Red Calcite – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties

Red Calcite - Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties

Red Calcite – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties

Red Calcite is a powerful root chakra stone full of invigorating energy. If you’re in need of a boost in life-force energy or physical vitality, this could be the right crystal for you. Let’s take a look at the meaning and benefits of this gemstone, as well as how to use it in your everyday life.

In This Article

What is Red Calcite?

Red Calcite belongs to the mineral class of carbonate known as Calcite and is formed through sedimentation. There are over hundreds of types of Calcite and it comes in almost every color, ranging from black and white to lavender, yellow, blue, and red, which can be brownish-red to orangy-red and can be faded or deep in color.

The color comes from the presence of iron oxide in the stone. Although Calcite in general is a common mineral, Red Calcite is relatively rare and occurs in massive rhombohedral crystals. The majority of Red Calcite crystals come from Mexico, but it is found on every continent on the planet.

History of Red Calcite crystals

Calcite was named by Gaius Plinius Secundus, also known as Pliny the Elder, in 79 AD, and its name comes from the Latin word Latin for lime. It has been used for centuries across the globe for many different things by many different cultures. In fact, it is found in many of the world’s ancient and most amazing monuments, so it is quite a significant mineral.

When it comes to Red Calcite specifically, its history is a little more mysterious. It is not known exactly when and where it was discovered but Calcite in general has been used in many ways since ancient times, including construction and agricultural materials. These days, it is considered a semi-precious gemstone, and although it’s not the prettiest stone in the world, it does hold a lot of powerful healing properties.

Red Calcite crystal meaning

Red Calcite is a stone of nurturing and healing that is supercharged with peaceful and loving energies. It is also associated with the heart chakra, as well as the element of Earth, which represents feminine energy, grounding, and security, and the zodiac sign Cancer (22nd June- 22nd July).

Red Calcite Powers, Red Calcite Element, Red Calcite Chakra

Red Calcite properties & benefits

Let’s take a look at the healing properties of this kind of Calcite crystal.

Red Calcite & the root chakra

The root chakra, also known as the base chakra and the Muladhara, is the first chakra in the body, located at the base of the spine. It governs our most basic physical needs and our security in the physical world. It is also responsible for our connection to nature and relates to our masculine energy.

The overall health, strength, and energy of our physical bodies are impacted by this chakra, as well as the health of the adrenal glands, colon, kidneys, bones, muscles, and blood, specifically. It also helps us to feel peaceful, grounded, and courageous and affects our ability to cultivate wealth.

The root chakra is most often blocked by fear, but it can also be thrown off balance by physical pain and discomfort. Blockages in this chakra can cause feelings of emptiness, depression, and dissociation, as well as anxiety, maladaptive daydreaming, intrusive thoughts, and nightmares. Physically, symptoms include arthritis, bladder issues, and constipation.

Red Calcite & health

Red Calcite is an energizing stone that is great for the whole body as it cleanses all of the energies that run through it; energizing the blood, lowering blood pressure, detoxifying the circulatory system, and boosting energy levels. It also relieves aches and pains and aids the body’s ability to absorb nutrients, especially calcium, which benefits conditions to do with the joints and bones.

It’s especially beneficial to women because it’s known to balance hormones, heal and boost the health of the reproductive organs, especially the ovaries, and help to prepare you for pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, it’s beneficial for the feet and in relieving constipation, food poisoning, and alcohol detoxification. It can also reduce the symptoms of hypertension and stress in the body, and soothes the imbalances brought on by tiredness and burnout.

Red Calcite & wellbeing

Red Calcite is an essential crystal for anyone who is not happy with their life. It invites in positive energies that inspire optimism, confidence, and lust for life and gets rid of any restlessness and uncertainty in your mind.

It also boosts overall mood and helps to rebalance your mental state to instill a sense of inner peace, shielding you from negative emotions, and encouraging stronger emotional boundaries with others. This speeds up the progress of your emotional development and allows you to come to terms with past failures and disappointments that are holding you back.

Red Calcite also motivates and sharpens the mind and helps you learn new things and come up with new ideas easily. Finally, this great healing crystal supports comfort in one’s body and surroundings, improving sensory awareness and feelings of safety around sexuality.

Red Calcite & spirituality

Red Calcite has the ability to cleanse and amplify the energies around it. This makes it a perfect staple stone for anyone’s collection for meditation, environmental use, and use with other crystals. In addition, it’s an excellent grounding stone and roots your spiritual energies into the Earth.

Red Calcite & relationships

Like many red crystals, Red Calcite can help you to attain more harmony in your relationships, by helping you get past old wounds and improving your capacity to trust. As mentioned above, it can increase the comfort you feel in your body and sexuality, and as a root chakra stone, it will naturally help you to align with other Earthly souls that are on your wavelength.

Red Calcite & success

As mentioned above, Red Calcite is an amplification stone, so it’s the perfect stone to aid manifestations and spell-castings to attract new opportunities, money, and success. Root chakra stones are naturally aligned with the energy of Earthly achievements – especially in the financial and material worlds, so this is the perfect stone to change your lifestyle completely.

