29 Nov Selecting Crystals for Protection and Healing
Crystals for protection have always been popular. Across history, continents, and civilizations, humans have practiced a diverse array of treatments and practices for healing and protecting their spirits, minds, and bodies.
While modern medical science provides us with ways to heal our bodies and protect against diseases and troubles, many people complement this care with less traumatizing and naturally soothing options presented by alternative medicine.
Crystals for protection and healing crystals give individuals a method for self-care that they can enjoy in the comfort of their home, without enduring major medical procedures, and that help not just the body but also the mind and spirit.
Protection crystals aid in meditation and relaxation, and are believed to carry a unique steady energy.
Just as each human spirit is unique, so is each type of crystal. If you are feeling unsteady or at risk for mental or emotional difficulty, protection crystals are a great choice for your crystal collection.
Those new to using crystals often wonder ‘What crystal do I need for protection and healing?’. Keep reading to find out what protective crystal you should consider bringing home today.
Tips For Selecting Your Healing Crystals
Selecting a protective crystal can be a daunting task. There are many to choose from and each one is unique, beautiful, and powerful in its own right. However, there are some things you can do to help you choose the right protection crystal.
Before you begin to look at our list of healing crystals and protection crystals, spend some time in quiet self-reflection. Think about the areas in your life that you feel vulnerable or in need of strengthening.
Are you seeking financial security? Do you need to build mental toughness and endurance? Are you trying to protect yourselves as physical and emotional wounds heal?
What parts of good health – sound sleep, pain free movement, positive energy- are missing from your life?
By spending time sitting with these questions, you will have mental clarity about what protection or healing aid you need from your ideal protective crystal. Think of your protection stone as the added energy you need to heal from old hurts and build your defenses against new ones.
More than anything, choosing a protection stone is about letting your intuition lead the way. You may read about a powerful protection stone and feel instantly drawn to it. You may look at images and have one that you keep coming back to.
Don’t second-guess yourself when choosing. If a protection stone calls you back to investigate it more, it is likely your sign that you have found your perfect choice.
Protection Crystals You Need for Healing
1. Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is the protective stone of positive self-love and is great at healing and protecting our hearts. If you find yourself needing to feel more appreciation for yourself and want to draw in positive energies, this is the powerful protective crystal that you need. It can also block negative energy and help with emotional healing.
Rose Quartz is soft pink and picks up on even subtle nearby energies. It is important to be clear with your intentions when using Rose Quartz as a protective stone.
These protective crystals aren’t only for decoration; they may also give spiritual protection. These glistening stones ward off bad energy, deflect stressful situations, and keep cosmic drama from hurting your mood.
Rose Quartz will teach you to love yourself and protect your best self from the harmful energies of other people and places. It contains protective properties, which could help ward off negative thoughts.
2. Moonstone
It will come as no surprise that the Moonstone is powered by its ability to harness the moon’s energy. A milk color with gentle hints of blue, this stone is skilled at helping individuals find inner strength and the support needed for growth.
Moonstones kept in the bedroom or worn during sleep can protect against nightmares, restless sleep, and nightly worries. The use of Moonstone for protection can be traced to ancient times as travelers used it to keep them mentally clear on long journeys.
It possesses protective qualities that can block negative forces. It is one of the most dynamic crystals for protection and the best healing crystal.
3. Black Tourmaline
When it comes to popularity among protection crystals, Black Tourmaline may be the winner. This protection stone is popular as a stone that provides true all-around protection for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
This protection stone pushes away bad energies, grounding the area around it and keeping out any negative vibrations.
This healing crystal possesses metaphysical properties that may also aid in healing by allowing the true release of negative feelings, anxious thoughts, psychic attacks, and vanquishing self-doubt.
Black Tourmaline and Selenite are two of the most popular powerful protection crystals. When you combine black tourmaline with selenite, you can effectively block and purify all types of toxic and negative energies.
If you have a big performance or work presentation on the horizon, Black Tourmaline is a great crystal choice with strong healing powers.
4. Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz is just the right kind of stone with its brownish-gray hue and bits of reflective shine. It is also a great crystal for healing, physical protection, sleep protection, and psychic protection.
For those seeking mental clarity when making difficult decisions, Smoky Quartz and its soothing energy helps lift our mental abilities and can clarify areas of uncertainty.
Smoky Quartz heals and protects by repelling negative vibes and amplifying healing. While it is great at attracting positivity, it can also ward off negative emotions, stagnant energy, bad vibes, psychic attack, and bad energy from negative people.
It is a stone frequently used by those needing heavy medical treatments such as radiation to help the body process the radiation exposure.
Smoky quartz may help with organization and practicality after your goals or ideas have become conscious. Smoky quartz is also a protection crystal, so once you’ve visualized your objectives, it’ll prevent any negative energies or influences that try to come in the way.
If you are feeling medically fragile, Smoky Quartz can be a source of stabilization and protection. These crystals for protection can prevent bad vibes from plaguing your everyday life.
5. Amethyst
Amethyst is a crystal that is easily recognized by tried and true crystal users and the general public. It is popular not only for its brilliant purple beauty, but also for the power it holds.
