20 Feb Peach Moonstone – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties
Peach Moonstone is a gorgeous pink stone is believed to harness the magical energy of the moon and bring forth the feminine energy that dwells within us all.
Peach Moonstone benefits are said to include a lot of healing properties, making it a must-have for any crystal enthusiast. It promotes emotional balance and creativity, intuition, and psychic abilities. Peach Moonstone is a true gem. Peach Moonstone benefits include improving self-esteem, reducing anxiety and stress, supporting fertility and pregnancy, aiding digestion, and eliminating toxins.
Let’s look at the origin of this glorious peach stone and all of Peach Moonstone’s benefits, healing properties, and how to use it.
What Is Peach Moonstone?
Peach Moonstone is a peach-colored variety of Moonstone, a sodium potassium aluminum silicate feldspar with unique pearly iridescence. It is formed through igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic processes. The rare Peach variety’s color comes from its high aluminum content and is typically found in the Himalayas in India. However, it can also be found worldwide, including in Australia and Brazil.
Peach Moonstone is often called a stone of transformation. Peach Moonstone’s spiritual meaning is associated with the new moon and certain full moons, such as the Harvest Moon. It is said to enhance intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual awareness. It is also believed to promote emotional balance and inner strength, helping individuals navigate through transitions and life changes. Peach Moonstone’s spiritual meaning is said to be associated with the divine feminine.
History Peach Moonstones
The exact history of Peach Moonstone is unclear, but moonstones in general have been revered for centuries. In ancient times, moonstones were believed to have mystical properties and were often used in amulets and talismans. Moonstone is made of solidified moonbeams in Hindu Mythology and is associated with the goddess of the moon.
Peach Moonstone Crystal Energy
Peach Moonstone Crystal is believed to have several energetic properties. Some of the most commonly attributed energies to peach Moonstone include:
- Peach Moonstone for Emotional healing: Peach moonstone is thought to help balance emotions and promote emotional healing. It is often used to soothe anxiety, promote self-love, and encourage acceptance of one’s feelings.
- Peach Moonstone and Intuition: Moonstones, in general, are often associated with intuition, and peach moonstone is no exception. It is believed to enhance one’s intuition and psychic abilities, helping to facilitate a connection to the divine and promoting spiritual growth.
- Peach Moonstone and Love and relationships: Peach moonstone is said to have a gentle, feminine energy that can help attract love and strengthen existing relationships. It is often used to promote emotional intimacy and encourage communication in romantic partnerships.
- Peach Moonstone and Creativity: Peach moonstone is also believed to stimulate creativity and imagination. It can unlock one’s artistic potential and encourage inspiration.
Peach Moonstone is often considered a stone of feminine energy and is said to promote emotional and spiritual balance.
Planets Associated with Peach Moonstone
Peach Moonstone Crystal is associated with Venus, representing love, beauty, harmony, and balance. Venus is also associated with the heart chakra, which governs our ability to give and receive love. Peach Moonstone is believed to have a calming effect on emotions and can help to balance and open the heart chakra. Peach Moonstone is associated with Venus and the Moon. It is a powerful crystal for emotional healing, creativity, and connection with our inner selves.
Zodiac Connection of Peach Moonstone
Peach Moonstone Crystal is commonly associated with the zodiac sign Cancer.
Cancer is a water sign, and those born under this sign are often intuitive, sensitive, and creative. Peach Moonstone’s connection to the Sacral Chakra, associated with creativity and emotions, makes it a beneficial stone for Cancers looking to balance their energies and enhance their intuition.
Peach Moonstone is also said to be helpful for those born under the signs of Libra and Scorpio. Libra is an air sign associated with harmony, balance, and partnerships. At the same time, Scorpio is a water sign that is associated with transformation, intuition, and emotional depth. The energies of peach Moonstone are thought to complement these signs and enhance their natural strengths.
Peach Moonstone Colors and Hardness
Peach Moonstone Crystal has a soft, peachy hue caused by albite within the stone. The exact shade of peach can vary depending on the specific mineral content of the stone and the angle at which it is viewed.
Peach Moonstone exhibits a subtle iridescence caused by the scattering of light within the stone. This iridescence can create flashes of blue or other colors, adding to the stone’s unique beauty.
Moreover, Peach Moonstone has a Mohs hardness rating of 6 to 6.5, which means it is moderately hard and suitable for use in jewelry. However, it is important to note that Moonstone can be quite brittle and may be prone to cracking or chipping if it is not handled carefully.
