29 Nov Harnessing Powerful Crystals for Healing Energy
Are you looking for a source of healing power? Healing crystals might be the answer to your need for comfort and restoration. Healing crystals contain energy that soothes the body, mind, and spirit. However, no two healing crystals are exactly the same. The best healing crystals that prove optimal for your specific needs might not be ideal for another individual in need of healing energy or another form of assistance. Without further ado, here is our healing crystals guide.
In This Article
Crystals are a Fun and Entertaining Way to Heal
There is a common misconception that everything crystal-related is serious in tone. In reality, crystals are joyful items that infuse fun into the world, similar to the impact made by the jewelry they are often crafted into. Building or assembling a crystal set is the type of activity/hobby anyone can get into, even if you don’t consider yourself to be a baby witch or have a deep interest in the occult. Plenty of individuals with only a passive interest in the power of stones find adding to their collection provides healing power and is also quite fun. Print out this healing crystals guide and you will be empowered to choose the right crystal and maximize its impact on your well-being.
The Right Stones for Your Healing Needs
As noted above, no two crystals are exactly the same. Those of the baby pink rose quartz variety are optimal for self-love. Black tourmaline stones are ideal for providing an individual with protection by dispelling negative energies around the wearer. If you seek abundance in any component of your life, you might benefit from a citrine crystal with a bright yellow hue. Carefully select the right stone for your unique crystal healing need and you will likely find it makes a meaningful difference.
However, if your intention does not align with the crystal you select, healing might not occur as it otherwise would. Furthermore, it is also in your interest to spend some time learning about the logic and history behind any accompanying rituals performed with the crystals. If you don’t understand the origins of the ritual involving your selected crystal, you might not properly heal and there is even a chance you will tap into an unknown energy source without intending to do so.
The moral of this story is crystals have a considerable healing power and unique properties when used properly. Do your homework before crystal shopping, ask questions, rely on resources such as this crystals healing guide and you will greatly benefit from these visually striking stones.
The Basics of the Best Healing Crystals
Crystals have inherent healing properties for reasons scientists and others cannot explain. Some mystics believe crystals are capable of healing as they are directly sourced from rock formations that naturally occur. The resulting idiosyncratic texture, shape, and luminosity make crystals quite coveted. In fact, ancient civilizations used crystals in daily living, relying on them for medicinal purposes, rituals, and aesthetic enhancement. In other words, people have used crystals for healing energies and purposes going back thousands of years.
Today, crystals are used in a plethora of high-tech items:
- Computers
- Satellites
- Smartphones
- Watches
- TVs
Each of these items contains crystal components that convert electric impulses. Indeed, the modern-day use of crystals would have undoubtedly been considered to be a form of magic by those who initially used these natural stones millennia ago.
A Closer Look at the Use of Crystals for Energy and Healing
Crystals can be used to pinpoint, raise and even redirect energy. Experienced crystal specialists are capable of using crystals to identify and direct energy toward a specific source. Healing through the use of crystals is centered on the belief that crystals have inherent magical components stemming from their highly unique and completely natural structural compositions. The energy within a crystal moves through the stone’s geometry, meaning each unique type of crystal has its own distinct healing energy that can be redirected for your benefit.
When subjected to pressure, crystals emit energy that can be transmitted to a source. In other words, the careful and prudent use of crystals is analogous to the spell work of yesteryear. Those who have experience using crystals’ natural healing power insist this power is similar to the innate life source within every single individual. The transmission of an individual’s spiritual intention to a crystal really does generate a symbiotic connection that charges the crystal, setting the stage for subsequent transformations, inner peace and restorative healing.
Anyone Can Work With Crystals
The uses for crystals range from high-tech purposes to aesthetic enhancement and beyond. However, you don’t have to be into tech or the beauty industry to work with crystals. The greatest benefit provided by crystals is their healing power. Use crystals as a component of your spiritual practice and you will find your unique energy ultimately makes the use of crystals somewhat similar to spell-casting.
It is possible for a crystal to take on energy, storing it and eventually redirecting it toward a targeted source. This is precisely why those on the cutting edge of technology used the words “Superman memory crystal” to name the diminutive disk now used for digital file storage. The crystal in question for such data is fused quartz. Such a disc can store upwards of 350+ terabytes of data that will last 14 billion years.