Amethyst is a true guardian of one’s mental health. It pushes away anxiety and fear and can help control anger. If you find yourself struggling with impulsivity, unwanted tension, negative energies, and worries about the future, give Amethyst a try.
Amethyst gemstones provide a plethora of medicinal properties. They may be used for a variety of things, including addiction recovery, bereavement healing, and, of course, protection from negative energies.
When you’ve been around a lot of people, amethyst is extremely beneficial. If you’ve gone to a place with a lot of people and feel fatigued and overwhelmed, employing a protective stone like Amethyst can really help.
It is one of the best crystals for protection, and it is great for building a harmonious relationship. Amethyst works as a protective shield to help create a balanced environment and ward off bad energy even from invisible entities.
While most of us don’t normally project our feelings onto others, it does happen from time to time. Negative emotions and energy can rub off on you, leaving you exhausted, but protection stones like Amethyst can help shield you from other people’s negative influences and keep negative energies at away.
6. Citrine
Looking to build up positive energies and keep them around for good? Citrine is the master of positivity. These crystals for protection bring hope to the bleakest situations and uplifts our moods and physical energy.
By keeping positive vibrations flowing toward you, Citrine protects your mind and body from being caught in negative energy around you.
Citrine is a great stone to display in the workplace to maintain great energy and build positive work results.
7. Obsidian
While many crystals for protection are multi-purpose, Obsidian is a true protection stone. A stone that builds a wall of emotional protection and draws in defensive energy.
Obsidian blocks outside influences from being able to reach us and interrupt the positive energies we have worked to create. It is useful when we find ourselves in toxic environments or facing difficult physical labor.
Obsidian is also a supportive stone for those looking to venture out and try new things. With Obsidian keeping worries, negative energies, and self doubt at bay, we are able to fully immerse ourselves in new experiences and opportunities.
8. Fluorite
For those drawn to softer toned crystals for protection, Fluorite is a great bringer of protection. Many of the stones on this list are dark and heavy in color, which makes them great at building defenses. Fluorite is light, cheery, and extremely powerful.
If your feelings and thoughts have been scattered, blowing in the wind from the highest highs to the lowest lows, Fluorite is a stone that will neutralize your internal battle.
Fluorite has been used to boost mental clarity and provide support to those taking on heavy-duty intellectual pursuits. For healing this stone brings peaceful deep sleep and heads off nightmares and other nighttime disturbances. It is great for when you want to repel negative energy.
9. Malachite
Malachite is a stone with strong powers for absorbing negative energy and pollution from the air around us. These crystals for protection are great for storing unwanted energies within it and shielding us from their influences.
Malachite is believed to strengthen the will of crystal users, helping them be more self-assured and able to face opponents.
For those feeling tired or mentally drained, these protection crystals improve alertness and also strengthen natural intuition. You can use it to repel negative energy.
10. Amber
While Amber isn’t known for the same level of protection as some other protection stones on this list, its ability to uplift, heal, and promote total well-being makes it a wonderful stone for those who are recovering from trauma or illness. This crystal absorbs negative energy efficiently.
Some say that having Amber with you is like having sunshine you can hold. Amber is protective in that it keeps spirits lifted and can give renewed vitality to those who are needing to get back on their feet after being unwell.
How To Use Your Protective Crystals to Ward Off Negative Energy
Once you have found your perfect crystal, don’t hide it away to be left alone and unused. Instead, try one of these ways to use crystals for protection and ward off negative energy.
Wear Your Crystals
Crystals for protection can be worn simply on chains around the neck. This allows them to rest against the skin for short periods of time, or against the cloth of our shirts to lower direct contact with the stone.
Protection stones can also be selected to go into custom jewelry pieces such as rings, bracelets, and earrings. Wearing your powerful protection crystals can help you see them and reflect on them during difficult times. They are perfect for getting rid of negative energy.
They are also a gift of beauty to the world.
Display Your Crystals at Home and Work
Protection stones on display can serve as a visual reminder to stay focused, grounded, and in the moment. Having these protective stones out in our common spaces allows a protection crystal to continuously clear the area of built up negativity and strengthen us through our day.
Be sure to cleanse worn and displayed protective stones regularly and to charge them to maintain their full capabilities. This way it will be easier to get rid off negative energy.
Meditate With Your Crystals
Time spent alone and focused on your protective stones can help you open your mind and body to their gifts.
Hold your crystals in your non-dominant hand as you meditate on the crystal and the gifts you wish to receive from it. Imagine the crystal building you up, supporting you, and keeping all negative energy far away.
Crystals are a beautiful gift from the universe. Spread across the land they can travel with us throughout our lives and be with us as support even when people, medicine, and other supports cannot.
In conclusion, the selection of crystals for protection and healing is a deeply personal and intuitive process. Each crystal possesses unique energetic properties that can aid in various aspects of well-being. By understanding the specific qualities of different crystals and listening to one’s own intuition, individuals can harness the potential of these powerful tools to enhance their spiritual journey and promote balance and healing in their lives.
Enjoy experimenting with your crystals and building your collection. Soon you will find you have all of the perfect crystals for each of your unique needs.
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