual growth and transformation, meditation, and to keep around the house to increase the flow of positive energy.
They also promote renewing and relaxing energy that clears energetic blockages from the home and chakra system.
7. Agate Geode Eggs
Agate geode eggs are a type of geode that has been carved into the shape of an egg and contain agate crystals inside. Agate is believed to have healing properties that promote emotional stability, inner strength, and physical endurance.
The egg shape is also believed to represent new beginnings, fertility, and abundance. Agate geode eggs are often used for meditation, as well as for decorative purposes, and as a unique addition to a crystal collection.
How To Use Geodes?
Here is how you can use your crystal geodes.
Feng Shui and Geode Rocks
As mentioned above, Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of arrangement in the home, which utilizes simple techniques to improve the balance of energies in the space. These techniques require that you put your geodes somewhere that relates to their purpose; for example, healing crystals are well-placed in your bedroom where you relax, sleep, and recuperate, and creative crystals are better placed where you use your creative energy the most, such as your study or work desk.
Meditation and Geode Rocks
If you want to take your meditations to a deeper level, keep your geode somewhere central in the room where you meditate. If you meditate in bed, keep it on your bedside table. If you have a smaller geode, you can also hold it whilst you meditate to help you focus your energy.
This is great for chakra healing, physical healing, personal and spiritual growth, and relaxation. We highly recommend Amethyst geodes for spiritual meditation. Calcite for chakra re-balancing, Quartz and Agate geodes for relaxation and healing of all kinds, and Citrine for positivity.
Manifestation and Geode Rocks
You can also include your geode in your manifestation rituals to help you reach your dreams and goals; whether you script, visualize, or use positive affirmations. We highly recommend Amethyst and Citrine geodes for manifesting big changes and opportunities in your life.
Sleep & Dream-work and Geode Rocks
You can also keep your geode rock next to your bed to help with dream work and improvement of recall and interpretation, as well as better dreams, spiritual communication through dreams, lucid dreaming, astral projection, stopping nightmares, and better sleep quality.
Jewelry and Geode Rocks
Wearing smaller geode jewelry is a great way to heal your body and mental health and re-balance your chakras, as you’re keeping them so close to you for hours or days at a time. If you’re not a jewelry person, you can also carry smaller geodes around with you in your pocket or purse.
Crystal Grids and Geode Rocks
If you want to make a super powerful crystal grid, place a crystal geode at the center of it. A crystal grid is a grid of crystals that are set up to magnify and focus their energies toward a certain intention, such as manifesting romance or money.
Putting a large geode that resonates with your intention in the center of the grid and surrounding it with complementary stones will supercharge it and make your manifestation come faster.
How Much Are Geode Rocks Worth?
The value of a geode depends on the type, size, where it’s from, and its individual features, as some are rarer than others. Some of the most valuable geodes come from Morocco, as they have striking colors and patterns. Brazil, Mexico, Romania, Kazakhstan, India, China, and Namibia also produce valuable geode rocks.
Where Can I Buy A Geode Rock?
Rarer geodes can only be bought at exclusive and established jewelers and crystal stores, but you can buy more common geodes from several stores on the internet, including independent stores and individual sellers. You should only use websites that you trust and buy from individual sellers that have good reviews from their customers.
Can Geode Rocks Be Faked?
Yes, sellers can fake crystal geodes online using materials such as concrete, resin, and plaster to imitate the natural patterns and colors of a real geode.
How To Care For Large Geode Rocks
Depending on the type of geode you have, you can keep it clean using a clean makeup or paint brush, or use warm water with a gentle, natural soap if it’s safe to do so.
If you use your geode for spiritual growth or healing purposes, you should cleanse it and charge it once a month by placing it in the sunlight and the moonlight on the night of the full moon to rid it of negative energy and fill it up with positive vibes.
Geode rocks are a gorgeous gift from the natural world. If you’re lucky enough to find one in nature, buy one of your own, or see a rare one in a museum or art gallery.
If you’re thinking of adding one to your crystal collection, we hope that you can use this guide to utilize them fully for Feng Shui, inner healing, meditation, and more!
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