18 Jan Mangano Calcite – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties
Mangano Calcite is one of the most popular crystals for meditation, inner healing, and energy cleansing, as well as personal and spiritual growth. Let’s take a closer look at this stone, including its benefits and how to use it.
In This Article
What Is Mangano Calcite?
Mangano Calcite, or Manganoan Calcite meaning, is a manganese calcium carbonate mineral that belongs to the mineral class of carbonate known as Calcite and is formed through a process known as sedimentation. There are hundreds of Calcite variations and it comes in almost every color, and the Mangano variety is a milky pink color.
It’s rich in Manganese hence its name which is what gives it its dreamy color and often has white inclusions although Calcite is a common mineral, this type is hard to come by, especially as regular Pink Calcite is often mis-sold as Mangano Calcite.
However, the two are different, with a 30% threshold of Manganese necessary for it to qualify as Mangano. Most Mangano Calcite is found in Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Mexico, Peru, Madagascar, Australia, and Japan.
History Of Mangano Calcite Crystals
Pink Mangano Calcite was first discovered in 1846 by A. Breithaupt in Banská, Štiavnica, Slovakia. It’s since been a prized stone in spirituality and jewelry for its softly sublime color and gentle healing qualities.
Mangano Calcite Crystal Meaning
Mangano Calcite meaning is a stone of inner peace and healing that is supercharged with peaceful, loving, nurturing feminine energies. It is associated with the heart chakra, as well as the element of water, which represents sensitivity and intuition, and, the zodiac sign Taurus, Libra, and Cancer.
Mangano Calcite Properties & Benefits
Let’s take a look at the healing properties of this gemstone.
Mangano Calcite & The Heart Chakra
The heart chakra, also called the Anahata, is the fourth chakra in the body. It is found in the chest and is responsible for the love that we have for ourselves and others, as well as our ability to heal, nurture, empathize, and forgive.
This chakra also governs our feminine energy, the health of the physical heart and the surrounding areas, such as the neck, chest, arms, and hands. It is most commonly blocked by heartbreak and betrayal, resulting in issues with trust and empathy, as well as poor self-esteem and holding grudges.
Physically, it can also affect the health of the heart and lungs; common symptoms include heart palpitations, chest pains, and breathing difficulties, as well as issues with blood pressure and poor blood circulation.
Mangano Calcite & Health
Mangano Calcite detoxifies the entire body and boosts the body’s energy levels and immune system for preventative health. It is also known to help with bone disorders and intestinal issues, as well as night terrors.
Mangano Calcite & Wellbeing
Mangano Calcite is known as a stone of self-empowerment because it can help to overcome low self-esteem, fears, and insecurities, instill a sense of strong self-confidence, eliminate depression and anxiety, and lift old emotional trauma.
It has an exceptionally soothing effect on the mental state and emotional body, so it’s the perfect crystal for people who are undergoing a period of stress in their life or are prone to get overwhelmed or anxious.
Mangano Calcite & Spirituality
Mangano Calcite carries self-healing vibrations and is excellent for reiki and clearing the energy channels. It’s a beacon of light and love and roots your spiritual energy into the Earth. It also nurtures your feminine energy and enhances the flow of energy between the chakras.
Mangano Calcite & Relationships
As it is a heart chakra gemstone, you can use this crystal to find romance and new friendships and nurture your existing relationships by opening your heart and making you better at giving and receiving love and enhancing your compassion for others.
Mangano Calcite & Success
Mangano Calcite is ideal for people looking for success in healing others. If you’re looking to start or advance a career in health and fitness or spiritual or alternative healing like reiki or homeopathy, it’s an ideal stone to channel those energies and find success. It’s also ideal for people who want to work with children, animals, and vulnerable people.
Mangano Calcite & Environment
Keeping your Mangano Calcite around your home will fill it with peaceful, loving, healing energies and soothe your everyday stresses and improve all of the relationships of all of the people in your home.
You can also keep it at your workplace to create more harmonious working relationships amongst your coworkers and bring inspire you if you work in healing industries.
Mangano Calcite & Zodiac
As mentioned above, Mangano Calcite resonates with the zodiac signs of Taurus, Libra, and Cancer. Cancer is known for being one of the most emotive zodiac signs, so the soothing effects of Mangano Calcite can help to keep negative emotions under control.
Libra is known for being extraverted, friendly, and fun, and Mangano Calcite makes a great birthstone for the sign because it helps them to make deeper emotional and spiritual connections, whilst Earthly Taurus can benefit from the grounding and rooting properties of the crystal.
Can You Use Mangano Calcite With Water?
Water can be a great tool for crystal work but not every gem can be used with it, so what about Mangano Calcite?