Peach Moonstone Gemstones and Chakras
Peach Moonstone & The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
The Sacral Chakra, is known as the second chakra in the body, located in the pelvic region and is also known as Svadhisthana. It governs sexuality, fertility, creative energy, charisma, passion, lust for life, and adventure.
And it also supports reproductive health and body confidence. It is often blocked by sexual trauma, repression of sexual desire or creativity, and obsession or addiction. This can result in low libido, a lack of creative inspiration, too much cautiousness, social isolation, and loneliness.
It is even linked to anemia, hypoglycemia, lower back and pelvis pain, fertility and reproductive health, and problems with the spleen, bladder, and kidneys.
Peach Moonstone & The Third Eye Chakra
The third eye chakra, or the Anja, is the sixth chakra in the body, located between the eyebrows. Clearly, it is responsible for our spiritual intuition and psychic abilities, as well as our mental health and independent thought.
In addition, it gets blocked when we allow the ego to be dominant over the id, causing issues with concentrating, self-reflecting, dreaming, and imagining. It can also cause fear of the future, migraines, sinusitis, seizures, poor eyesight, and sciatica.
Peach Moonstone & The Crown Chakra
The crown chakra, or Sahasrara, is the seventh and final chakra in the body. It lives at the top of the head and governs our sense of clarity and connection to the spiritual world, as well as the health of the physical brain.
Also, blockages in this chakra typically come from denying or ignoring the existence of the spiritual world and cause closed-mindedness, feelings of confusion, an overall lack of inspiration in life, poor coordination, impaired sleep quality, chronic tension headaches, and fatigue.
Peach Moonstone Crystals Metaphysical Properties & Benefits
Raw Peach Moonstone is believed to have several metaphysical properties and is often used in spiritual practices and healing rituals. Here are some of the most commonly associated metaphysical properties of raw peach moonstone:
Emotional Healing
As mentioned above, Peach Moonstone metaphysical properties help you with your emotional issues linked to hormonal imbalances, PMS, and adolescence. Its feminine energy inspires us emotionally and brings out our softer side emotionally, soothing body image issues and more intense negative emotions like anger and bitterness, opening us up to better empathy, serendipity, and spontaneity.
Its mental healing properties also include boosting body confidence and overall lust for life, as well as having a calming effect on overreactive minds and helping the user to logically explore emotional triggers without reacting.
Spiritual Healing
Peach Moonstone metaphysical properties evoke the Goddess energy of the Moon to enhance divine feminine energy and nurture female intuition. Its vibration is warm and bright, like summer moonlight, and can be used to harness your inner psychic powers and abilities through meditation. It’s also a stone of new beginnings, illuminating your mind with new ideas and helping you find the path to success for your bigger dreams and goals, making it a great stone for manifestation.
Physical Healing
Regarding Peach Moonstone’s physical healing properties, Peach Moonstone has long been associated with soothing PMS and period pain, enhancing fertility, and easing the pain of childbirth. It’s also great for young people going through puberty as it can help to stabilize the hormones associated with acne, mood swings, and other adolescent issues, as well as adults with hormonal imbalances like PCOS.
Peach Moonstone Crystals in Relationships
Peach Moonstone is a stone of intuition; it can help us find new connections and drop old ones that are no longer serving us. It is also a great stone for exploring your sensuality and sexuality and deepening your relationship with your romantic partner, especially concerning intimacy, carrying the energy of tantra, body confidence, femininity, and the kundalini serpent.
Peach Moonstone Crystals in Success
These healing crystals are terrific stones for following your dreams. However, it’s perfect for creative minds as it harnesses the creative energy of the sacral chakra, inspiring new ideas and projects for artists, designers, writers, musicians, and more.
Peach Moonstone Crystals in Environment
Peach Moonstone’s metaphysical properties create a beautifully nurturing and empathic environment, so it’s a lovely stone to keep around your home if you have a family, children, or pets, or at work, if there’s a lot of friction with the people in your workplace.
How To Use Peach Moonstone Crystals
Peach Moonstone & Meditation
As mentioned above, Peach Moonstone is a great crystal for meditation to enhance your spiritual and emotional intuition. It awakens your divine feminine energy and generally expands consciousness. Because of its resonance with the top two chakras, it also enhances your psychic power. Simply hold the stone while you meditate, and use sound baths and healing mudras to go deeper.