Red Calcite & home or work

When kept around your home Red Calcite will continually clear away bad energy and send out inspiring vibes to invigorate those around it. When kept in the workplace, it will create a prosperous and harmonious working environment.

Red Calcite & Cancer

As mentioned above, Red Calcite resonates with the zodiac sign of Cancer. Represented by the crab and associated with the element of water, Cancer is known for being one of the most emotive zodiac signs. Although the official birthstone for Cancer is Ruby, Red Calcite makes a solid alternative because of its ability to balance out the mind.

Red Calcite Powers, Red Calcite Element, Red Calcite Chakra

Can you use Red Calcite with water?

Many people like to use water to enhance their work with crystals, but not every gemstone can be used with it – but what about Red Calcite?

Whether or not it can be used with water depends on how it scores on the Mohs Hardness scale; this is the definitive scientific scale that ranks the hardness of minerals out of ten by testing its resistance against others.

Anything that scores below a five on the scale is generally considered safe to be used with water, and Calcite stones score a low three, so we would not recommend using it with the element as it may cause damage to the stone.

How to use Red Calcite stones

Here is how you can incorporate Green Calcite into your life.

Red Calcite & meditation

As mentioned above, meditating with your piece of Red Calcite can help you to boost your mental and physical health, cleanse your energy system and activate your root chakra.

For deep chakra healing, you should hold it in your hands near the chakra as you meditate. It might help to visualize the chakra opening as a bright red light.

Red Calcite & manifestation

You can also use Red Calcite to manifest your personal and professional dreams and goals by including it in your spell-casting and manifestation rituals.

Red Calcite jewelry

Wearing your Red Calcite is one of the best ways to use it for people who want to utilize its physical and emotional healing properties and remove deep blockages from the base chakra. If you’re not a fan of the color, keeping it close to you by carrying a smaller piece around in your pocket or purse will work, too.

Red Calcite at home or work

To cleanse your home of bad energy or amplify the good vibes around you, keep this stone somewhere central such as the hallway, or somewhere energy negative may enter, such as the front door. At work, keep it somewhere important, like on your desk.

Crystal grids

As mentioned above, Red Calcite is a powerful amplifier of energy, so you can use it with other crystals in a crystal grid to enhance your intentions. Place it around the central crystal to enhance its energy, or use it as the central crystal for material manifestations.

Cleansing & charging Red Calcite

You should cleanse all of your healing crystals to get rid of any lingering negative vibes and recharge them with good ones every few weeks to keep them working well.

There are a few ways in which you can do this, but the easiest way to cleanse your stone with the light of the full moon. If you don’t want to cleanse it in-between full moons, you can also smudge it with sage, place it in brown rice, or use a crystal cleansing plate.

Putting your Calcite in the sun is the easiest way to charge it, but this can cause the color to fade when it’s done for too long, so take that into consideration. You can also place it on or under the Earth on a dry day for a grounding supercharge.


If you’re looking to ground and cleanse your energy, focus on physical healing, gain inner strength, or manifest prosperity, Red Calcite will make the perfect addition to your crystal collection.

Who should use Red Calcite?

We highly recommend buying a piece of Red Calcite for anyone who is looking to activate their root chakra or re-balance their mind, as well as anyone who needs a boost to their physical health or struggles feeling comfortable in their body.

Does Red Calcite have any negative effects?

Red Calcite is completely non-toxic and safe to use. That said, any gemstone can cause you to feel a bit strange or even bring you bad luck if your energies don’t mix for some reason, or if one of you is carrying some negativity around that needs to be cleansed.

How rare is Red Calcite?

Calcite is one of the most common minerals on Earth, but Red Calcite is relatively rare. It’s not an extremely rare or valuable stone, the rarest type of Calcite is Purple Calcite, but it is rare in comparison to many other types of the stone, such as Yellow and Orange Calcite. 

How valuable is Red Calcite?

Red Calcite can be more expensive than other, more common types of Calcite, however, it’s not particularly valuable. It’s still Calcite and it’s not particularly pretty, but the exact price of a piece will depend on its size and cut. 

Real vs fake

You can find Calcite stones at many spiritual and crystal stores. Real Red Calcite should be dark and brownish in color with asymmetrical white inclusions. If the stone is too bright or perfect-looking, it’s probably not genuine.

However, the main difference between real and fake Calcite stones is the double refraction phenomenon; which is a fancy name for its rhombohedral crystal form and perfect cleavage in three directions. Real calcite also glows under ultraviolet light and will react when met with weak acid. 

Alternative & complimentary crystals

If Red Calcite isn’t the gem for you, good alternatives include Garnet, Red Jasper, Tiger’s Eye, Obsidian, Jet, Hematite, and Black Tourmaline. Crystals that complement Red Calcite include Sunstone, Citrine, and Carnelian. You can also use it with other variations of Calcite, of course.

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