08 Feb Root Chakra Stones & Muladhara Crystals
If you worry a lot and feel insecure and ungrounded, you may have a problem in your root chakra. The root chakra is the base chakra, and when it is imbalanced, it will affect all the energy points of your body.
Fortunately, our team spent 24 hours researching to align your chakras with the help of root chakra stones.
Root Chakra: An Overview
Root Chakra or Muladhara is the base chakra that helps you feel stable, secure, and grounded. It is located at the base of the spine and is associated with the earth element. Root Chakra has a deep connection with Earth, adrenal glands, and the reproductive and has masculine energy.
Being the base energy center, the Root chakra governs an individual’s survival and basic needs. The root chakra has an energy flow that serves as a growth point. The food, clothing, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualizations of humans are the five-tier models of human needs that are managed by the root chakra.
13 Healing Stones For Muladhara
Hematite is a root chakra stone that can transform negative energy into a positive state. It can attract negative energy and neutralize harmful effects that may affect your positive life choices. In addition, Hematite can keep you grounded and reduce stress and anxiety.
Hematite has the ability to overcome bad habits and boost your willpower, survival instincts, and courage. It is known to be the Stone for the Mind because it helps you develop logical thinking and assists you in decision-making.
Red Jasper
Red Jasper is one of the Muladhara crystal healing stones to nurture your chi and boost motivation. It is known to be the Stone of Vibrancy and Endurance that can be ideal to use when entering a new phase of life or in a challenging situation.
Since root chakra is the foundation of spiritual energy, Red Jasper can keep your chakra balanced. Red Jasper carries spiritual energy and grounding that ensures your connection with the physical and spiritual body.
Garnet is a root chakra stone that aids recovery on a metaphysical and physical level. The Stone of Health can align the high vibration and draw restorative energy flow when needed. When you are in a hopeless situation, Garnet promotes strength and courage that can be helpful when moving forward.
In addition to this, Garnet is a Stone of Lasting Love that can deepen commitment and intimacy. It fortifies your survival instinct and helps you remove inhibitions.
Black Obsidian
Black Obsidian is a root chakra crystal that contains spiritually grounding energy that can be ideal to be used in the blocked root chakra. It provides productivity, stability, and security from negative energy.
Moreover, the Black Obsidian is an effective tool for emotional and physical stability. Black Obsidian works well in karmic healing and can identify the past life.
Carnelian is a red root chakra crystal that can bring balance and root chakra healing. Carnelian can boost self-confidence, willpower, and courage when you feel unmotivated and stressed out. It attracts inspiration and provides passion that can help improve the quality of life.
Carnelian is a powerful stone that connects root Chakra and sacral chakra. It is a stone of confidence and endurance that ensures that you have enough strength to overcome life’s challenges.
Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz is one of the most powerful root chakra crystals releasing negativity and providing grounding protection. It is an effective tool that protects an individual from psychic attacks and emotional stress.
In addition to this, Smoky Quartz is considered a good luck charm that attracts prosperity and wealth. It has a gentle energy that can dissolve blockages and prevent the absorption of negative energy.
Moss Agate
Moss Agate is one of the root chakra crystals with earth energy that brings healing. Farmers widely used the Gaia energy of Moss Agate in Ancient Times to reap a good harvest. It attracts abundance and prosperity to those individuals who keep or wear the gems.
In addition, Moss Agate has a calming energy that can be useful in stressful situations. It ensures that you feel sacred and safe and promotes root chakra healing.
Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline is a powerful gemstone for Root Chakra. It is a protective stone that can repel and transmute low energy and attract a positive attitude and happiness. In addition, it can protect you from illness, misfortune, psychic attacks, and accidents.
Black Tourmaline has grounding energy to boost strength, security, and vitality. It can reduce phobias, panic attacks, and fears that can be useful in different situations. With Black Tourmaline, you will enjoy physical energy, clarity, and detoxification.
Bloodstone is one of the strongest root chakra stones that can clear blockages and provide a barrier to negative energy. It resonates well with the root chakra and heart chakra and helps realign lower chakras.
Bloodstone signifies rebirth, vitality, and high vibrating energy that can be used to access personal strength. It can help overcome fear, impatience, and burnout, which is common when you have a blocked root chakra.
Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s eye is one of the best root chakra crystals to balance all aspects of life and boost physical and emotional strength. It has soothing and stimulating energy that keeps oneself grounded and connected.
In addition, Tiger’s eye crystals bring inspiration, creativity, passion, and confidence. It attracts positive changes such as prosperity, self-care, self-love, and a deeper connection with loved ones.
Black Onyx
Black Onyx is a stone of personal strength that will help individuals access new perceptions and insights in life. It is a crystal for self-transformation and self-discovery and can be used to overcome fears and self-doubt.
In addition, Black Onyx helps you manage stress and inspire spiritual awakenings. It protects the wearer from negative energies and is considered one of the best root chakra stones that bring healing to the spiritual and physical body.
Mahogany Obsidian
Mahogany Obsidian is a volcanic igneous rock containing rich silica and oxidized Hematite or Magnetite. It can remove primal energy cords and be the best root chakra stones that protect from psychic attacks.
Mahogany Obsidian is one of the healing crystals that can detoxify tissues and organs. The root chakra healing stones can increase kidney and liver function and relieve pain from the root chakra area.
