18 Jan Libra Birthstones – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties
Libra, the seventh sign of the astrological signs, is an air sign represented by the Scales. People born from September 23rd to October 22nd are influenced by this sign and have Venus as their ruling planet. Like the Scales, they strive to achieve balance and peace in the world. They are considered the peacemakers in the zodiac, and their well-balanced point of view makes them suited to handle negotiations and break off arguments.
Discover the Libra birthstone meanings and how they can help you channel personal power and achieve balance in your day-to-day life.
What Are Libra Birthstones?
The main birthstone for people born under the Libra astrological sign is opal. The milky opal stones are associated with many positive energies, such as happiness, faithfulness, loyalty, and confidence. It further grants Libra the balance they need to achieve harmony, which they greatly aspire for and crave.
Other birthstones associated with the Libra zodiac sign are peridot, aquamarine, clear quartz, rose quartz, citrine, and lapis lazuli.
Libra Birthstone History & Origin
Many people believe that opal gemstones have supernatural abilities and powers. Our ancestors believed that they came from the remnants of lightning flashes in the sky and granted them the gift of prophecy. Ancient Romans gave the stones the name “opalus,” which translates to precious stone.
Pandora, Light of the World, and Empress are other poetic names that people have used to refer to opal stones.
12 Birthstones For Libra
1. Opal
Opal, the universal birthstone for Libra, represents hope, innocence, and purity. These three traits are also shared by people born under the Libra sign. Opal stones help achieve balance and protection. Since Libra is heavily concerned with maintaining harmony, this can often result in people-pleasing behavior. Using the nurturing opal can help boost their confidence so they can get their needs met, too.
2. Rose Quartz
Rose quartz stones are all about exuding and welcoming love into one’s life. The quartz gemstones are effective in opening the heart chakra. One might think that Libra already has an abundance of love and, therefore, will have no use for the rose quartz stone — on the contrary, they might be so concerned with maintaining the peace and harmony with others that they tend to be too agreeable.
Rose quartz gemstones encourage them to love themselves and put their own needs first to be better equipped to be there for others.
On the other hand, Clear quartz lets go of indecisiveness and confusion. These are healing stones that tell you to live in the moment instead of worrying over the possibilities of the future. The clear quartz is also a source of high vibration and dispels negativity.
3. Bloodstone
Our ancestors donned bloodstone whenever they marched off into battle, as these gemstones were highly effective in enhancing their strength and courage. Nowadays, people who wear the bloodstone use it mainly for its confidence-boosting abilities.
Many people think of these gemstones as shields and armor, granting Libra the inner strength to speak up instead of overly compromising. The bloodstone is an effective stone that floods the being with a bright burst of vitality.
4. Peridot
The peridot, also referred to as the evening emerald, is a gemstone deeply connected to the solar plexus chakra and keeps one beautifully light and grounded.
Libra upholds equality and fairness, meaning this might result in egocentric behaviors that give them the perception that they are better people than others. They might believe that they have better judgment and are on a higher moral pedestal. Peridot gemstones put their integrity above all else.
5. Citrine
The citrine is a beautifully bright summer gemstone that strengthens the sacral chakra. Because the Libra is born right when summer’s just about to end, they might find themselves having difficulty juggling between light and dark.
The citrine gemstone helps Libra with their indecisiveness and reminds them that they have the inner strength and wisdom to make healthy decisions. Citrine crystals also bring in an abundance of light and happiness.
6. Labradorite
Labradorite gemstones are all about harnessing light and bringing forth transformation. This is a strong stone that heals the throat chakra and helps a Libra person get rid of their anxiety and low feelings. Once they are cleared of the nervous energy that often plagues them, their strongest spiritual side can rise and shine and allow for positive vitality to bloom.
7. Lapis Lazuli
The wise lapis lazuli stone is known for encouraging self-expression that the Libra needs so that they may be courageous to speak their truth. The lapis lazuli gemstone taps into the deeply-stored wisdom found in so many Libra so that they may shine ever so brightly.
It also invites the healing of the throat and third eye chakra that results in the opening of all forms of communication, whether human or divine.
8. Aquamarine
The blue-green aquamarine is a cooling stone brimming with healing vibes. These gemstones encourage the strengthening of the throat chakra so that Libra has the inner courage to speak up in the face of conflict. There is nothing more peaceful and healing to Libra than the blue-green color of aquamarine stones.
9. Aventurine
Aventurine is a gemstone with plenty of healing benefits. It steps in to remind you not to spend too much time focusing on the negatives and instead turn your energy towards positive, fruitful things. It’s a lovely stone that encourages strong friendships, relationships, and partnerships by adding just a touch of magic, which Libra so greatly craves.
10. Agate
The agate is a good stone for those on a journey towards personal growth, fulfillment, and healing. Because Libra often has problems with communication for fear of displeasing others, agate crystals strengthen their throat chakra so that they may more confidently speak their truth.
It is a gemstone that embraces courage, putting your own needs first and banishing anxious thoughts. It also encourages inner, dormant dreams to rise to the surface.
11. Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s eye gemstones bring calming energy to your internal and external state so that they stay aligned. Many Libras tend to honor the needs of others above theirs to avoid conflict. This stone helps them achieve the balance that they need so they don’t overly compromise just to make other people happy.
