07 Sep Manifestation Ideas To Live Your Dream Life
If you’re new to manifestation, you might be needing some inspiration on what to manifest. So, we’re here to help you out. Let’s take a look at some of the coolest manifestation ideas so that you can start living your dream life.
In This Article
- Best Manifestation Ideas
- How Does Manifestation Work?
- Other Manifestation Techniques
- How Long Or Often Should I Practice Manifestation For?
- What Is Resistance?
- How Long Does It Take To Manifest?
- How Much Detail Do I Need To Go Into?
- Do I Need To Believe My Affirmations?
- Do I Need To Have A High Vibration To Manifest?
- Can I Manifest More Than One Thing At A Time?
- Top Tips For Manifestation
- Conclusion
Best Manifestation Ideas
Here are our top manifestation ideas!
First and foremost, we all need a healthy body. Whether you suffer from something in particular, you’re feeling a little run down, or you’re just prone to getting coughs and colds, you can heal and protect your physical body by believing in your good health.
Remember, the brain controls the body, and science acknowledges the power of the placebo effect, or, in other words, thinking yourself better, so there is no reason that you cannot take conscious control of that.
Mental Health
In addition to your physical health, you can also improve your mental health. If you suffer from depression, anxiety, or low self-esteem, you can change this by affirming a better mental state. You can either affirm that you’ve never had mental health problems, that you’ve always had brilliant mental health, or that you’re permanently happy, fearless, optimistic, etc.
You can also make yourself more beautiful using manifestation. Remember, the mind controls the body, so if you want to change a particular feature, such as your hair, nose, teeth, or skin, you can do so by affirming that feature to be perfect or beautiful. You can also improve your overall appearance by affirming that you get better or younger-looking every day.
Desired Body
In addition to changing the appearance of your face, you can also manifest your ideal body; whether that includes weight loss, weight gain, a change in height, or changing the shape of your body or a particular body part – you can do it by complimenting yourself and telling yourself that you have your ideal body.
Good Self-Concept
A good self-concept is another great thing to manifest, and you can really have fun with it. Everybody should have a high opinion of themselves, and confidence comes from within, but did you know you can literally manifest it from within yourself by telling yourself that you’re the most amazing person on Earth? This is a great one to play with if you’re looking to reinvent yourself, get out there, and meet new people.
Another fun one to play around with is talent. Have you ever wanted to be able to sing? Dance? Write? Paint? Play an instrument or sport? Well – you can! Creation is already finished, and everything is floating around in the spiritual realm, waiting for somebody to claim it – including abilities and talents.
If you’re a student, you can manifest good grades and easy exams by affirming that you know everything you need to know, exams are easy for you, and you always get the grades that you want!
Dream Job
One of the most exciting things that you can use manifestation for is your dream career. You can use manifestation to conjure up the perfect opportunity for you, whether it’s a new job, starting your own business, a promotion at your existing job, or a complete career change, as well as success and respect in your dream job.
Passive Income
If you don’t want to work, you can also manifest a source of passive income. Passive income streams can include investments, stock exchange, renting out a room, home, or office or workplace.
Winning Big
You can even manifest winning a large sum of money or inheriting some money, like Helen Hadsell, a woman who famously utilized the law of attraction to win over 5,000 contests throughout her life, including the lottery.
Financial Abundance
This is another fun one – whether you want to earn your money passively or actively, or you don’t want to earn it at all, you can manifest wealth and abundance with affirmations that imply you are financially free and that money comes to you easily.
Dream Home
You can also manifest your dream home in your desired location. Whether it be a modern apartment in the city or a big, beautiful old house in the countryside, use the law of attraction to manifest the perfect place or offer.
New Friends
You can also use manifestation for your social life. If you’re feeling a bit lonely, getting rid of old, toxic friendships, or you just fancy some new ones, use manifestation to find the perfect group of friends to chill with, party with, travel with, or that one special best friend to do it all with.
Better Relationships
If you feel like you’ve grown distant from your existing friends and family members, you can also manifest better relationships with them by affirming that you’re always spending time and having fun together.
Another fun thing to manifest is romance; whether it be a new partner, a marriage proposal, or a deeper connection or better sex life with your current partner, use your inner magic to spice up your love life.
You can also use the law of attraction to manifest a baby. Whether you’ve just decided that you want a baby or you’ve been struggling to get pregnant for a while, call upon the powers of the universe to manifest a happy, healthy pregnancy and baby.
In addition to manifesting babies, you can also manifest your dream pet – and ensure that they are healthy, safe, and well-behaved.
Spirituality Goals
Manifestation is also a great way to reach your spiritual goals. You can manifest clear energy, better intuition, and the development of your psychic abilities and connection to the divine.
