18 Jan Leo Birthstones – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties
Leo is the fifth sign in the zodiac and is symbolized by the majestic Lion. Those born from July 23rd to August 22nd are under this astrological sign and consider the Sun as their ruling planet. Those born under this star sign are powerful and courageous and have the inner strength to conquer everything they set their minds to. They are fiercely proud, confident and live life to the fullest, just like the Lion.
See this complete guide to the Leo birthstone list and what they can bring into your life.
In This Article
What Are Leo Birthstones?
The main birthstone for Leo is the peridot, but other stones like amber, carnelian, red jasper, citrine, and sardonyx are also accepted. These Leo stones bring forth many of their positive characteristics.
The peridot encourages calmness, self-control, and security in Leos. This wonderful stone has plenty of healing properties in the heart chakra, especially in love and relationships. Leos often struggle with feelings of possessiveness and ownership, and this gemstone will greatly help dispel those feelings to grant them a better sense of security. It is also effective in manifesting wealth and prosperity into Leo’s life.
Leo Birthstone History & Origin
Leo birthstone peridot has a history that dates back to 1500 BC in Ancient Egypt, on the volcanic island of Zebargad in the Red Sea. The ancient Egyptians became so enamored with the precious stone that they kept the island’s existence a secret and kept the stones within the royal family.
When the Egyptian empire fell, the island became lost and was only rediscovered in 1906. All peridot deposits in Zebargad have been exhausted since then.
Its subtle green hue gave it the moniker “evening emerald,” characterized by its captivating brilliance reflected in the lamplight.
14 Birthstones For The Leo Zodiac Sign
1. Peridot
The peridot is a green stone with a distinct warmth, thanks to the small flecks of gold. This stone is a firm heart healer that can greatly empower the heart chakra by washing away feelings of possessiveness and insecurity. It’s also considered a study stone, thanks to its powerful properties of keeping you in focus, which is perfect for Leo, who is extremely goal-oriented.
2. Carnelian
The carnelian is a stone of courage, creativity, and energy. This red Leo birthstone is a great source of sublime energy and extreme commitment to getting things done. The carnelian stimulates creative thinking and kickstarts Leo’s naturally creative heart and other fiery passions.
3. Ruby
Historians have told the tale of young warriors donning their favorite stone ruby in a battle to increase their strength and keep them well-protected. While we don’t see the modern-day Leo charging off to battle (at least, we hope not), this stone is still a great source of steady energy, sexual prowess, and positivity that their lives can benefit from. This regal stone shimmers with utmost love and passion and shines a light on the perfect sense of being.
4. Tigers Eye
Lions and tigers belong to the same family, which is why it makes perfect sense that Leos would greatly benefit from donning the tiger’s eye. These stones are fierce and fabulous. The tiger’s eye is all about exhibiting personal power and self-confidence and washes away negative thought patterns of competitiveness that Leos may be prone to at times.
5. Amber
The amber is a healing stone that can cleanse the mind, body, and spirit. As Leos tend to get over-excited at times, the golden ray of amber helps keep them in check, so they don’t make hasty decisions. This stone helps maintain the sacral chakra and solar plexus chakra to keep one healthy and happy while still being in tune with their most authentic selves.
6. Aventurine
Leos tend to take constructive criticism personally because of their grand sense of self. The green aventurine stones work by stabilizing their inner self, so Leos don’t take negativity to heart. It stops unwanted negative thoughts from swirling in Leo’s head and instead shifts their attention and energy to something that brings them positivity and happiness.
7. Sardonyx
The sardonyx is a stone of communication, listening, and beautiful charisma — three traits that it shares with Leo. It is a happy-go-lucky and optimistic stone and brings in strength and protection whether the emotions are running high or quite low.
8. Topaz
The blue topaz is a stone that zeroes in on focus and energy. These stones help the goal-oriented Leo focus and nurture their hopes and dreams to manifest the life they truly want. Many also consider it a great talisman of opportunity and will effectively bring luck into anyone’s life. It’s also an excellent stone that improves communication.
9. Black Onyx
The black onyx is a powerful protective stone that influences perfect stability. These stones will help Leos get into their best headspace so that they can go after their goals without second-guessing themselves. It influences discipline, which Leos needs to keep right on track and lends structure to ideas that may not be concrete yet.
10. Jasper
Like its bright red color, the jasper is radiant, rich, and confident. It carries a divine feminine and masculine balance of wisdom. It keeps Leos grounded, confident, and stable, especially in the face of criticism that they have difficulty processing without falling into a deep pit of despair.
11. Citrine
With its bright yellow hues, Citrine lends a childlike joy to all those who choose to wear it. Both citrine and Leo share the warmth of sunshine and summer, which makes perfect sense why this birthstone is a match made in heaven. The golden citrine brings laughter and positivity, which Leos need when their energy isn’t as high as they would like it to be.
12. Garnet
Leos can get overwhelmed with emotions from time to time, and the garnet can help them bounce back quickly. This is a great grounding stone rife with passion and power. It helps smooth out emotional kinks and keeps Leos in high vibration and energy after their goals and dreams.