Peach Moonstone Under Your Pillow
Some believe that placing a peach moonstone under your pillow has various metaphysical properties that may benefit you while you sleep.
Witchcraft & Manifestation
Use Peach Moonstone in witchcraft and manifestation by holding it or keeping it close when practicing your manifestation techniques, casting your spells, invoking creative energy, or working on your dreams.
Peach Moonstone & Dreamwork
Use this dreamy stone for dream work and lucid dreaming by keeping it under your pillow or beside your bed at night. This can help you recall your dreams, better interpret them, and have more vivid or lucid dreams.
Peach Moonstone in Crystal Grids
Peach Moonstone is the perfect crystal to use in the center of a crystal grid because it harnesses the power of the moon to bring intentions to fruition. As mentioned above, they’re very powerful gemstones for spellcasting.
Peach Moonstone Jewelry
Keeping Peach Moonstone close to you by wearing jewelry containing the stone is the best way to utilize its healing properties for your body and mind. This is perfect for teenagers and women facing hormonal difficulties or issues with their reproductive system or pregnancy/labor, as well as to calm emotionally reactive people and remove blockages from your chakra system. Alternatively, you can carry a small stone around with you instead.
Peach Moonstone At Home Or Work
If you want to utilize its healing powers in your living spaces, place it somewhere significant or central in your home or workplace, such as your bedside table, hallway, or office desk.
Crystal-Infused Water & Crystal Baths
You can also infuse your Peach Moonstone with water to drink or spray around your home. Alternatively, you could take what’s known as a crystal bath by wearing or putting your gem in the bathtub with you. Absorbing crystal water directly into your body or through your skin is especially powerful for physical and mental healing.
Best Crystal Combinations to use with Peach Moonstone
Rainbow Moonstone
Rainbow moonstone is a popular companion stone to peach moonstone. It has a similar milky appearance but with a blue iridescence that adds depth and complexity to the combination. These stones create a soothing and calming energy that promotes emotional balance and harmony.
Sunstone is a gemstone that radiates warmth and positivity. Its golden and orange tones complement the peachy-pink of Peach Moonstone beautifully. Sunstone is associated with joy, creativity, and abundance, making it a great choice for manifesting your desires.
Labradorite is known as a stone of magic and transformation . Its iridescent flashes of green, blue, and gold contrast with the soft peachy-pink of peach Moonstone. Labradorite is associated with intuition, protection, and spiritual growth, making it a powerful ally for anyone on a journey
Who Should Use Peach Moonstone?
Peach Moonstone is often used by people struggling with anxiety, stress, or other emotional issues. It is believed to promote a sense of calmness and relaxation, helping to alleviate tension and anxiety. It can also be used by those looking to improve their relationships with others, as it promotes empathy, compassion, and understanding.
Frequently Asked Questions About Peach Moonstone
How do you take care of a Peach Moonstone?
It’s a good idea to cleanse Peach Moonstone every few weeks to rid it of negative energy and charge it to refill it with positive, healing vibes.
The easiest way to cleanse crystals is with the full moon’s light. You can do this by placing it outside or on your window sill on the night of the next full moon. Try putting it in a water bowl first for an intense intuitive cleanse.
Alternatively, you can run it under the tap, smudge it with sage or another purifying herb, or place your gem on a crystal-cleansing plate. To charge it, leave it in the sun for a few hours or place it on or under the Earth for 24 hours.
Is Peach Moonstone Safe To Use?
Peach Moonstone is safe for human use; it is not toxic and typically has no negative side effects. That said, any spiritual stone can cause strange symptoms as you adjust to your new state of awareness; such symptoms can include vivid dreaming, de ja vu, headaches, paranormal experiences, and feelings of detachment, as well as stomach issues, brain fog, increased empathy, loneliness, and fatigue. You can also experience changes in your life circumstances and relationships.
Is Peach Moonstone Real Or Manmade?
Yes, Peach Moonstone is a real gemstone. It is a type of Moonstone that gets its name from its peachy color. However, there are synthetic and painted stones that mimic Peach Moonstone, but they should be labeled as such when sold.
We highly recommend it for people looking to become more feminine or awaken the Goddess energy within them, harness more sexual or creative power, or be more adventurous in life.
Peach Moonstone is a gloriously feminine healing crystal that vibrates with the soft but powerful spiritual energy of the moon. If you’re interested in buying one for your spiritual journey, follow our top tips for the best results!
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