Manifestation Powers
Yes – you can also manifest the manifestation process to be easier! If you find that your manifestations take longer to arrive than you would like, speed it up by affirming that you always get everything you want immediately!
Eliminate Negativity
If you find yourself in a string of bad luck, eliminate the negative energy by affirming that everything always works out for you, life is always easy, and you never experience bad luck, mean people, or sadness.
Manifesting For Others
You can manifest all of the above for the people around you. Nothing feels better than improving the health and happiness of those we love! In manifestation, there is a term known as “everyone is you pushed out” – what this means is that we experience the version of people based on whom we believe them to be. So, if you think of them in a better light regarding the change you want to see in them, their reality will conform.
Dream Life
Finally, if there are a lot of areas of your life that you’d like to improve but you’re not quite sure where to start, why not try using an all-encompassing, or “blanket” affirmation – such as “I have my dream life”, to get the ball rolling. Stick with this affirmation for a week and you’ll be amazed at how things start to shift!
How Does Manifestation Work?
Manifestation is the practice of taking control over the law of attraction; this is a natural, universal law that, put simply, means that we attract what we emit. So, manifestation is essentially making this law work for you in a positive way using the power of thought.
In order to manifest or attract what you want, you have to think as if you already have it. This is best done by repeating positive affirmations about your desire; it’s all about impressing your subconscious, so repetition and using language that makes sense to you, as well as clear, strong words like “always” or “never” in your affirmations are most effective.
Other Manifestation Techniques
Other manifestation techniques to supplement affirmations include scripting, vision boards, subliminal, and visualization. Scripting is simply writing your affirmations down, which some people prefer as it helps them to focus more, and making a vision board surrounding your dream life is great for people who feel motivated by visual aids.
Subliminals are videos you can find online that recite subliminal affirmations under music to help impress them into your subconscious faster, and visualization involves imagining your dream scenario unfolding.
How Long Or Often Should I Practice Manifestation For?
The best time to perform your manifestation routine is first thing in the morning and before falling asleep, as this is when your subconscious is at its most open and receptive, as well as during meditation.
You also need to think positively about your desire whenever it naturally enters your head throughout the day, as thinking negatively will cancel out all of your hard work. The more you do it, the better, so it will also help if you affirm whenever you have a spare moment or you’re doing something that doesn’t require too much active thought, like doing the dishes or brushing your teeth.
What Is Resistance?
Resistance is another way of saying limiting beliefs, or thoughts which oppose your positive affirmations about your desired manifestation. They tend to stem from deep-seated negative beliefs about yourself and your life, and they can make the process of manifestation longer.
However, they can be overcome with good self-concept affirmations and blanket affirmations, which were discussed in the section above.
How Long Does It Take To Manifest?
There is no set length of time that it takes to manifest anything. It all depends on the person, their persistence, and their resistance, but it’s important to understand that there are no “big” or “small” manifestations, only our perception of them, the magic of manifestation is the same whether you’re manifesting a new pair of shoes or a new house.
According to famous law of attraction teacher Neville Goddard, the majority of manifestations shouldn’t take longer than three days with true persistence and dedication, but everybody is different.
How Much Detail Do I Need To Go Into?
You can add as many details to your manifestation as you want, but it’s not necessary. It’s all about your subconscious, and your subconscious mind already knows what you want. So, it’s more than enough just to say that you have your dream body, career, home, etc.
Do I Need To Believe My Affirmations?
You do not need to believe your affirmations in order for them to manifest, you just need to have faith in the process and stay persistent. The purpose of affirmations are to change the way that you naturally think about what you are manifesting so that your physical reality conforms to your new state of mind, so believing them is not necessary, but it will help it to happen quickly.
Do I Need To Have A High Vibration To Manifest?
You do not need to have a high vibration (or be in a positive state of mind) to manifest; so long as you are thinking about what you want in the right way, although it may speed up the process. However, if your vibration is low and it’s effecting your mindset towards your desire, you’ll need to fix that first to get your results.
Can I Manifest More Than One Thing At A Time?
Yes! You can manifest as many things as you want at any given time. There is no limit. However, it may be easier to prioritise and focus on a few things at a time to avoid getting lost in it all and ending up with nothing!
Top Tips For Manifestation
You may find it helpful to invest in a manifestation journal, make a list of the things that you want to manifest, and keep track of your manifestation journey. If you’re struggling to stay on track, research success stories to keep you motivated and watch out for signs that your manifestation is coming, such as angel numbers and dreams about your desire.
The manifestation practice may sound complicated, but it’s actually extremely easy and worthwhile. Whatever you want to manifest, follow our top tips for the best results. You deserve to live your dream life! So, start manifesting and have fun.