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Kambaba Jasper – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties

Kambaba Jasper - Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties

Kambaba Jasper – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties

Kambaba Jasper is a truly fascinating stone. With its ancient history, unique composition, and mystical benefits, if you want to know more, keep reading.

In This Article

What Is Kambaba Jasper?

The Kambaba Jasper stone, also known as Green Stromatolite Jasper, Crocodile Jasper, and Crocodile Rock, is actually a sedimentary stone or rock containing fossils of prehistoric algae. It’s a relatively rare stone that is billions of years old, with a blue-green base color and black spots and swirls from the fossilized algae colonies. So, it is not actually a type of Jasper at all.

It is formed by the trapping, binding, and cementation of sedimentary grains by microorganisms, especially blue-green algae, and its name comes from the small area of Madagascar from which it is found, which is also known as Bambamba, Cumbamba, Kambamba, Kabamba and Kabamby by the locals.

History Of Kambaba Jasper

It is not known exactly how and when this interesting stone was discovered, but we do know that it has a history of human use spanning over 10,000 years. Kambaba Jasper has been used to make jewelry and weapons and has even been used in various spiritual rituals and ceremonies over the years.

Kambaba Jasper Crystal Meaning

Kambaba Jasper is a reminder of the gift of life. It carries the energies of the past, present, and future and promotes feelings of warmth and tranquillity. It’s also a protective stone and it’s said to resonate with the heart and root chakras, as well as the element of Earth, which represents grounding and security.

Kambaba Jasper Features, Kambaba Jasper Elements

Healing Properties Of Kambaba Jasper

Let’s take a look at the benefits of this unique stone.

Kambaba Jasper & The Heart Chakra

The heart chakra, also called the Anahata, is the fourth chakra in the body, located in the chest area. This is what is responsible for the love we experience in life, towards both ourselves and other people. It is also related to our feminine energy and governs our ability to heal, nurture, empathize, and forgive.

In addition, it impacts the health of the physical heart and the surrounding areas, like the neck, chest, arms, and hands. This chakra can become blocked from heartbreak and betrayal, resulting in issues with trusting and being compassionate, as well as negative self-talk and difficulty letting go of the past.

Physically, blockages can affect the heart and lungs, resulting in heart palpitations, chest pains, and breathing difficulties, as well as issues with your blood pressure and circulation.

Kambaba Jasper & The Root Chakra

The root chakra, also known as the Muladhara, is the first chakra in the body, located at the base of the spine. It governs our most basic physical needs and our security in the physical world. It is also responsible for our connection to nature and relates to our masculine energy.

The overall health, strength, and energy of our physical bodies are impacted by this chakra, as well as the health of the adrenal glands, colon, kidneys, bones, muscles, and blood, specifically. It also helps us to feel peaceful, grounded, and courageous and affects our ability to cultivate wealth.

The root chakra is most often blocked by fear, but it can also be thrown off balance by physical pain and discomfort. Blockages in this chakra can cause feelings of emptiness, depression, and dissociation, as well as anxiety, maladaptive daydreaming, intrusive thoughts, and nightmares. Physically, symptoms include arthritis, bladder issues, and constipation.

Kambaba Jasper & The Physical Body

In the physical body, you can use Kambaba Jasper to boost the immune system and aid in cellular growth and blood circulation. It also improves the function of the digestive system and the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

It is even known to increase fertility, make pregnancy easier, and help in overcoming impotence, as well as improve the condition of the nails, hair, and skin for more radiant beauty. It is also said to be useful for issues to do with the teeth, jaw, spleen, gallbladder, and liver, as well as ease nausea and vomiting.

Kambaba Jasper & Wellbeing

Kambaba Jasper is known to dispel worries and negative thoughts and promote inner peace and calm within the mind. This is an ideal stone for people who suffer from anxiety, as well as those who need help facing their fears and making big decisions about the direction of their lives. This is because it also promotes mental clarity, emotional balance, and confidence.

Kambaba Jasper & Spirituality

Kambaba Jasper is a grounding stone, rooting your energies into the Earth whilst bringing your awareness to the past, present, and future. It is also used to draw wisdom and insight from ancestral knowledge, making it the perfect stone for meditation, astral projection, and manifestation surrounding past revision, present healing, and cultivating a better future.

