04 Feb Orange Crystals – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties
Orange crystals are laced with the fire energy of red stones — only a notch gentler. They are intelligent, creative gemstones, ready to lend their energies to give you more self-confidence and self-esteem. These crystals encourage you to find your joy and the courage and adaptability to welcome change into your life.
Learn the essence of orange crystals and the many benefits you can get from incorporating their energies into your everyday life.
Orange Crystals: Meaning & Importance
Orange crystals are a balance of passionate fire alongside gold’s good fortune and purity. This incredible combination results in never-ending optimism, which keeps you comfortable in your own skin. Orange crystals also open you up to allow energy to move through you so that you can experience balance in the emotional, sexual, and creative flow of your life.
The energies of the orange ray within orange crystals resonate with your solar plexus chakra and sacral chakra. These are the sources of creativity and fulfillment within the spirit. These chakras rule over our emotional being, including the ability to express ourselves with authenticity. Orange gemstones also attract pure joy, which many may have lost as we grew older.
What are the Benefits of Orange Crystals?
Chakra Healing (Sacral)
The sacral chakra, the second chakra, is the root of our creativity and intimate passion, which orange crystals masterfully heal. This chakra is the primary home of our emotions, which the orange gemstones work to clear negative energies out of.
The sacral chakra is also home to our artistic expressions and creative happiness — when this is brimming with fire and life, we bloom with zest and vigor.
Physical Healing & Wellbeing
Orange crystals can bring a healing glow in people suffering from physical pain in the pelvic area. Those struggling with PMS-related problems and reproductive issues will also find that orange gemstones can heal them. Blockages or setbacks in your sexuality will also be cleared with the help of orange gemstones.
Wealth & Finances
For those who find themselves living in the shadows at work, orange crystals will give you the confidence to step out into the light so others can see and appreciate you. Orange crystals will bring the luck and success everybody craves for, yet ensure that you don’t jeopardize your generous soul.
Orange gemstones also keep you humble and even encourage you to impart some of your success and wealth to others.
Personal Relationships
As orange crystals are deeply connected with the second chakra, expect them to inspire you to tap into new avenues of pleasure and intimacy. They fill you to the brim with optimism, especially in your relationship. As the color orange is connected to warmth, hope, and prosperity, expect these attributes to be incorporated into your relationship if you seek the powers of orange gemstones.
Other Orange Crystals Meaning & Benefit
Dark Orange Crystal
Dark orange crystals are great for strengthening the communal lives of marriages and family ties. They maintain a sense of belonging and home and offer a spiritual and emotional support system. The dark orange crystal will also provide warmth and keep a happy family together when placed in the center of your home.
Light Orange Crystal
Light orange crystals represent friendship. Use light orange gemstones to find new friends, keep in touch with old ones, and enrich current friendships. They can also work wonders in new or blossoming romantic relationships, as these crystals bring companionship, loyalty, encouragement, and affection to the table.
16 Orange Crystals For Daily Use
1. Orange Zircon
Orange zircon brings a burst of fresh motivation for people who feel sluggish with low energy levels. They are perfect crystals to bring back bounce into your life! They are a source of sparkling joy and sweet optimism and bring bright balance and beautiful grounding. These crystals also develop psychic abilities to connect you to higher thinking and knowledge.
2. Hessonite Garnet
The dark orange crystal hessonite garnet, dubbed by many as the cinnamon stone, is full of spicy and shimmery vibes. Its physical properties are softer and less durable than other garnet gemstones, but don’t let that fool you! This orange crystal helps shape your thinking and lets you thrive even though the world around you is in chaos. It inspires you to welcome flexibility and adaptability, so you go through trying times with grace and poise.
3. Orange Agate
The agate is a grounding stone — orange agate is no exception. This crystal balances the yin and yang in our system, so we feel safe and solid in the world. This crystal is filled with sun energy that inspires us to dream big without getting too ahead of ourselves — like how our roots should run deep, and our branches reach high. This gem also gives us the courage to see the truth in every situation.
4. Orange Calcite
The orange calcite is the proverbial cocktail for the soul — it fills you up with positivity! This bright orange crystal invites you to go with the flow. The fizzy joy and fresh energy found in this orange crystal will inspire you to embrace change so you can move away from laborious, old patterns that are no longer serving you.
5. Orange Tourmaline
Tourmaline crystals come in many different shades, with orange tourmaline being one of the rarest. The orange shade of tourmaline welcomes spiritual blooming and gentle reflection, sprinkled with a soft sense of joy. This crystal also comes with a heavy dose of purifying energy that permeates through the body, mind, and soul.
6. Spessartite Garnet
The spessartite garnet, also called the stone of harmony, keeps you in good spirits and, well, harmony. This dark orange crystal boosts positive feelings and wants you to welcome the powers of manifestation home. It encourages logical, clear-headed thinking with a heavy dose of creative practice, so there is balance in the path we’re meant to be on.
7. Sunstone
One of the most popular orange crystals, the sunstone is chock-full of sweet nature vibes and strong sun energies. This gem acts as a guiding light as you carve your way into the world — probably the reason why the ancient Vikings used this as a compass as they navigated the seas. This peachy, pink, and orange gem grants you the courage to step into your boundaries and speak your truth.