13. Rose Quartz
The rose quartz is all about opening the heart chakra so you can both give love and welcome it into your life. This stone has a wonderful, generous spirit, similar to those under the Leo star sign. This stone will also help Leos become more compassionate towards others so that they may overcome the trust issues that plague them.
14. Labradorite
The labradorite is all about transformation towards being your most authentic self. Simply looking at labradorite is a magical experience in and of itself; you will be amazed at how this turns up the volume to someone’s third eye chakra. Leos will benefit greatly from opening this chakra as they struggle with internal thinking and trusting their intuition.
Leo Birthstone’s Key Traits
Leo birthstone personalities include enthusiasm and the belief that they were put in life to meet a specific purpose. You will constantly find them neck-deep in passion projects. There are strong elements of tenacity, and you can sense a spirit of never giving up in them.
Their eyes are always blazing with the fire of their passion, and their intelligence gives them the capability to formulate ideas to apply to their projects.
They are fond of the fine things in life and won’t say no to a luxurious dinner at a grand hotel. They possess an appreciation for art and have a keen sense of which things have utmost value. This is also reflected in how they choose a partner, as they want someone that’s just as high value as they perceive themselves to be.
Leo birthstone personalities have no problem making money with their grand ideas. However, the problem lies in their ability to save, as they are wont to spend every penny they earn on things they believe they deserve. They have no problem blowing off a week’s worth of paycheck on one dinner so they can impress friends (yes, that’s exactly how generous they are).
Colors Associated With Leo Birthstones & Their Meanings
The colors associated with Leo birthstones are those in the majestic gold spectrum. These share their hues with the lion’s mane or the bright sun, both of which are symbolic to Leos. The natural colors of these stones are also reflective of the natural warmth that many Leo people possess.
These golden colors are also a great indication of upper wealth and class. Leos love being the center of attention, and these colors grant them the spotlight they so desperately crave.
Does Leo Symbolize Strength?
Just like lions, the zodiac symbol for people born under the sign of Leo, Leos aren’t terribly complicated. Unlike other zodiac signs, they aren’t interested in being cunning or deceitful. Leo people are strong, brave, and honest and burn as brightly as the Sun. They are natural-born leaders and extremely loyal, warm, and passionate about what they care about.
Many people consider them to have a “larger than life” personality and thrive on being the center of attention. They don’t mind being in the middle of crazy drama as long as they are in the driving seat and all eyes are on them! They want the whole world to see what they’re about.
However, just like the king of the jungle, Leos have a tendency to get jealous and competitive, especially when someone new encroaches on their space. Their self-confidence may even translate to arrogance. They are extremely stubborn and won’t take no for an answer.
If they are not in the social standing they think they deserve, they bare their fangs and pounce their way to the top.
Leo Birthstones Uses
Using the Leo birthstone mindfully means that you are consciously inviting the powers of the stone into your life. It channels all the healing, protective, and spiritual energies from the healing crystals into your mind, body, and spirit. Wearing Leo birthstone jewelry is the best signal to the world that you are making a conscious decision to manifest your intentions every day.
Earrings, rings, bracelets, and pendants are most recommended, as having the Leo birthstone flushed against your skin is the best way to bring its powers into your body.
Leo birthstone spheres and pyramids can also be great meditative stones that you can display in your home to bring about their powerful healing properties. These are also beautiful stones that you can use for meditation or more serious intentions.
How To Recharge & Cleanse Leo Birthstones
Recharging and cleansing the Leo birthstone is crucial to keep it in top shape. Significant amounts of toxins and negativity can build up in the beautiful stone, especially if used to ward off unwanted energy.
The Leo birthstone can benefit greatly from a good rinse under running water. It’s also a good idea to smudge them with sage sticks to remove negative energies and lock in new, positive ones.
These gemstones also thrive under the kiss of the sunlight for maximum absorption of positive energy but take note not to leave the Leo birthstones outside for too long as the sunlight might cause their colors to fade.
Which gemstone is lucky for Leo?
The lucky gemstone for Leo is the peridot. Wearing this stone will greatly enhance the many positive characteristics of Leos, as well as bring balance or dispel thoughts of jealousy or competitiveness.
What is Leo’s birth flower?
Leo’s birth flower is the bright sunflower and rich marigold. These flowers have golden hues that Leo is associated with, not to mention that the sunflower’s head is enormous that you can probably spot it from a mile away (which is exactly what Leo wants!).
Can a Leo wear blue sapphire?
No, it is not recommended. It would be wise for Leo to avoid wearing blue sapphire jewelry. The blue sapphire has close relations with Saturn, a planet that isn’t on good terms with Leo. A Leo person would greatly benefit from wearing yellow sapphire instead.
Leos are bold, bright, and beautiful, making them a great joy to be around. This zodiac sign embodies royalty, just like the king of the jungle they are symbolized after. They have big hearts and are extremely generous to people they consider their friends. The Lion sign has no problem being straightforward and frank to other people, which they might misinterpret as arrogance.
Donning Leo birthstone jewelry will surely enhance many of your positive attributes. It will also help in dispelling jealousy and competitiveness at the same time and show Leo that true approval comes from within.
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