It also enhances spiritual confidence and offers protection from psychic attacks, negative entities, and negative energies, especially those that come from other people, so it’s a great stone to use during times of vulnerability or trying out new practices that may be a little scary, such as astral projection.

Kambaba Jasper & Relationships

As discussed, Kamababa Jasper opens the heart chakra, so it is a great stone for nurturing better relationships with those around you, as well as improving your own self-image so that you can love others more openly and attract the right kind of people into your life.

Kambaba Jasper & Success

Kambaba Jasper is associated with abundance and prosperity. Its manifestation potential and its connection to the root chakra mean it’s an excellent stone for creating and attracting new opportunities to do with your career and cultivating financial stability and success.

Kambaba Jasper & Home

This is a great stone to keep around the home, not only because it is such an interesting talking piece, but because it dispels bad thoughts in those around it and its warm vibe creates a loving, nurturing environment of peace and protection from harm, whether it be spiritual or physical.

Can You Use Kambaba Jasper With Water?

Water is the element of sensitivity and intuition, so it can be a great way to enhance crystal healing and spiritual work, but not every stone can be used with water – and Kambaba Jasper isn’t technically a crystal. So, is it water-safe?

Whether or not a crystal is safe to use with water depends on how highly it scores on the Mohs Hardness scale; the definitive scientific scale that ranks the hardness of minerals out of ten by testing its resistance against others.

Anything that scores above a 5 on the scale is generally safe to be used with water, and Kambaba Jasper scores a 6.5-7, so it is okay to be used with water. It is technically from the water, so it may even enhance its metaphysical properties.

Kambaba Jasper Features

How To Use Kambaba Jasper Stones

Here is how you can use Kambaba Jasper in your everyday life.


Kambaba Jasper is the perfect stone for meditation, whether you want to take your meditations deeper, open your heart and root chakras, connect with your masculine energy, or ground your energy into the Earth. Hold your stone whilst you meditate to harness its metaphysical properties.


As mentioned above, these stones are synonymous with Earthly success. Hold it or keep it close by when you focus your intentions using affirmations, visualizations, or scripting techniques to manifest money and career opportunities and meet your goals.


Wearing this stone is a great choice for those who want to utilize its healing properties. Keeping it so close to your body will naturally support better physical health and emotional calm, as well as unblocking the root and heart chakras. You can also carry it around with you if you don’t want to wear it.

For Sleep

Because it is associated with peace and calm energy, keep your piece of Kambaba Jasper next to your bed or under your pillow (if it’s small enough) for deep relaxation and more peaceful sleep if you struggle with tension or insomnia.

With Water

As mentioned above, water is an amazing tool for crystal healing. Although Kambaba Jasper isn’t technically a crystal, it’s just as powerful! Some people like to use water that has been infused with the stone to absorb its healing properties straight into their bodies.

To create Kambaba Jasper-infused water, simply leave it in a glass of water overnight and drink it the next morning or make tea with it. Alternatively, you can wash your hands, face, or hair with it to strengthen them or put it in a spray bottle and spray it around your home to give the atmosphere some peace and calm. You can also water your house plants with it to create the same effect.

Wearing or placing your Kambaba Jasper in the bathtub is a perfect way to absorb its metaphysical properties through your skin after meditation or another spiritual practice to enhance its effectiveness.

At Home Or Work

Keep your Kambaba Jasper somewhere significant in your home or workplace such as your bedside table or work desk to keep the atmosphere balanced and harmonious, dispelling negative thoughts and vibes and keeping everyone around you in a positive, focused frame of mind.

For Small Pets

Kambaba Jasper’s warm energy is also said to be a good stone for that keeping nearby smaller pets who require a lot of heat like lizards, as well as tropical or saltwater fish.

Cleansing & Charging Your Kambaba Jasper Gemstone

If you’re planning on using this stone regularly, it’s a good idea to cleanse and charge it at least once a month to get rid of any negative energy it has absorbed from its surroundings and refill it with positive energies for healing and meditation. Otherwise, it can start to project bad energy outwards.

There are a few ways in which you can cleanse your Kambaba Jasper stone. The easiest way is using the light of the full moon; lunar energy is a superior cleanser, so place it outside or on your window sill on the night of the next full moon to give it a deep spiritual cleanse. To add water to the ritual, place it in a bowl of water before putting it in the moonlight.

If you don’t want to wait until then, you can also run it under the tap, smudge it with sage, or place it on a crystal-cleansing plate. Some people also like to use brown rice, salt, and salt water.

