29 Nov Money Affirmations for Wealth and Abundance
The quest for wealth has been at the center of human desires for centuries. From ancient rulers to modern entrepreneurs, the search for wealth continues through the ages.
Oftentimes the path to wealth starts with our beliefs about ourselves, our finances, and what we can achieve. A negative mindset cannot bring success.
Money affirmations build positive energy and draw good results for us like having more money and financial abundance. They increase our likelihood of success and help us find wealth and more than enough money for our everyday life.
In This Article
What is A Positive Money Affirmation?
A money affirmation is a phrase or saying that builds positivity around your present self, your financial status, and your level of success.
Even if you struggle to believe positive statements about yourself at the moment, you can begin using money affirmations to attract financial abundance and change your thinking for the better.
Affirmations are used both aloud and in our heads and work best when repeated regularly to help our subconscious self recognize their meaning within us.
Affirmations don’t just affect our thinking, they affect our actions as well. As our subconscious builds belief and acceptance of the affirmations our outward actions begin to shape around the positive words as well.
How Do I Word Money Affirmations?
Affirmations use present tense vocabulary. They don’t let the troubles of the past or worries about the future interfere with the present.
Using phrases that begin with “I am”, “I have”, and “I’m doing”, help keep affirmations in the present tense where they can do the best in our lives.
10 Money Affirmations to Use Today
Many people choose to write their own personal affirmations. Sometimes it is helpful to have a few ready-made affirmations to get you started toward wealth and abundance immediately.
Here are a few great positive affirmations to repeat right now:
- I am open to receiving all the wealth life offers.
- I attract wealth and money-making opportunities into my life every day.
- Wealth constantly flows in my life.
- Money has a positive influence on my life and the lives of those I love.
- I deserve abundance and financial well-being.
- I always have enough money to meet my needs.
- I do not let my beliefs limit my opportunities to attract money.
- Wealth is everywhere around me.
- I am grateful for the abundance of wealth and financial freedom the universe provides me.
- I know how to make money in expected and unexpected ways.
- I use my wealth to improve the world around me.
Getting The Most Value From Your Money Affirmations
Positive money affirmations for wealth and abundance can be said any time and any place. They are truly a tool that is always ready to use.
There are ways to help bring meaning and strength to your affirmations in times of need.
One way to increase the strength and meaning of your affirmations is to include money crystals into your focused affirmation time.
3 Recommended Crystals For Money Affirmations
Different crystals are useful for different affirmations and meditations. Some crystals are stronger money crystals than others and constantly attract opportunities. A few great money crystals are:
1. Pyrite
Pyrite is also known as fool’s gold because of its shiny golden exterior. The appearance and feel of Pyrite bring our minds straight to potential wealth and attract money we could possess.
The energy given off by this money magnet is one of drive, determination, and financial decision-making.
2. Citrine
Citrine is known for its ability to manifest the desires of those who possess it. It invigorates the soul and sends positive energies to those who meditate with it.
3. Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s Eye is a protective stone that can shield us from outside negative energies that may interfere with our affirmation beliefs, especially in our financial life.
Keeping Tiger’s Eye in your hand as you say your daily affirmations can keep your mind focused on the positivity and truth in each affirmation for your financial future.
How To Use Crystals For Money Affirmations
Using crystals to enhance your money affirmations is an easy process with great benefits.
Try finding a quiet place to say and reflect on your daily affirmation. As you repeat your affirmation, hold your chosen crystal gently in your non-dominant hand.
Let your crystal hear your affirmation, to feel its effect on your body, spirit, and vibrations. Being aware of your crystal as you say your affirmations help you to manifest the energy from your crystals.
You may also find that laying down with a crystal located on one of your Chakras helps to improve your affirmation time.
Use Affirmations Daily and Enjoy An Abundant Life
Affirmations alone cannot make you wealthy but they can be the difference between a mindset that propels you forward towards your financial dreams or holds you back.
Affirmations build us up, strengthen our spirit, and help us to achieve more than we could without the aid of our subconscious. Try using money affirmations today to improve your life.
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