Whether or not it can be used with water depends on how it scores on the Mohs Hardness scale; this is the definitive scientific scale that ranks the hardness of minerals out of ten by testing its resistance against other minerals.
Anything that scores below a five on the scale is generally considered safe to be used with water, and Calcite stones score a low three, so they shouldn’t be used with water as they may crumble or dissolve.
Using Mangano Calcite
Here is how you can incorporate these gems into your daily life.
Mangano Calcite & Meditation
Practicing your regular meditation with your piece of Mangano Calcite can help you to find inner peace, channel divine love, and healing energy, root your spiritual body into the Earth, align your energy system, and open your heart chakra.
Mangano Calcite & Manifestation
Mangano Calcite is an excellent stone for manifesting love, so hold it or keep it close during your manifestation rituals, whether it be affirming, visualizing, or scripting your desires.
Mangano Calcite Jewelry
Wearing your Mangano Calcite stone is ideal for deep healing and chakra alignment, as well as removing serious blockages in the heart chakra. If you don’t wear jewelry, you could keep it close to you by carrying a smaller piece around in your pocket or purse, instead.
Mangano Calcite & Reiki
It’s also a great stone for the ancient practice of Reiki because it carries divine healing energies. Try wearing it, placing it on the body, or keeping it near you during your energy healing session.
Mangano Calcite At Home Or Work
To fill your space with divine love and encourage harmonious relationships at home or work, keep the stone somewhere significant such as your living space, by the front door, or work desk. You can also keep it in your bedroom to deepen the romance with your partner.
Cleansing & Charging Mangano Calcite
You should cleanse your healing crystals at least once a month to dispel any negative energy they’ve absorbed from you and recharge them with good energy to keep them vibrating at a high level.
- Cleanse Mangano Calcite with full moonlight. Place it safely in the backyard or window sill.
- To cleanse it between full moons, smudge it with sage or use a Selenite cleansing plate.
- Charge Mangano Calcite crystal in sunlight for short time. Color fades if left too long.
- Charge Mangano Calcite by putting it on or under Earth for 24 hours. The best way for nurturing energy, check weather first.
If you’re looking for a serious injection of self-love in your life or you’re looking to find romance, we can’t recommend Mangano Calcite highly enough. That said, it makes a beautiful addition to anyone’s collection, whether it’s used for crystal healing or purely for decoration. Just be sure to shop from trustworthy stores to make sure you get the real deal!
Frequently Asked Questions About Mangano Calcite
Who Should Use Mangano Calcite?
We highly recommend Mangano Calcite for people who want to drastically turn around their mental health, especially in regard to self-love. It’s also a perfect stone for anyone looking to open their heart chakra to find love and anyone who is looking to work as a healer in some capacity.
Does Mangano Calcite Have Any Negative Effects?
This type of Calcite is non-toxic and safe to use. However, any crystal can cause strange feelings if your energies don’t mix for some reason, such as if one of you is carrying some negative vibes around that need to be cleansed. However, this is rare and easily fixed, so don’t panic!
Alternative & Complimentary Crystals
If you think Mangano Calcite isn’t right for you, good alternatives that carry similar energy include Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Emerald, Green Adventurine, and of course, Pink Calcite. Crystals that complement Mangano Calcite include Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, and Angelite. You can also use it with other members of the Calcite family, such as Red and Blue Calcite.
How Rare Is Mangano Calcite?
Calcite is one of the most common minerals on Earth, but Mangano Calcite is relatively rare. It’s not an extremely rare or valuable stone, the rarest type of Calcite is Purple Calcite, but it can be difficult to get hold of.
Where To Buy Mangano Calcite?
As mentioned above, Mangano Calcite can be difficult to get hold of because many sellers market regular Pink Calcite as Mangano Calcite because they look so similar. The difference is that Mangano Calcite has at least 30% Manganese, so it’s a good idea to stick to popular crystal shops and stores that have good reputations.
Mangano Calcite vs Pink Calcite
Aside from its genetic makeup, you can tell the two apart by subtle differences in appearance. Mangano Calcite is more opaque than Pink Calcite, which is more transparent in color. The inclusions in Mangano Calcite also tend to be banded.
How Valuable Is Mangano Calcite?
Mangano Calcite can be more expensive than other, more common types of Calcite, however, the exact price of a piece will depend on its size, clarity, and cut of the stone. Large decorative towers and Mangano Calcite jewelry will be more expensive than small rough stones for casual use.
How To Tell If Mangano Calcite Is Real
Real Mangano Calcite should be opaque but light and creamy in color with asymmetrical white inclusions. If the stone is too bright or perfect-looking, it’s not real.
However, the main difference between real and fake Calcite stones is the double refraction phenomenon; which is a fancy name for its rhombohedral crystal form and perfect cleavage in three directions. Real calcite also glows under ultraviolet light and will react when met with weak acid.
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