29 Nov New Moon Manifestation and Ritual
Buried deep within written history are notes about the new moon ritual. In cultures throughout the centuries and around the world, new moon manifestation and techniques have been noted and honored.
But what does manifest mean in relation to the moon.
As defined by Oxford Languages dictionary, as an adjective the word manifest means, “clear or obvious to the eye or mind”.
As a verb manifest is defined as “display or show (a quality or feeling) by one’s acts or appearance; demonstrate.” Both as a verb and as an adjective the meanings are very descriptive in relation to new moon rituals and manifestation techniques.
Understanding New Moon Manifestation
Those who partake in new moon rituals from ancient times to modern times have a common thread, an underlying belief or understanding that a full moon is in tune with universal truth.
The magic influence of the new moon is exalted by cults, religions, and individuals. It has also been influential in scientific endeavors and in clues to the power that it holds over the earth.
In weather reports it is often noted when the tides will be especially high because of a new moon. Science has figured out that the higher tides which occur during a full moon happen because of an interaction between the sun, moon, and earth.
During a full moon, the sun reinforces the gravitational pull of the moon. This reinforced pull of gravity by the moon causes an effect on the oceans, seas, sounds, bays, and waterways. The new moon cycle produces the same effect for the same reason. By scientists’ calculations and experimental observations, it is also known that the lowest tides occur during the quarter moon phase. The quarter moon has a diminished gravitational influence from the sun that causes less pull on the earthly waterways. This diminished gravitational pull causes the lowest tides of the cycles.
New Moon ritual manifestation techniques used for centuries practiced by cultures, religious groups, spiritualists, mystics and others have intuitively realized the power of the moon and its cycles. Farming, hunting, harvesting, procreating, prayers, intentions, ceremonies, and rituals have been based on the phases of the moon long before its powers were confirmed by scientific theory, experimentation, and observation.
When civilizations were more in tune with nature, and its impacts on daily life more obvious, there was also a deeper reverence for the powers of the planets and their influence on lives. To the thousands upon thousands who await the new moon, full moon, and all its phases there is a clear understanding of what manifest means.
To those who partake in manifestation techniques, there is a clear answer to what manifest means. It means to be in tune with and comply with the natural order of the universe during new moon ritual times.
Performing Moon Rituals
Moon manifestation techniques and keeping track of the phases of the moon, along with manifesting with the moon are not a mysterious ritual of secret cults or worshippers of the dark world.
Manifesting with the moon is all about new beginnings. It is a time for a person to ask for what they need to complete their cycle of happiness, desires, or a time for a spiritual cleansing or rebirth.
Every moon cycle, of which there are eight, is an important part of moon manifestations although the full moon ritual is considered by many to be a most powerful cycle.
The Moon Phases are named:
- New Moon
- Waxing Crescent
- First Quarter
- Waxing Gibbous
- Full Moon
- Waning Gibbous
- Third Quarter
- Waning Crescent
The new moon is an astrological name for one of the moon’s numerous phases—specifically, the one in which the moon and the sun align. The sun shines behind it.
The new moon heralds the start of a new lunar cycle and, with it, a slew of fresh beginnings. As a result, new moons feel like an especially good time for introspection, path correction, and goal-setting.
It takes slightly over 29 days to complete a moon cycle, which corresponds with the fertility cycle of humans. This was a major reason that ancient civilizations, tribes and cultures began to “worship”, “appeal”, and perform rituals at various phases of the moon. All of which are the earliest forms of moon manifestation techniques.
The homage paid to the moon by various primitive cultures shows exactly what manifest mean in relation to the moon. These cultures understood that the internal human “soul”, “spirit” or home of the gods was directly tied to the power, pull, and effects of the moon.
People have continued the tradition of the new moon ritual and manifestation techniques throughout the centuries. Written and oral manifestation techniques continue to be passed from one generation to the next.
The new moon, being the first of the moon’s eight phases, is an excellent time to plant new seeds and breathe new life into parts of our lives that appear to be diminishing or plateauing.
The opportunity presented by the new moon is quite potent. You should be extremely clear and cautious at this time.
Preparing To Perform a Moon Ritual
Unlike novels, stories, movies and such that portray witches, Satanists and other dark side worshippers as performing mysterious ceremonies calling upon evil powers, moon manifestations are completely opposite.
Those that perform a simple ritual regularly and those that want to begin, are focused on bringing goodness into their lives. As with every aspect of life, with free will accepted as a given, there will be those that choose to try to do evil in every group.
The majority of those that participate in moon manifestations understand that the rituals and ceremonies, calling upon the powers of the moon, universe and the spiritual should only be used for the good of one’s self and others.
Never should these powers and spiritual blessings be used to interfere with another’s free will or wish ill will on others.
Close your eyes and picture yourself doing, seeing, or being whatever you desire. Consider the emotions you’ll experience if your intention comes true. That’s all there is to it!
You have a powerful intention established if you tap into those sensations and continue to envision what you set as your new moon intention every day for the remainder of the month.
Moon cycle rituals are, in the end, a personal choice. Do what seems right to you.
It’s time to let go of whatever is preventing you from manifesting your desires with the moon. The fading crescent moon represents the last phase of the lunar cycle.
It takes place just before the next new moon. However, it does allow a time to reflect on the entire lunar cycle that has passed.
