13 Jul Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations
If you are feeling low, directionless, or unfulfilled, you probably have a blocked solar plexus. Thankfully, there are many ways to rebalance and activate this chakra, and the easiest is by using chakra affirmations.
Repeating positive affirmations change the way our subconscious minds see things, which affects how we think and feel. We also attract what we emit, so you can use affirmations to heal, balance your energies, and attract the things you want. Let’s take a look at how we can use chakra affirmations to align and open the solar plexus chakra to activate our personal power.
What Is the Solar Plexus Chakra?
The seven chakras are the spiritual energy centers of the body. Each one governs a different aspect of our being and affects our mood, personality, and even our health.
Associated with the energy of the sun, the solar plexus chakra is responsible for our self-esteem, self-worth, positivity, and happiness, as well as aligning us with our life purpose. If you have a well-balanced solar plexus chakra, you will have a positive self-image and solid self-confidence, as well as a positive mindset, a joyful mood, and good social skills.
Otherwise known as the third chakra or Manipura chakra, the solar plexus also supports good digestion, metabolism, and gut health in the physical body, plus high energy and vitality. Spiritually, the solar plexus chakra aligns us with our soul mission and allows us to intuitively find and follow the right paths to success and attract the right people into our lives.
Is My Solar Plexus Chakra Blocked?
Our chakras can become blocked by negative experiences and emotions. The solar plexus chakra often becomes blocked when we stray from our purpose in life, leading to self-doubt, low self-esteem, and a lack of self-respect, self-worth, or belief.
A blocked solar plexus chakra also causes you to think pessimistically, behave irresponsibly, and experience feelings of despair and hopelessness. Physical symptoms of a solar plexus chakra blockage include digestive issues and a lack of appetite. It is also sometimes associated with eating disorders.
Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Affirmations
When we use affirmations to heal and re-balance or activate our chakras, we operate at our highest vibration, feel amazing, and put ourselves on the path to success. So, how do we use positive affirmations to heal the solar plexus?
There are two ways of using chakra affirmations; the first is to simply affirm that your chakras, or in this case, your solar plexus chakra, is aligned and open, or, you can make them more specific to the chakra’s purpose.
These types of sacral chakra affirmations should involve feeling happy, confident, and fulfilled in life. It’s all about your mind, so whatever feels most powerful to you is what will work for your chakras.
How to Use Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations
First, you should decide on a few short affirmations that you can say to yourself. You don’t need to say them out loud, (although you can if you want to), but it is more than enough to just say them to yourself in your head.
You should repeat your affirmations first thing when you wake up in the morning and the last thing at night before you fall asleep, as this is when your subconscious is at its most receptive.
It’s also a good idea to say them when you meditate, as, during meditation, we are consciously connected with both our subconscious and our higher selves. It may also help you visualize your chakras coming into alignment and envision your solar plexus as a bright yellow light in the center of your stomach.
You could even meditate in the sun for some added solar power or hold some solar plexus crystals as you meditate, such as yellow topaz, yellow jasper, sunstone, or lemon quartz.
Your affirmations will also manifest faster if you repeat them whenever you have some free time or are doing something routine that doesn’t require you to think very much, like showering or brushing your teeth.
How Long Do Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations Take to Work?
How long it will take to work depends on how much resistance you have. Resistance is like a psychological block, for example, if you have major hang-ups about your self-image, it may take you longer to open your solar plexus than to open your heart or your third eye. However, with a bit of patience and dedication – it will work!
If you’re prone to thinking negative thoughts, it will help you to repeat your affirmations whenever the subject of your solar plexus, purpose, or self-esteem enters your head. Otherwise, those thoughts can undo your good work and manifest more of what you don’t want.
Can the Solar Plexus Chakra Become Overactive?
The solar plexus chakra can become overactive – but not from using affirmations. It becomes overactive when we lean too much into our confidence and become arrogant or neglect the feelings of others. This causes the solar plexus to go into overdrive and produce too much energy, making us overly controlling, stubborn, and too critical of those around us.
Thankfully, you can use sacral chakra affirmations to re-balance an overactive sacral chakra, just as you can use them to open a blocked one. However, when doing so, you should focus on feeling fulfilled; aligning with your purpose, creating your dream life, and experiencing joy in the smaller moments, rather than on how you feel about yourself.
Chakra-based yoga routines, reiki, meditation, and spending time around water will also help to balance out your energy.
Affirmations are one of the best ways to bring your chakra system into alignment – and it’s so easy! Use our top affirmation tips to open your solar plexus chakra and access your best self for higher self-esteem, inner peace, fulfillment, and happiness.