To recharge your Kambaba Jasper, you can place it in the sunlight for a few hours, or have it make contact with the Earth for a full day. This is an excellent choice for the Kambaba Jasper stone, as it re-roots its energy into the Earth for an elemental supercharge, leaving it bursting with grounding energies for powerful healing, meditation, and manifestation. If you want to add water, do it on a rainy day.

Alternative & Complimentary Stones

If you’re not able to get your hands on a piece of Kambaba Jasper, alternative stones with similar energy include Red Jasper, Green Jasper, Tiger’s Eye, and Black Tourmaline, as well as other fossil stones like Fossil Coral.

Crystals that work well with Kambaba Jasper spiritually are Clear Quartz, Amethyst, and Moldavite, whilst other calming stones that complement its healing properties include Blue Lace Agate and Citrine.

More Questions About Kambaba Jasper

Answering some common questions about the stone.

Is Kambaba Jasper Jasper?

Despite its name, Kambaba Jasper does not contain Jasper. It is not a crystal at all, it is a sedimentary fossil of prehistoric algae. It is likely named after the crystal because of its physical resemblance to Green Jasper and its similar qualities.

Is Kambaba Jasper The Same As The Nebula Stone?

Kambaba Jasper has a very similar appearance to the Nebula stone, but they are different. The Nebula stone is an igneous stone, which means it comes from within the Earth, whilst the Kambaba stone originates from algae that live in the sea.

Is Kambaba Jasper The Same As Ocean Jasper?

Kambaba Jasper is not the same thing as Ocean Jasper, although they both form from the water and come from Madagascar. Ocean Jasper is much more colorful, rare, and valuable and resonates with multiple chakras.

Is Kambaba Jasper Safe To Use?

Kambaba Jasper is completely safe to use. It does not contain any toxic minerals or materials and it doesn’t typically have any negative side effects, although any crystal can cause you to feel off-balance if it is carrying bad energy when you receive it. However, this is easily remedied with an energy cleanse.

Who Should Use Kambaba Jasper Stones?

Whilst everyone could benefit from the healing properties of this stone, it is especially beneficial for people who struggle with anxiety, poor health, relaxation, and heart and root chakra blockages.

We also recommend it to people who are looking to attract abundance in the material world or anyone who feels vulnerable to psychic attacks and negative spirits when expanding their spiritual activities.

How Rare Is Kambaba Jasper?

Kambaba Jasper is a relatively rare fossil stone, as it only comes from one location in the world. However, it is not too difficult to get hold of, and you can buy it at many crystal shops and stores that stock more unusual stones, as well as from independent sellers online. That said, you’ll need to make sure it’s the real deal, and some sellers do fake stones and crystals online, especially the rarer ones.

How Valuable Is Kambaba Jasper?

Despite its rarity, Kambaba Jasper is not as expensive as other rare stones, likely because it is not technically a gemstone, but it does tend to be more pricey than common crystals like Amethyst and Quartz stones.

Their exact cost will depend on the size and style of the stone. For example, small Kambaba Jasper tumble stones are a lot more affordable than large spheres, towers, or pieces of jewelry containing the stone.

How Do I Know My Kambaba Jasper Is Real?

As mentioned above, Kambaba Jasper is a fairly rare material, so fakes are floating around the internet. If you buy one from an established store, you probably don’t need to worry about its legitimacy.

However, if you buy a piece from an independent seller, you should check for good reviews from other customers and be sure to inspect the stone closely to make sure it’s not fake. Real Kambaba Jasper is a dark crocodile green color and contains seemingly random black spots and swirls, so if it’s too vibrant or perfect and symmetrical looking, it’s probably fake.

How To Clean Kambaba Jasper?

If you need to clean your Kambaba Jasper, you can use a clean, gentle paintbrush or make-up brush, either with or without warm water. A lot of people worry about how to keep this stone clean because it is not a typical crystal, but it is millions of years old, and pretty hardy stuff! Just be sure to keep it away from anything harsh or chemical.


Are you interested in getting a piece of Kambaba Jasper to add to your crystal collection? Whilst it’s not technically a crystal, it is a truly fascinating ancient stone that is shrouded in mystery and brings fabulous benefits to its users.

We highly recommend it for its physical and emotional healing properties, as well as meditation and manifestation of Earthly desires.

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