01 Dec What is Mal de Ojo or the Evil Eye?
You may have heard many myths and traditions about the evil eye or mal de ojo in Latin America. Is it real or some misconception? Can it harm or hurt you in some way? Well, many people believe that the evil eye or a hostile glance of a person, an animal, or a mythological figure can cause an injury, illness, or even death.
People use different methods to protect themselves from evil eyes, including wearing the evil eye necklace, mal de ojo bracelet, or evil eye pendant. Let’s first find out the actual meaning of the evil eye and if the mal de ojo exists.
This post will explore the origin and the meaning of the evil eye around different cultures and the modern-day perspective.
The Evil Eye Symbolism Meaning
For decades, the evil eye (hostile glance) is a symbol of a curse in Greek culture and still has the same perspective. They generally believed that when anyone is envious of you, their “evil stare” causes bad luck.
However, the belief makes protection from the evil eye essential. People find out ways to protect themselves from the evil eye. Here it is important to note that the evil eye superstition, which is a curse, is different from the eye amulet or charm that helps dispel the curse. People may use multiple objects like evil eye jewelry or evil eye pendent as the symbol of protection against misfortune.
Origin of Evil Eye Amulet
John Robert explains, 40% of the world’s cultures believe in the mal de ojo superstition, according to Folklore. Roman and Greek cultures have a firm belief in the evil eye. History discloses that the earliest version of the evil eye dates back to 3,000BC.
It is a widespread belief that anyone who achieves great success or recognition can attract the evil eye or envy of those around them. So the usage of different rituals to ward off the evil eye has become common. Nevertheless, there may be different supernatural beliefs across cultures. Other cultures, like Egyptians, paint the eye on the top surface of their ships to ensure a safe journey. In Turkey and some parts of the Middle East, people believe that children are more likely to get Nazar/evil eyes, so it’s a tradition to bring an evil eye token to newborn babies.
How to Protect from Evil Eye?
People find multiple ways to protect themselves and their loved ones from the evil eye across local cultures. Amulet wearing is the most common tradition in many cultures. Evil eye symptoms may include bad luck or other hindrance in the way of your success.
Wear Evil Eye Jewelry
The most popular way to protect from the evil eye is wearing Evil eye Jewelry. It has also grown as a fashion statement among believers of the evil eye. The most common colors are blue and white. Still, you will find multiple colors with specific meanings, like orange color showcases protection, motivation, creativity, happiness, and playfulness. The dark blue color is for misfortune protection. The light blue color represents general protection. The dark green color shows happiness while red shows courage. Brown color may portray a connection with nature, and yellow is a sign of good health.
Moreover, the grey color protects against sorrow and pink shows friendship. Besides incorporating these colors in evil eye jewelry, you can encompass them in evil eye necklaces, bracelets, rings, and other accessories of your choice.
Magnet Cleanses
It is another effective way to neutralize the negative energies produced due to the evil eye and pull the bad intentions from you. The ritual includes passing the magnet over your body from your head to your toes. Then people burn the magnet to burn the evil eye’s deadly rays and the harmful effects. The method is standard in multiple cultures around the world.
Coconut Rituals
Coconut rituals exist around multiple cultures. The coconut portrays bad luck neutralization and is considered a common cure. The practice takes place in environments like chapels or temples. People smash coconuts far away from their homes so that bad luck does not return to them forever. Some cultures adopt the practice at their marriage place to start their life with protection.
Mirror Talisman
The mirror contains reflective properties, and the belief says that the mirror has the property to bounce back the bad luck to the sender. Many people hang mirrors on their door back and entrance to ward off bad luck. Even people who use the mirror as a decoration in their living room believe it prevents any negative energy from destroying them or their house.
The evil eye pendant, amulet, or necklace is one of the best ways to protect yourself and loved ones from envious people, misfortune, and negative energies. Besides, you can take some precautionary measures to protect yourself from the negative effects of the wicked glare. You can choose any method to protect yourself from the evil eye according to your tradition, belief, and culture.
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