04 Jul Pink Aura And Its Meaning
Pink auras are fun, feminine, vibrant, and beautiful. So what do they mean? Let’s take a look.
What Is A Pink Aura?
Our auras project from our inner energy systems; namely our chakras, and each of the chakras is associated with a different color. Pink is reflective of the heart chakra and has strong feminine energy, so if you have a pink aura, it means your heart chakra is aligned and open and you have a strong connection to your divine feminine powers.
Pink Aura Meaning
Let’s take a closer look at what a pink aura means for the different areas of our lives.
Pink Aura & The Heart Chakra
Pink energy is heavily associated with the heart chakra; which deals in love, empathy, compassion, healing, and forgiveness. People with pink auras are truly capable of unconditional love for others, as well as great self-love, and they tend to be good peacemakers and healers.
Pink Aura & Health
Pink energy is very well balanced, so having a pink aura is known to signify a balanced physical body as well as balanced energy, with a particularly in relation to heart health and fertility.
Pink Aura & Personality
If there’s pink in your aura, it suggests a gentle, feminine, artistic, and nurturing nature. People with pink auras tend to be kind, caring, loving, and sensitive, as well as creative and hopelessly romantic, with a natural ability to draw people in, heal, and forgive.
Pink Aura & Mood
The color pink in somebodies aura can also mean that they’re experiencing romantic or maternal feelings towards somebody.
Pink Aura & Spirituality
As mentioned above, pink-aura people are in touch with their femininity. Feminine energy is the most empathic and intuitive of all, with a strong connection to source, nature, and other people. Those with pink auras tend to have a gift for healing others and reading their emotions.
Pink Aura & Relationships
Naturally, people with pink auras can fall in love easily, and their love tends to be deep and true. They make loyal, sensitive, nurturing, and honest friends and lovers but they can get hurt easily. They’re also known to be very good with children, vulnerable people, and animals.
Pink Aura & Success
Pink energy is very giving and nurturing, so people with pink auras are often drawn to careers in the food industry, or in healthcare, wellness, and fitness, as well as working with children and animals. They’re also very creative and make great artists and writers.
Variations Of The Pink Aura
Let’s take a look at some of the common variations of the pink aura and what they mean.
Pastel Pink Aura
A light or baby pink aura is mostly associated with romance. People with these auras are true old romantics or may be experiencing new romance. People with this aura color may also be artists by nature or have psychic gifts; particularly clairvoyant or clairaudient gifts, meaning that they can see and hear things from the spiritual world that others don’t pick up on.
Bright Pink Aura
A bright, deep, or hot pink aura signifies that your heart chakra is perfectly balanced and open; you are a sensitive soul that is capable of great self-love and unconditional love towards the people in your life, as well as compassion for strangers.
Magenta Aura
Magenta auras are fairly rare. With hints of blue and red, people with magenta auras have root, throat, and heart chakras that are working in perfect harmony. The throat chakra is responsible for the truth, communication, and creativity, while the root energy connects us to the earth and keeps us grounded.
People with magenta auras tend to be very artistic, independent, and eccentric; a little more daring than the average pink aura, but they’re still kind, compassionate, and down to earth.
Dark Pink Aura
Murky tones of pink suggest oversensitivity and immaturity, they may display manipulative behaviors and often don’t take good care of themselves physically or mentally.
Pink In Different Parts Of The Aura
Whilst most auras are dominated by one color, some display different colors in different parts of it. If the part of the aura above your head is pink, it means that you are working towards becoming more selfless, loving, compassionate, and forgiving.
Pink on your left side suggests you are cultivating new creative ideas and attracting love into your life, whilst pink on the right-hand side indicates that you are already emitting love and compassionate energy towards others, that you practice self-love, and that you’re working on new projects.
Pink Aura Compatibility
Every aura color has a certain color that they are the most compatible with in terms of friendships and romantic relationships, and people with pink auras are most compatible with those who have blue, green, and yellow auras.
People with blue auras are in tune with their throat chakra and tend to be peaceful, honest people, which is great for sensitive pink energy, who do not like being misled or deceived, while people with yellow auras have a well-balanced solar plexus, which deal in purpose, optimism, and joy, and do not drain the pink’s empathic energy, and green energy is very similar to pink energy, as it also relates to the heart chakra.
Challenges With Pink Auras
Although pink aura people have truly beautiful, nurturing qualities, their openness and willingness to love can leave them a little exposed. People will these auras can have issues with boundary setting and they can let people into their lives that are bad for them. So, if your aura is pink, remember to practice self-love above all else and know what you will and won’t tolerate from other people.
How To Get A Pink Aura
Pink is a very desirable aura because it is such a beautiful, feminine color. If you want to get more pink in your aura, you need to try and rebalance your heart chakra and access your feminine side, and there are a few ways that you can work on this.
The heart chakra can get blocked by heartbreak and betrayal, causing shyness, loneliness, depression, and anxiety, particularly social anxiety, as well as a lack of empathy and trust issues. Physically, when the heart chakra is out of alignment, it can also cause health problems with the heart, the chest, the shoulders, the arms, the hands, and the upper back area.
You can rebalance your heart chakra through meditation, eating a greener diet, and showing yourself (and others) some love. You can also try chakra-balancing yoga routines and crystal healing with heart chakra crystals such as Rose Quartz, Emerald, and Tourmaline. To access your feminine energy, practice self-care, spend time in nature or around animals or children, give to others, and spend time being creative or appreciating art.
How To Cleanse A Pink Aura
Your aura can soak up negative energy from others and make you feel down and drained. People with pink auras are especially susceptible to this because of their sensitivity, but thankfully, you can keep your energy field fresh with regular meditation.
If you feel like you need to give your aura a deeper cleanse, try a more focused aura combing meditation, use some cleansing crystals, or run a cleansing bath with salt, sacred herbs, or essential oils. Spending lots of time in nature, particularly in sun or moonlight, and around water will also help to rebalance your aura.
With its unconditional love and feminine nature, pink energy is one of the best. If you have a pink aura, just be sure to set firm boundaries with those around you and take care of yourself first.