12 Jul Third-Eye Chakra Affirmations
If you are struggling to connect with your intuition or use the creative part of your brain, your third eye chakra might be blocked. Thankfully, there are a few ways that you can align and awaken your third eye – and using affirmations is key.
Affirmations are a great tool for personal healing and spiritual awakening, so let’s take a look at how we can use chakra affirmations to open the third eye for access to your natural psychic abilities and inner wisdom.
What Is the Third-Eye Chakra?
The chakras are like our spiritual energy centers. There are seven chakras, and each one controls a different sacred part of our being.
Otherwise known as the Ajna, the third eye chakra is the sixth chakra and is located in-between the eyebrows. It is said to be related to the pineal gland; a part of the brain that is known to be involved in hormonal secretion, sleep, dreaming, decision making, creative thinking, and reality perception. It is also thought to be the gateway to the soul, higher consciousness, and the spiritual world.
The third eye chakra governs our spiritual sensitivity and intuition. Opening the third eye gives us access to our higher selves and the wisdom of the universe, unlocking our psychic abilities and allowing us to be fully authentic and walk our true path in life.
As you open your third eye, you will start to seek and attract significance, purpose, and meaningful connections with others, and you will begin to think clearly with limitless creativity. Everyday life will seem a lot more joyous and colorful, and any fear you have of the unknown or future will gradually fade away.
Is My Third-Eye Chakra Blocked?
Our chakras can become blocked in many ways, and the third eye becomes blocked when we allow the ego to be dominant over the id, denying our spiritual selves – this is very common in modern society and can cause difficulty concentrating, self-reflecting, dreaming, and using our imaginations.
It also hinders spiritual insight and causes fear of the unknown, as well as an overall lack of joy and connection with the world. Physically, symptoms of a blocked third eye chakra can include migraines, sinusitis, seizures, issues with vision, and sciatica.
Third-Eye Chakra Healing Affirmations
We can use affirmations to heal, rebalance, and open all of our chakras, but what kind of affirmations should we use to activate the third eye chakra?
You can either affirm that your third eye is open or you can make your affirmations about your psychic ability, such as connecting with a higher power and receiving inner guidance or having a clear psychic vision and inner awareness. Whatever feels right to you!
How to Use Third-Eye Chakra Affirmations
Before you can start putting affirmations into practice, you need to decide on what they are. You don’t need more than a few, and you should keep them short and to the point. It’s not necessary to say them out loud, although you can if you want to, but it is enough to just say them to yourself in your head.
The more you affirm, the quicker your affirmations will take effect, so try to do it as often as you can, whenever you can. That said, the most effective times that you can say your affirmations are when you first wake up in the morning and before you go to sleep at night, as this is when your subconscious is at its most receptive.
Saying them during meditation is also very powerful, especially for your third eye. In fact, the best thing that you can do to connect with your third eye in general is to meditate. It will help if you focus on the space in-between your eyebrows and visualize your third eye chakra opening whilst you say your affirmations.
You can even hold some third eye chakra stones such as amethyst or moldevite if you want to; it may help to place them on your forehead if you meditate laying down.
How Quickly Do Chakra Affirmations Work?
How long it will take for your chakra affirmations to work will depend on how much mental resistance you have to them. For some people, it’s almost immediate, for others it can take a few weeks to feel a difference – but be patient with yourself. With persistence, it will work.
If you’re prone to thinking negative thoughts, especially in relation to the things associated with your third eye, it’s important that you do not dwell on them. Replace these thoughts with your affirmations whenever they enter your head, otherwise, the negative thoughts will manifest instead.
It will also speed up the process if you affirm whenever you are at a loose end or doing something that doesn’t require a lot of thought. That said, don’t stress yourself out over it – it should be fun!
Can the Third Eye Chakra Become Overactive?
A blockage isn’t the only third eye chakra imbalance there is – it can also become overactive when it is used too much or incorrectly. The third eye can become overactive when we don’t remain grounded in the physical world and get too lost in the spirit world.
This can cause it to go into overdrive, making you feel overwhelmed and prone to overindulging in escapism, or feeling like you’ve lost touch with reality. It can also cause anxiety, mental fog, and in extreme cases, hallucinations and paranoia.
Physical symptoms can include headaches and insomnia. You can use chakra affirmations to help you rebalance an overactive third eye by affirming that you are in control of your gifts and only attract positive things, or you can use it to ask spirit for guidance on how to manage your gifts.
As we conclude our exploration into the mystical realm of the third eye, we find ourselves at the intersection of intuition, insight, and inner wisdom. The third eye, or Ajna chakra, serves as a gateway to a heightened state of consciousness, providing a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Delving into the significance of this energy center has illuminated the path to unlocking our intuitive capabilities, enhancing perception, and fostering a profound connection with the universal flow of energy.
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