13 Jul Sacral Chakra Affirmations
If you are feeling creatively uninspired, suffering from a lack of romance or passion, or you’d just like to have a little more fun, you may have a blocked or underactive sacral chakra – but no worries! There are many ways to rebalance and activate this chakra, and one of the easiest and most powerful ways is by using chakra affirmations.
Affirmations are like mantras that we can repeat to heal ourselves, give ourselves a boost, and align with our desires. Let’s take a look at how we can use chakra affirmations to open the sacral chakra, embrace life, embrace intimacy, and access your highest level of creative energy.
What Is the Sacral Chakra?
Our chakras are our spiritual energy centers – we all have seven chakras, and each one governs a different sacred aspect of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. How well-balanced and active they are affects everything about us, so it’s important to understand the role of each one and how to take care of them.
Otherwise known as the second chakra, the sacral chakra governs our sexuality and sensuality, as well as our sense of adventure and our creativity. A well-balanced sacral chakra allows us to embrace our sexuality in a balanced and healthy way, and it also helps us with our creative expression and improves our lust for life. It also makes us appear very magnetic and charismatic to others.
Physically, the sacral chakra supports strong fertility and a healthy reproductive system, giving you lots of sexual energy and well-balanced hormones. It also makes us feel confident and empowered in our physical body, as well as emboldened to live a fun, passionate life, powered by optimism, thrill-seeking, adventure, and spontaneity.
People with strong sacral chakras also tend to have a good emotional balance. They become more outgoing and fearless when it comes to their social lives, sex lives, adventure, and bigger life goals. Spiritually, they’re also very open to receiving positive change and can attract new opportunities with ease.
Is My Sacral Chakra Blocked?
Our chakras can become blocked and unbalanced by various forms of trauma or negative energy. The sacral chakra is most often blocked by sexual trauma, repression of sexual desire or creativity, and obsession or addiction.
A blocked sacral chakra can result in low libido, a lack of creative inspiration, too much caution when it comes to traveling or having new experiences, social isolation, and loneliness. It is also linked to anemia, hypoglycemia, pain in the lower back and pelvis, and problems with the spleen, bladder, and kidneys, as well as issues with reproductive health and fertility.
Sacral Chakra Healing Affirmations
We can use affirmations to heal, balance, and activate our chakras, to help us operate at our highest vibration. So, how do we use positive affirmations for the sacral chakra?
You can simply repeat to yourself that your sacral chakra is aligned and open, or, you can make them more specific to its purpose. These types of sacral chakra affirmations should involve feeling attractive, desirable, confident, and sexual in order to tap into your own divine sensuality. Or, you can focus on your fertility, creativity, or adventure. With affirmations – whatever feels most natural to you is what will work for you!
How to Use Sacral Chakra Affirmations
First, you should decide on a few short affirmations that you can say to yourself. You don’t need to say them out loud, although you can if you want to, but it is enough to just say them in your head.
You should repeat your sacral chakra affirmations when you wake up in the morning – the first 30 minutes to be exact – and as you fall asleep at night, as this is when your subconscious is at its most open and receptive.
Saying them during meditation is also very powerful. During meditation, we are at one with our subconscious and our higher selves, so it’s a great time to repeat your affirmations. It may also help you visualize your chakras coming into alignment and envision your sacral chakra as bright orange energy. You could also hold some sacral chakra crystals such as carnelian, citrine, sunstone, or tiger’s eye while you meditate.
If you’re prone to thinking negative thoughts, it’s a good idea to repeat your affirmations whenever the subject of your sacral chakra or anything associated with it (sex, romance, etc) comes into your head during the day. This prevents those bad thoughts from taking over your mind and manifesting instead of the affirmations.
Your affirmations will also manifest faster if you repeat them whenever you are at a loose end or doing something routine that doesn’t require much thought or concentration. How long it will take to work depends on you. Everyone is different, some people will notice an immediate change, while others can take a few days or weeks – it all depends on how much resistance you have to your affirmations. But be patient – it will work!
Can the Sacral Chakra Become Overactive?
The sacral chakra can become overactive, which means it is emitting too much energy. This can happen when we start relying too much on physical pleasure or thrill-seeking for our happiness and neglect our emotional and spiritual selves.
This causes the sacral chakra to go into overdrive, making us constantly want more thrills but never feel satisfied. It can also cause emotional overreactions, anxiety, and aggression, as well as compulsive behaviors, codependency, and addiction.
You can use sacral chakra affirmations to re-balance an overactive sacral chakra, just as you can use them to activate a blocked one. However, when doing so, you should focus on your passion and creativity in terms of your bigger life goals and your emotional connections, rather than anything too physical. Yoga, reiki, meditation, and spending time in the water will also help.
In conclusion, the journey to deep sacral chakra healing unveils a transformative path towards embracing and enhancing our sensual and passionate essence. By recognizing the pivotal role of positive affirmations, we empower ourselves to align our energy centers and cultivate a more vibrant and fulfilling life. The sacral chakra, located at the core of our emotional and creative reservoirs, beckons us to dive into self-discovery and harness the power of positivity.
Repeating positive affirmations becomes a potent tool in this endeavor, acting as a beacon of light that guides us towards balance and rejuvenation. Through intentional and affirmative self-talk, we pave the way for the unblocking and harmonizing of the sacral chakra, allowing our true sensual and passionate selves to emerge.
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