Those who have performed extensive healing work with crystal are adamant these natural formations are complex to the point that they can be programmed to accept and even transfer emotions in addition to data. Use healing crystals on your own and you will find it really is possible to attune the stone for specific purposes. Most people interested in tapping into the energy of crystals are intrigued by the potential for healing yet others seek wellness, wisdom, prosperity, or romantic success through the energy of crystals.
Attune Your Crystal Wisely
Do not rush into attuning your crystal. Be sure to reset the crystal’s vibrations prior to attunement to maximize its healing power potential. Wash the crystal with water or use the smoke of sage for cleansing. Light the bundle, pass the crystal directly through the smoke, or even bury it within the soil for some time. Others have found success leaving their crystal outside at night when there is a full moon.
Once the cleared crystal is prepared for programming, carefully perform the next steps to ensure the optimal impact. Gently hold the crystal in your hand. Close your eyes. Clearly verbalize your intention. Repeat this intention while visualizing it coming to fruition. Feel the crystal as it soaks up your positive energy. Pay close attention to this absorption and you will have a general sense of when it is complete.
The energy is now stored in a tangible, physical form that has the potential to be quite powerful. It is your choice as to where the crystal is stored. Some healers prefer to keep a crystal on their person, be it in a coat pocket, a pants pocket, or even a purse. Others strictly use their healing crystals during ceremonies beneath the full moon. If you find you become particularly sad or nervous in one part of your home or business, it might help to place your charged healing crystal in the corner of that room.
Regardless of where your crystal is positioned, it is important that you are aware of its power and its radiance. Some healing crystals even gradually develop distinct personalities that can be partially transmitted to crystal owners as time progresses. The bottom line is it is well within the realm of possibility for any crystal to be activated through the magic that is your unique intuition.
Choosing the Best Healing Crystals
Pay close attention to your gut feeling about crystals during the selection process. If any specific crystal catches your attention or seems to be silently tugging at you, gravitate directly toward it. Some crystal healers recommend walking to the crystal section of the store in question, closing your eyes, and moving your hands across the stones until settling on the right one based on feel and intuition. Allow the crystal to choose you rather than choosing the crystal and it will work its healing magic.
If you still can’t decide on a crystal, hold them in your hands and pay close attention to the ensuing emotional and physical sensations. If your palm becomes warm, if you feel energized, or if you feel positive vibes, the crystal in question is the right one. You can also buy crystals on the web yet doing so will prove that much more challenging as you can’t physically touch the stones. However, if you zero in on each crystal’s intrinsic properties and you will rest easy knowing you made a well-educated decision.
Rose Quartz
Rose quartz is a comparably calming mineral and a heart chakra stone. If you seek harmony and love in your life, rose quartz is a go-to stone worth considering. Your rose quartz will soothe you, open your heart with unconditional love, help you become more passionate, and enjoy life. Rose quartz is also the crystal of grief used when a family member passes away.
Clear Quartz
Commonly referred to as the Master Healer of stones, clear quartz is quite powerful, absorbing frequencies and promoting healing. Whether you are attempting to bounce back from a life setback or if you want some more positive vibes in your life, clear quartz is the answer. In fact, some crystal healers insist clear quartz is even capable of boosting the power of other crystals. Hold clear quartz in your hand, square your thoughts on what you want, be it healing or love, and put your faith in the clear quartz to help ensure your vision becomes reality.
Black Tourmaline
This amazingly powerful mineral is ideal for protection. Crystal healers are adamant black tourmaline absorbs negative energy, dispels negative self-talk, balances the nervous system, and generates positive vibes. This is precisely why people wear this mineral on necklaces. Others keep tourmaline on their desk to enhance positivity in the workplace. When in doubt, add a piece of black tourmaline to your pocket or purse and you will rest easy knowing you have done your part to create good vibes.
Citrine has a lovely golden color that warms the soul similar to the sun. Citrine has a positive, prosperous, and highly creative energy. Citrine radiates one’s intentions when subjected to sunlight, creating the potential to turn one’s visions into reality.
Amethyst has been revered for centuries as a stone capable of healing psychological woes. It is also considered one of the most popular crystals in the market. Some wear this stone over the heart when feeling sad. Others insist amethyst enhances one’s psychic abilities and also the ability to dream. This lovely purple-hued crystal creates an avenue to tap into your psychic abilities and also tap into your elevated state of consciousness. An added bonus is the fact that this uber-hard crystal provides protection against negative spirits.
Understanding how to harness the power of crystals for healing energy is valuable for several reasons. Crystals have long been regarded as potent tools for promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, and knowing how to use them effectively can enhance one’s overall healing journey.
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