Lava is one of the popular stones that can be helpful in the overactive root chakra. It can clear blockages, bring grounding and help balance the root chakra. In addition, it has emotional healing properties and vibrational energy that can help the spiritual and physical body.
In addition, Lava can ground you to Mother Earth and sink into the harmonious Zen. It alleviates confusion, vertigo and helps calm the mind.
How To Use These Stones
At Home
You can turn your home into a sacred safe temple using root chakra stones. Placing the stones around your home is a good way to absorb the healing energies that the crystals release. You can place the gems near doors, windows, shared spaces, and anywhere you think there is a risk of bad energy.
For Meditation
Meditation is one of the most common ways to connect the energy of the root chakra crystal to your body and deepen your practice. Put a crystal on your root chakra when you sit in meditation or place it around you. You can also hold the gemstone while visualizing a white light that clears out the blockages on your root chakra.
As Crystal Spheres
You can use root chakra stones as crystal spheres because it releases powerful energy that can clear out steady energy. Hold the crystal sphere and roll or rub your palms for half a minute to activate its personal power. You can also roll it at the base of your spine, where your root chakra is located for more energy.
As Jewelry
The base chakra stones and crystals release more energy when in skin contact, so if you want to have subconscious healing, using it as jewelry at all times is highly recommended. The powerful balancing crystal-like Red Jasper has strong vibrations that can eliminate blockages and unbalanced root chakra.
Signs Of A Balanced Root Chakra
- You will feel grounded, purposeful, balanced, and well connected to people and Earth.
- It will be easy for you to manifest prosperity, abundance, and good opportunities.
- Your physical strength and vitality will be at their best, and you have enough physical energy to go through daily life.
- You have integrity, and you are oozing with self-esteem and self-confidence.
- You feel passionate, motivated, inspired, and excited about your personal growth.
- You will be more courageous, resourceful, positive, and stress-free, especially when dealing with uncertainties.
- You will have intense and bold five senses, emotional balance and stability, and physical and emotional safety.
Signs Of A Blocked Root Chakra
- You might feel confused, uncertain, and will struggle with issues related to emotional well-being.
- You will feel fear, anxiety, insecurity, and it would be a challenge for you to feel safe emotionally and physically.
- Your physical identity and support system will be out of whack, and you will have attachment issues.
- You feel depressed, overly cautious, paranoia, and stuck.
- You have physical symptoms such as anemia, low blood pressure, digestive issues, lower back pain, kidney and bladder issues, bone and muscle conditions, and issues with blood circulation.
Causes of A Blocked Root Chakra
Traumatic Events
- Series
You will have a blocked root chakra because, over time, you believe that you have no power. The series of traumatic events can be a core belief and attract more negative experiences. The most common series of traumatic events is childhood bullying, and it is the most common reason you have a blocked Muladhara.
- Isolated
The isolated trauma can block your root chakra, especially if you don’t receive any support. An individual accepts that no one will go and save them, which results in the belief that no one should be trusted.
Sexual child abuse is a commonly isolated trauma that can block Muladhara and cure such trauma; it needs to see a therapist or psychiatrist.
Learned Behavior
When you are raised in a household with high levels of anxiety or extreme pessimism, you are prone to have learned behavior that can affect your chakra. Since you have accepted the norm in daily living, it would be a learned behavior that may be transferred throughout your generation. Breaking the cycle will be challenging but possible.
Other Methods To Unblock Your Chakra
Essential Oils
Essential oils can help unblock your chakra. The calming lavender and earthy sage essential oil can give instant grounding. Moreso, the oils can keep you connected to the natural world and help you bring back to the present. You can also apply oils such as Cypress, Black Pepper, Cedarwood, and Myrrh.
Walking Barefoot
One of the easiest ways to unblock your chakra and keep it grounded is walking barefoot. Take off your shoes and walk barefoot on Earth to absorb the ground energy that the grounding stone also releases. Since Earth has natural vibration, walking barefoot can put you to instant connection.
Yoga & Meditation
Yoga and meditation can be helpful in unblocking and keeping balance the root chakra. There are different root chakra-oriented videos that you can use for your yoga and meditation class. Focus on your breathing and lean into gratitude, and you will feel huge healing and a good flow of energy.
When you dig your fingers down the Earth, you will feel more reconnected and grounded. You can plant seeds and flowers and pull up weeds and vegetables to unblock your root chakra. The small action of gardening can bring organic healing to your root chakra.
What crystal represents the root chakra?
Garnet, Smoky Quartz, and Red Jasper represent the root chakra. Black stones and red stones share the same color traits of the chakra and contain positive energy and healing properties that can be beneficial to those who wear or use them.
What is root chakra responsible for?
The root chakra is responsible for your grounding, stability, and vitality. Your flight response and the natural fight are administered by root chakra because it is the base chakra and foundation of spiritual energies.
It is challenging to live with blocked and unbalanced root chakra because you will feel all the negative emotions that may affect the quality of your life. You will feel anger, insecurity, and fear, and it will have a big impact on your emotional and physical health.
Good thing root chakra stones can clear, stimulate and balance Muladhara. It will enhance emotional stability, courage, and confidence if you feel down and low.
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