12. Celestite
The celestite is a powerful stone that brings healing and peace to personal relationships. These are intuitive gemstones that understand the unspoken needs of other people so that they would be happy and fulfilled. This is perfect for Libra, whose inner satisfaction comes from bringing light and peace to the table.
Key Traits of Libra Birthstones
Libra birthstone personalities include making a lot of sense whenever they talk. They remain levelheaded and calm in the face of chaos and provide viable, fair solutions to problems. Other traits include balance and a strong desire for justice, meaning great leadership because of the way they’re fine-tuned to fairness.
They take great care of their friendships and other relationships. Among friends, they are the most diplomatic, tactful, and persuasive. They seldom have problems convincing others to see their way, meaning they can resolve conflict with all parties emerging satisfied. And like other air signs like Aquarius and Gemini, they thrive in friendships.
Libra birthstone personalities include a strong dislike for unfair, selfish, and inconsiderate people. They don’t like people who trample over others for their personal gains, nor do they like people who refuse to hear what others have to say.
Libra Birthstones Colors & Their Meanings
The universal Libra birthstone color is blue. This color symbolizes balance and harmony in all aspects of life, which is aligned with Libra’s personality. Blue also gently encourages Libra to open their heart chakra to receive healing vibes.
Apart from blue, other colors associated with the lovely stones of Libra are light pink, white, and black.
Does Libra Symbolize Balance & Equality?
There’s a reason why the zodiac sign Libra is signified by the weighing scale. People born under this sign derive their satisfaction from being diplomatic and dutiful and always striving for fairness and equality.
Libra is the right person to make difficult decisions because they take precious moments to weigh the pros and cons until they believe they have come up with a fair assessment. They are excellent, non-judgmental listeners, and having a Libra as a friend means that you will always receive excellent, unbiased opinions.
As Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, they love embracing beauty. They have an impeccable taste for fine, luxurious things and are drawn to the most elegant item in a room.
On the flip side, their positive traits are exactly what causes their downfall. Because they have a keen desire for achieving harmony and balance, they tend to have an idealistic view of the world and think of themselves as the higher self.
They also tend to slip into people-pleasing behavior to avoid conflict and bite their tongue from expressing what they truly want for fear of displeasing others.
Having the Libra birthstone around simply means magnifying these beautiful qualities while granting them the ability to speak their truth so they don’t lose themselves in the face of conflict. It also keeps them humble and dispels other negative personality traits.
Libra Birthstones Uses
Libra birthstones look gorgeous in many forms of jewelry, such as earrings, pendants, rings, bracelets, and necklaces. Having the gemstones as spheres, points, or healing crystals in an altar is also a great way to channel these healing energies into your home.
Using them in meditations or intentions is also highly effective in washing away toxins and bad vibes.
Wearing Libra birthstone jewelry as a Libra woman is the best way to let the universe know of your intentions and to signal that you wish to bring the healing energy of the stone into your life.
Having the Libra birthstone pressed against your skin is the best way to welcome its healing properties straight into your heart. It serves as a commitment to bringing out the best in your life and spirit.
How To Recharge & Cleanse Libra Gemstones
The Libra birthstone would benefit from cleansing if used to wash away heavy loads of negative energy. The smudging technique is most effective for more delicate crystals. Choose sage smudging sticks (or any herb, really) and rotate the smoke over your crystals clockwise to cleanse them. Repeat the same motion, this time counterclockwise, to lock in new energy.
Using Water
Running the Libra birthstone under tepid water is another great way to cleanse it. Make sure you’re using only fresh, clear water to wash away all negative energy. Once that’s done, leave it atop a dry towel to air dry and get it ready for your next healing session.
Burying It In The Soil
You can also bury the Libra birthstone in soil as part of its cleansing ritual. What burying in the earth does is it encourages all the free-flowing, natural energy around the world to come into the stone while leaving the rest of the negative toxins buried. This is a highly effective and powerful way to recharge Libra birthstones.
Do Libras have two birthstones?
Yes. Libras consider two different birthstones as their primary birthstones. Both the opal and peridot are considered Libra birthstones. These semi-precious stones symbolize key traits of the Libra, such as fairness, balance, and a strong sense of justice.
Which stone is lucky for Libra?
Although it is not a primary Libra birthstone, the stone considered lucky for Libra is the diamond. Wearing this stone as a ring on the finger is sure to bring in plenty of luck and prosperity, both in wealth and relationships with others.
Should Libra wear gold?
No, it’s not recommended. People born under the sign of Libra should avoid wearing gold. Wearing gold will encourage feelings of unwise expenditures in Libra, resulting in debt.
Libra is all about maintaining peace and balance and is one of the kindest zodiac signs. They are highly satisfied if light and peace are abundant in their relationships and despise people who are selfish and unpleasant. They are known as peacemakers in the group and have no problem assessing the situation of both parties to come to a fair compromise.
However, this very thing leads them to self-destructive behavior — they tend to lose themselves in the face of conflict. In the name of people-pleasing, they bite their tongue and refuse to voice out their needs.
Having the Libra birthstone will make all the positive personality traits shine bright while still giving them the courage to speak up, so their inner needs get met, too. After all, Libras should understand that their needs are just as important as others’.
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