07 Sep The 7 Stages Of Spiritual Awakening Explained
Spiritual awakenings are a much talked about topic in the spiritual community, but what exactly does that mean and how do you know when it’s happening? Let’s get into all that and more.
What Does Spiritual Awakening Mean?
A spiritual awakening is a subjective experience in which the affected person becomes fully aware of their soul and universal energy, instinctively understanding spiritual reality.
How somebody arrives at the beginning of their spiritual life path is different for everyone, it can be religious, non-religious, a result of intentional attempts to connect, or out of your conscious control.
Common triggers include death, conflict, karma, trauma acknowledgment, and meeting a soul mate or twin flame.
The 7 Stages Of Spiritual Awakening
Of course, everybody is different, and not everyone will experience all of these things, but these are the most commonly experienced stages of spiritual awakening.
Stage One: The Awakening
The first stage of spiritual awakening is awakening to the call for change. Whatever sparks your desire to change your life, during this phase, most people feel a strong urge to get rid of anything that isn’t beneficial to their lives. In this phase, you may feel anywhere from unsettled or unsure to awkward or excited.
Stage Two: The Dark Night Of The Soul
The so-called dark night of the soul is quite a imfamous stage, in which you reach rock bottom or have an existential crisis of some description. This is often necessary in order to re-evaluate your life and consider your purpose here on Earth. Like the first stage, it’s a sort of purge; only with emotions, rather than physical things.
Stage Three: The Sponge Stage
After you clear the soul of darkness, it’s time to start searching for your way forward. This is a fun stage, in which you learn as much as you can about spirituality so that you can follow your own path; different religions and non-religious belief systems, and experiment with different types of meditation, prayer, and rituals.
Stage Four: The Emergence Of The Self
Once you’ve explored the different avenues, allow your intuition to guide you toward what feels right for you, and bare in mind that it doesn’t have to be one thing or another, it can be a combination of different things.
When you follow your chosen spiritual path, your true nature will begin to emerge and you’ll have more self-awareness. You’ll start to feel more comfortable in your own skin, confident in your personality, and competent in your natural skills, talents, gift, and abilities.
Stage Five: Soul Work
The soul work stage is usually ongoing, and some people never quite get to grips with it, but everybody should try! This stage is all about building a structure for your existence that nurtures your mind, body, and soul.
Stage Six: Surrender
The second to last step involves fully surrendering to your faith by letting go of what you no longer need. Sometimes it’s material possessions; other times, it’s habits, situations, and people. It’s almost like the final purge of your old self as you get ready to fully step into the world as the new and improved version of you.
Stage Seven: Service And Awareness
The final stage of spiritual awakening is permanently living in a state of awareness of your part in the universal consciousness and understanding your significance, as well as the significance of life, generally. This doesn’t mean that you’ll never have problems again, but you’ll be much better equipped to handle them.
Signs Of A Spiritual Awakening
Let’s take a look at some common signs that you’re approaching or having a spiritual awakening.
You Have Doubts About What You’ve Been Taught
At the start of an awakening, many people begin to question or notice flaws in the things that they have been raised or taught to believe.
You Feel Disconnected Or Detached
Spiritual awakenings are a big change, and during it, you go through a significant transformation. As a result, you may feel awkward, disconnected, or detached from your life for a while as you adjust and things become clearer.
You Experience Déjà Vu
Many people also report experiencing déjà vu on a regular basis when they’re undergoing a spiritual awakening. Although it might feel a bit discombobulating, it’s actually a good sign.
You Notice Synchronicities
As you go through your transformation, you’ll start to notice little synchronicities in your life. The same people, numbers, songs, and more will appear to pop up all over the place. This is confirmation from the universe that you’re on the right track.
You Have Meaningful Dreams
You may also notice that your dreams become more vivid, meaningful, and memorable when going through the process.
Spirituality Becomes More Important
Spirituality will also become a higher priority in your life and you’ll find yourself making time for spiritual practices like meditation in your daily routine.
Your Relationships Change
During the spiritual awakening process, you may notice shifts in your personal relationships. You may get closer to some people, and feel the need to distance yourself from others, or even go out and meet new people.
You Feel Sensitive To Inauthenticity
As you become your true self, you’ll also start to find disingenuousness annoying and tiring to be around. Whether it’s fake people, manufactured pop culture stuff, or things that just don’t align with your new vibe, you’ll start to strip the irrelevance from your life!
You Feel More Intuitive
Intuition is a big part of the spiritual awakening process. You’ll notice that you can read people, accurately predict the outcomes of situations, and instinctively know things a lot more.
You Become More Empathetic
Becoming more at peace with ourselves and in tune with the world also means that our empathy increases. You’ll be able to understand people a lot more, you’ll be less judgemental, and you’ll have a lot more compassion for others and what they’re going through.
You’re More Forgiving
Going hand in hand with empathy, you’ll also find that you’re more forgiving and you’ll be able to let go of gripes and grudges with others more easily.
Teachers Find You
The universe always finds ways to serve the people who are committed to their spiritual growth, so you’ll probably find that teachers and their lessons have a way of finding you.
Other Spiritual People Find You
You may also find that other people who are on a spiritual journey naturally find you, as you are both emitting the same energy.
You Want To Give Back
The more you feel connected to the world around you and the people in it, the more you’ll feel an urge to give back – whether it’s to those in need, animals, or the environment, pick a cause that you’re drawn to if you want to make a difference.
You Feel More Connected To Nature
Before your awakening, you may have been able to spend time around animals or in the great outdoors without feeling too moved by it, but the more you awaken, the more time you’ll want to spend in it, and the more you’ll feel touched by its presence.
You’ll Enjoy Alone Time More
If you used to be somebody who hated the sound of silence, that might change when you have your spiritual awakening. As you become more comfortable in your own mind, you’ll feel a sense of peace and renewal from spending time alone.
Your Body Aches
Some people may also experience headaches, body aches, and mild illness like cold and flu. It’s usually nothing to worry about and will go away by itself with a bit of downtime.
Heightened Senses
Another symptom of spiritual awakening is heightened senses. If you’re finding that your eyes are a little bit more sensitive to light than before or certain sounds are big more annoying than they used to be, it’s probably due to your awakening!
Your Opinions Change
You will also probably find that your worldview changes as you awaken, too. This is only natural as you learn, grow, and become more spiritually connected to those around you.
You Find It Easier To Change Your Habits
Once you start down the path of spiritual awakening, you’ll find that changing your habits is a lot easier because you’re battling against fewer mental and soulful obstacles.
You’re More Curious
You’ll also begin to feel more curious about the world, and you’ll feel an overwhelming urge to get out there, explore, learn, and see what life has to offer.
You’ll Have Fewer Insecurities
As you step into the person that you were designed to be and realize that creation does not make mistakes, you’ll have fewer and fewer insecurities about being yourself, you’ll happily do your own thing, and you won’t fear judgment or feel pressure to fit in with anyone.
You’ll Feel Life Force Energy
As you become more plugged in to the universe and the universal energy around you, you’ll begin to feel aware of your own energy, and you may even be sensitive to other people’s.
You’ll Feel Drawn To Your Purpose
If you’ve felt unsure about your passions and goals in life, or you know what they are but you have always been to frightened to go for them, you’ll start to feel drawn towards your purpose and driven to work towards it, which will naturally bring you great joy and fulfillment.
The Bottom Line
If you’re entering a spiritual awakening or you aren’t sure whether or not you are – those are the signs and stages to look out for! It’s great to make yourself aware of what’s going on, but take it slow, and don’t forget to enjoy the ride!