13 Jul Root Chakra Affirmations
If you are feeling a little disconnected from the world or you are suffering from depression or anxiety, you may have an imbalanced root chakra that is in need of a little bit of TLC. One of the easiest and most powerful ways to re-balance the root chakra is by using chakra affirmations.
Affirmations are like personal mantras that we can use to heal ourselves, lift our spirits, and change our lives. Let’s take a look at how we can use chakra affirmations to align and activate the root chakra for endless vitality and peaceful energy.
What Is the Root Chakra?
Our chakras are like our spiritual energy centers – we have seven main chakras; the crown chakra, the third eye chakra, the throat chakra, the heart chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the sacral chakra, and the root chakra. Each one controls different sacred aspects of our being and their health and alignment affect how we feel and move through the world.
Otherwise known as the first chakra, the root governs our basic physical needs, as well as our connection to the physical world and to nature. A well-balanced root chakra makes us feel safe and secure in ourselves and our surroundings and supports a strong, healthy body with lots of energy and vitality. It also makes us feel peaceful, grounded, and courageous in our interactions and decisions and allows us to remain calm in more difficult situations.
Spiritually, having an active root chakra helps us to feel in control of our lives and manifest our biggest goals with ease, especially in regard to money and the material world. People with an active root chakra also feel a strong spiritual connection to mother earth and are able to communicate well with animals.
Is My Root Chakra Blocked?
Our chakras can become blocked and unbalanced by various forms of negativity. The root chakra is most often blocked by fear, but it can also be thrown off balance by physical pain, extreme discomfort, and starvation or disordered eating.
A blocked root chakra causes feelings of emptiness and disconnection or dissociation from our physical selves, our emotions, or others, as well as anxiety, panic attacks, maladaptive daydreaming, intrusive thoughts, nightmares, and depression.
Physically, root chakra imbalance symptoms include arthritis, bladder issues, and constipation. It can also cause issues when it comes to attracting money.
Root Chakra Healing Affirmations
We can use positive affirmations to heal, balance, and activate our chakras. When we do so, we operate at our highest vibration, making us feel our best and live the best lives possible.
So – what are some good affirmations for the root chakra and how do we use them? There are two options – you can simply repeat to yourself that your root chakra is aligned and active, or, you can make your affirmations more general about your life in relation to the root chakra’s purpose.
These types of affirmations should include feeling safe, strong, at peace, and in exactly the right place. It’s all about making the words sink into your mind, so you can choose whatever feels more natural and powerful to you.
How to Use Root Chakra Affirmations
It’s best to decide on two or three affirmations and to keep them short and sweet. You don’t need to say them out loud, although you can if you want to, but it is enough to just repeat them in your head.
You should repeat your root chakra affirmations first thing in the morning and the last thing at night for the best results, as this is when your subconscious is at its most open and receptive.
Repeating your affirmations during meditation is another powerful way to do it. It may also help you to meditate outside and visualize your root chakra coming into alignment at the base of your spine or glowing a bright red color whilst you repeat them, or even to hold some root chakra crystals such as red jasper or bloodstone while you meditate.
If you’re prone to negative thoughts, it’s a good idea to repeat your affirmations whenever the subject of your chakras (or the symptoms of blockages) comes into your head throughout the day, to prevent those bad thoughts from taking over and manifesting instead. It will also speed up the process if you repeat them whenever you are bored, at a loose end, or doing something routine that doesn’t require too much thought like brushing your teeth or washing the dishes.
There is no universal length of time that it will take for your affirmations to work. You’ll have to rely on your intuition and repeat them until you feel a change in yourself, and continue to do so whenever you feel that your chakras have become unbalanced or blocked.
Can the Root Chakra Become Overactive?
The root chakra can also become overactive – but not from using affirmations. It becomes overactive if we become greedy and too reliant on the physical world for our happiness, neglecting our spiritual connection and deeper emotions. For example, if we become too materialistic or vain.
This causes the root to go into overdrive, making us constantly desire and chase more but never feel fulfilled or satisfied by it. It can also cause feelings of heaviness, impatience, and short-tempered-ness, as well as fatigue, lower back pain, and anemia.
You can, however, use affirmations to re-balance an overactive root chakra, just as you can use them to activate a blocked one. When doing so, you should focus on your health, safety, and security, as well as the appreciation of the present moment and the natural world, rather than anything material. Yoga, reiki, meditation, and spending time in nature or with animals will also help.
Repeating chakra affirmations is one of the easiest and most powerful ways that you can align your energy and improve your well-being and your life. Follow our top tips for the best results!
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