It’s important to anchor into your objectives during the days following a new moon, when the moon begins to rise after the sun. During this moon cycle, concentrate on one item you desire to manifest. To that goal, use this time to practice visualizations and affirmations.
Write out your new moon intention in a clear and concise manner, and read it every day. This will assist you in manifesting with the moon.
As the word implies, ritual, means that there is a list of prescribed protocols for performing moon manifestations. Over the course of time and depending on how the question, what does manifest mean, was answered, there are many manifestation techniques.
Although similar there are variations in the details of the new moon rituals and moon manifestations. Moon manifestation rituals may or may not include:
Cleansing A Ritual Space
A ritual space can be anywhere, outside or in. The preparation of that space is what makes it a ritual space, this involves a “cleaning’. The cleansing is performed to remove any negative energy. While performing the cleaning of the ritual space, do it with the specific intention that a moon manifestation will occur.
Do not perform a general spiritual or negative cleaning for a moon manifestation ritual. It should be an intention cleansing for a manifestation technique of a full or new moon.
The new moon is an excellent time to create a sacred space in your house where you may work your own magic. Cleanse the energy of the space where you’ll be meditating, manifesting, or reflecting on yourself.
Get the world’s garbage out—and keep it out. When you enter that area, your body and mind will adjust over time. Clear a space for a ritual to ward off negative energy and invite positive energy.
When you enter that area for the first time, your body and mind will realize it’s time to create magic. To avoid unwanted vibes, make sure you maintain everything clean and neat once you’ve put it up. Sit quietly and begin the manifestation process.
Cleansing For a New Moon Ritual
For an indoor ritual space – pay special attention to the door used to enter the most – Cleanse with the intention of a NEW beginning. For an outdoor space choose to cleanse an entrance point or the path or gateway that leads to the space.
Cleansing for a Full Moon
The full Moon ritual is to push out the negative. Cleanse the exit door or exit area of the outdoor space. The full moon ritual is for completion or to release what is blocking a manifestation.
Spiritual cleanings can be done using a traditional smudge stick like sage, with reiki symbols, herbs, candle crystals, water salt, or thoughtful visualizations.
Take a Cleansing Bath Before Moon Manifestation
Just as the ritual space is cleansed of negativity, so too must the person wash away the negative. This is conducted with a cleansing bath before the moon manifestation. The bath can be “sanctified” with sea salt in a tub of water, along with lavender salts or drops of oil. Use scented candles and or incense in the room.
Play spiritual music or have total silence, no radio, tv news, or other distracting negative sounds. Focus and meditate on the manifestations and moon rituals. Again, BEFORE a new moon for a new beginning, and AFTER a full moon for closure.
The Intention of Your Moon Manifestation
Days before the moon rituals it is time to visualize and think about the specific intention. Manifestation means believing in your intention.
Make a list of all the things that make you happy. Every manifestation, no matter how minor, causes movement and allows the waves to ebb and flow naturally. After all, we’re talking about moon cycles here. Furthermore, as we wait for the big stuff to come our way, we sometimes forget to enjoy the tiny joys in our life.
Concentrate, meditate and feel the intention before the moon manifestation ritual. Write down the intention to create as a visual.
This is an important part of the Moon Ritual. The new moon intention is a new beginning, the full moon intention is an ending. New moons are wonderful times to set your intentions.
Undoubtedly, a little voice of doubt will arise. This may cause you to question if your request is too huge or too tiny. Recognize your biases, let them go, and keep writing your objectives.
You should also be extremely explicit about your requirements. Concentrate on what you want rather than what you don’t want while you write.
Perform a New Moon Ritual
In the cleansed space, read the intention out loud, light a candle and incense. Read the intention out loud ending with a phrase such as “at least this or more”. Let the universe know the intention out loud.
Make a chant or a prayer to the New Moon. You can pick from a variety of formal prayers. You can compose your own prayer to generate powerful, good energy. Always end with prayers of gratitude.
Choose a New Moon Prayer from the many available or create one. Say the prayer out loud after a reading of the intention(s). Spend time in mediation. Visualize the intention(s) rising through space to the Moon. Act on the intentions.
An intention for a new job without searching tells the universe you really don’t want help getting a job. An intention for a new friend or love while you sit at home and never socialize tells the universe you don’t care about a friend or lover.
The universe will aid you with positivity, not create miracles. At the end of the ceremony, place the written intentions where they can e read in the morning. Create a journal or scrap book of every written intention from every moon manifestation.
Perform A Full Moon Ritual
Supplies needed – a safe burning jar or ashtray – lighter or matches, candle and incense. An intention story, or pen and paper to write one. The Full Moon Ritual or manifestation is to end something that is negative in life. It is basically a cleansing ritual.
Read the intention out loud with a full moon prayer. This is the perfect time for setting intentions.
Burn the written intention and drop it in the burning jar or ashtray, while mediating about the completion of the intention watch the flames burn the written intention and the rising smoke.
The Moon and The Cycle of Life
The New Moon Ritual, and Full Moon Ritual along with moon manifestations, and understanding what manifest means are not specific religion, cult, or spiritual quest. They are spiritual tools of enlightenment that encourage a relationship with the moon and universe based on growth and understanding.
The most primitive people understood the importance of the 29-day cycle of the moon which affected procreation, the food supply as well as spiritual feelings of good will and peace. Moon manifestations can relight this understanding in hectic modern life.
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