12 Jul Throat Chakra Affirmations
If you are struggling to find yourself or you find it difficult to express yourself, you may have a blocked throat chakra – but don’t worry! There are several ways that you can rebalance this chakra, and one of the easiest is by using affirmations.
Affirmations are a great tool for healing ourselves, aligning our energy, lifting our spirits, and attracting greatness. So, let’s take a look at how we can use chakra affirmations to open the throat chakra for better self-expression and communication.
What Is the Throat Chakra?
The chakras are like the spiritual energy centers of the human body – we have seven chakras, starting at the root chakra and ending with the crown chakra. Each one controls a different sacred part of our being and influences how we feel and live our lives, so it’s important that we understand the role of each one and how to take care of them so that we can vibrate at our highest frequency.
Otherwise known as the Vishudda, the throat chakra is the fifth chakra and comes between the third eye and the heart chakra. It is an important energy center for personal development because it is responsible for our sense of identity, truth, self-expression, communication, and creativity.
Having a strong throat chakra puts us in touch with who we really are and allows us to express ourselves honestly, creatively, and clearly with others. Opening the throat chakra can also make us more bold, outspoken, and extroverted in our communications with others.
It is a great chakra to work on for anybody who is looking to improve their social confidence or communication skills, and it makes you a good listener as much as it makes you a good speaker. It’s also great for artists, as activating the throat chakra also allows creative ideas to flow freely in the mind.
In the physical body, a well-balanced throat chakra supports the health of the throat, mouth, voice, respiratory system, and thyroid glands. Spiritually, it opens us up to receiving messages from the other side, and you’ll also find that your honesty attracts other genuine souls into your life.
Is My Throat Chakra Blocked?
Our chakras can become blocked by various forms of trauma, and the throat chakra is most often blocked by emotional trauma whereby your voice has been silenced, such as school bullying or abusive relationships. Smoking and drinking too much alcohol can also block your throat chakra.
A blocked fifth chakra can result in a crisis in identity, creative block, social anxiety, and dishonesty, as well as problems with communication. Physical symptoms can include thyroid problems and issues with the throat and mouth, such as mouth ulcers and acid reflux.
Throat Chakra Healing Affirmations
We can use affirmations to heal, balance, and activate our chakras, so, how do we use them for the throat chakra specifically?
Well, there are two ways to do it. You can either simply repeat to yourself that your chakras are perfectly aligned and open, or, you can make them more specific to the throat chakra and its purpose.
These types of throat chakra affirmations should involve feeling bold and fearless, speaking your truth, embodying creative energy, and knowing who you are. Just go with whatever feels right to you!
How to Use Throat Chakra Affirmations
First, you should decide on a few short affirmations that you can say to yourself. You don’t need to say them out loud, although you can if you want to, it is enough to just say them in your head.
You can say your affirmations whenever you want to. It’s best to do it whenever and as often as you can, however, the best times to do it are when you first wake up in the morning and before you go to sleep at night, as this is when your subconscious is at its most receptive.
Saying them during meditation is also very powerful, as we are connected with our subconscious mind and soul when we meditate. It may also help you to focus your energy on your throat area and visualize your fifth chakra as a bright blue light in the center of your throat. You could also hold some throat chakra healing crystals such as turquoise or blue agate while you meditate.
How Long Does It Take for Throat Chakra Affirmations to Work?
How long it will take for your chakra affirmations to work will depend on you and how much mental resistance you have to your affirmations. Sometimes we can have subconscious resistance to the things we’re affirming because of our deep-seated negative beliefs about ourselves, but with some persistence, it will work.
If you’re prone to thinking negative thoughts, it’s a good idea to replace these thoughts with your affirmations whenever the subject of your throat chakra or anything associated with it comes into your head. This prevents those bad thoughts from dominating and keeping any chakra blockages you have in place.
Can the Throat Chakra Become Overactive?
The throat chakra can become overactive when we routinely use our voice in a way that hurts others; gossiping, criticizing, speaking out of turn, or being rude or disrespectful. This can cause the chakra to go into overdrive, affecting your relationships and causing earaches, colds, laryngitis, mouth/jaw issues, and pain in the neck and shoulders.
You can use your chakra affirmations to re-balance an overactive throat chakra, but when doing so, you should focus on the peace of knowing who you are and channeling creative energy for success, rather than speaking your truth to balance out the o
In wrapping up our exploration of the throat chakra, we’ve journeyed into the realm of self-expression, communication, and personal truth. As the fifth energy center in the chakra system, the throat chakra plays a pivotal role in connecting our inner thoughts with the external world. Understanding the significance of maintaining balance in this energetic hub opens doors to enhanced communication, authentic self-expression, and a harmonious connection between mind and body.
Remember, the throat chakra is not just about vocalizing words but also about expressing our true selves with clarity and honesty. By embracing practices that align with this chakra, we empower ourselves to speak our truth, share our creativity, and build authentic connections with others.
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