8. Orange Carnelian
The orange carnelian can set your soul aflame in many different ways — it is a great source of creativity and motivation, so you can stand in your power! As one of the most popular orange crystals, it is also radiant with the energy you need to clear out your sacral chakra so you can keep glowing at every moment.
9. Orange Andesine Labradorite
The orange andesine labradorite works wonders in people who tend to let anxious thoughts get the better of them. This dark orange crystal is here to help you release all negative and toxic thoughts and simply let them wash over you. This gem is filled with calming energy and mystical magic that’ll take you to the peaceful haven of your own mind.
10. Orange Aventurine
The orange aventurine opens your mind and heart to the wonders of new possibilities. It invites you to leap outside of your comfort zone and plunge deep into broader horizons. The orange aventurine will make it seem as though fortune is within your grasp instead of it being a far-flung possibility by sparking your imagination, stirring up the shades of joy, optimism, and sublime healing, and enticing you to move forward.
11. Imperial Topaz
The imperial topaz is likened to crystallized, molten gold… no wonder it’s lauded to bring wealth and prosperity by many! This stone of good fortune leads us towards the best path if we want abundance raining down on us and makes sure that there are no blockages when we get there.
This orange crystal will also enhance your spiritual practices, raise your vibrations, and nurture your creative and generous side, including visualization and manifestation.
12. Orange Fire Opal
The orange fire opal is a crystal of fantastic beauty that captures pure fire energy and joy. It allows you to glow with passion and zeal so you can overcome shyness or lack of confidence. It also stirs up and revitalizes energy in your sexual organs to fan the fires of passion within your relationship. The bright flame of the orange fire opal will also turn old trauma into ashes so you can keep burning brightly.
13. Orange Spinel
The orange spinel is filled with decadent root chakra healing. It encourages passion, deep devotion, and an unrelenting connection with the divine will. For those having trouble starting a family, allow the orange spinel to boost your fertility and reproductive health.
This orange crystal also taps into the sacral heart chakra to boost your intelligence while keeping you out of your own head.
14. Orange Citrine
Like the bright yellow citrine, the orange citrine is rife with life-giving properties that light up your cells with happiness. It is the proverbial sunshine to battle the darkest days! This orange crystal raises your confidence and welcomes abundance. Also known as the merchant’s stone, the citrine can be the missing piece for you to attract wealth, abundance, and many other delightful deals. Furthermore, the orange citrine encourages calm and collected self-expression so that you are constantly soaked in positive vibes.
15. Orange Moonstone
The orange moonstone has all the intuitive, feminine energy of the moonstone, alongside an influx of glorious goddess power. This orange crystal brings all of your emotions into balance by melting away tightly-held stress and anxiety. This orange crystal also reminds us to let go of the handlebars of control and go with the flow — if we stop trying to force things, we are better equipped to float downriver peacefully.
16. Orange Mali Garnet
The orange mali garnet shimmers with all the shades of hope and empowerment. Echoing Gaia’s energy, this orange crystal reminds us that we are worthy and have the capacity for growth and joy. Moreover, the orange mali garnet also does wonders in our physical body by boosting the immune system and influencing healthy cell turnover.
The orange mali garnet wants you to forever keep thriving — just like sunsets, the morning light, and lush rolling plains.
Orange Crystals Combination Gems
Red-Orange Stones
Orange crystals work well with red-orange stones as they share the same base sun energies. This crystal combination will do wonders in healing your sacral chakra. Choose from fiery red gems, tangerine, or citrus-colored stones, and feel them strengthen your lower chakras (root and sacral chakras).
Wearing red-orange stones alongside orange stones in jewelry will welcome their powers into your daily life. It will show the universe that you are serious about bringing your intentions inward.
Amethyst Or Selenite
Balancing the sacral chakra with softness and higher thinking is not an easy feat, but if you combine orange crystals with amethyst or selenite, you will find that it is easy and breezy. This stone combination will either cool down hot flames with air or fan them to burn brighter.
What are orange crystals good for?
The orange crystal is good for strengthening your sacral chakra. These stones support your emotional health and vitality, so you feel excited about life. Some orange gems integrate the spiritual realm within the physical body to add a bit of magic and spice.
How do you use orange crystals?
Orange crystals can be used in the form of gemstone jewelry, crystal grids, reiki healing, meditation, or incorporated into your altar to bring their powers into your life. You can hold the healing crystals if you need a little bit of support or assurance or if you’re trying to manifest something. Simply wearing orange stones jewelry against your skin or carrying the stones inside your pocket or purse is also enough to bring their healing energies into your life.
Rife with dynamic energy, warm summer vibes, and creativity, orange crystals are every crystal collector’s dream. If you find yourself depleted and overwhelmed, you can lean on orange crystals to rekindle your fire again so you can burn brighter. An orange stone raises your positive energy and personal power, so you feel good and confident about yourself and boosts sexual vigor to cultivate healthier relationships.
Orange crystals bring healing properties, and their orange ray is a must-have for any crystal collection, so make sure you don’t miss out on having one.
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