20 Feb Indigo Gabbro – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties
Indigo Gabbro, characterized by its mesmerizing dark hues, serves as a powerful catalyst for spiritual enlightenment and personal development. Delving into the significance of this stone unveils a wealth of benefits, healing properties, and insights into its transformative potential. Exploring its uses unveils a myriad of ways to harness its energy for spiritual growth and inner exploration.
What is Indigo Gabbro?
Indigo Gabbro, a mystic merlinite, is a dark-colored, fine-grained intrusive igneous rock. It is formed by the cooling of molten magma when it is trapped between the Earth’s surface. Indigo Gabbro is rich in iron and titanium oxide.
While Gabbro itself is not rare, this speckly dark blue and black variation is, and it is only found in central Madagascar. It’s also a relatively recent discovery, only being introduced to the market in the 21st century. So it’s considered as shrouded in glorious mystery.
Indigo Gabbro Meaning
Indigo Gabbro is known as a stone of spirituality and intuition. This precious stone is associated with the solar plexus, third-eye chakras, and the element of air, representing life-force energy. It resonates with several zodiac signs, including Taurus and Cancer.
Origins of Indigo Gabbro
Indigo Gabbro is a dark-colored rock composed of feldspar, pyroxene, and magnetite commonly found in oceanic crust and volcanic rocks. It gets its unique coloring from the presence of white to grey feldspar. Moreover, it has black or dark green pyroxene, and patches of indigo blue that result from labradorescence.
New Age Trinket
Indigo Gabbro has gained popularity as a new-age trinket due to its unique properties and striking appearance, making it a sought-after stone for spiritual and healing practices.
Indigo Gabbro is believed to have powerful energetic properties that can assist with spiritual growth, healing, and transformation. The stone is said to help with psychic development and enhance intuition. Indigo Gabbro is a useful tool for those practicing divination or working with energy. It is also thought to have a grounding and stabilizing effect, helping to balance the powers of the body and bringing a sense of calm and serenity.
Types and Sources
Types of Indigo Gabbro
Indigo Gabbro is a gabbro rock primarily composed of plagioclase feldspar, pyroxene, and magnetite. While there is only one type of Indigo Gabbro, it can vary in appearance based on the specific ratios of minerals in each stone, resulting in variations in color and patterning.
Some stones may have more black or dark green pyroxene, while others may have more white or grey feldspar. These variations give each stone its unique character and can make each one a truly one-of-a-kind piece. Some crystals may have different trade names based on their specific appearance. Some names are based on where they were sourced from, such as Mystic Merlinite or Indigo Sunstone.
Sources of Indigo Gabbro
Indigo Gabbro is primarily sourced from Madagascar and is found in large deposits in the central highlands region of the country. It is also found in other parts of the world, including Russia, India, and Canada. Still, Madagascar is the most significant source of this stone. Indigo Gabbro is mined from deep within the earth’s crust. It is often associated with other igneous rocks like basalt and granite.
Indigo Gabbro Properties & Benefits
Let’s look at the Indigo Gabbro chakra healing properties, physical benefits, metaphysical properties, and more.
The Solar Plexus Chakra
The third chakra in the body is the solar plexus chakra, located in our stomach area. This chakra governs our sense of purpose and direction in life, as well as our happiness, optimism, self-esteem, and self-confidence.
It is responsible for our self-image, self-belief, and self-worth, so it is an incredibly important chakra for our mental wellness. Also for our sense of fulfillment and overall joy in life. In addition, it relates to our digestive health, our metabolism, and our eating habits.
Solar plexus chakra becomes blocked when we stray from our purpose in life, causing self-doubt and low self-esteem, and respect for ourselves. It can also cause us to think negatively, behave irresponsibly, and experience despair and hopelessness. Physical symptoms include digestive issues and a lack of appetite or disordered eating.
The Body
Indigo Gabbro is the best when we need to change our daily physical habits. It reminds us that hard work and sensible behavior are necessary for real and lasting results. It encourages us to take the first step and stick to our new lifestyle and routine. It’s also the perfect lucky charm for the spine, skull, and feet, as well as for healing from traumatic injuries.
As well as helping us to change our physical habits, this stone also allows us to change our mental practices and thinking patterns. It’s a grounding and inspiring stone to work with. It helps us to look at our lives logically and to focus on practical solutions to our problems. It also allows us to think big and empowers us to take steps to follow our dreams.
Indigo Gabbro sparks spiritual awakening, inspiring us to be our most genuine selves. Instead of just talking about or vaguely aspiring to our spiritual beliefs, it puts them into action so that we truly live them. It also teaches us that our behavior in everyday life reveals our true nature and that our life is our religion. However, it can also spark change and growth when we don’t identify with our past or present behavior. Finally, it’s a powerful amplification stone that works great for Reiki, manifestation, and crystal grid magic.
It is a stone of intuition; Indigo Gabbro can help us find new romantic and platonic connections and drop old relationships with others that are no longer serving us.
You can also use this solar stone to align you with your purpose in life, re-ignite lost passions, manifest new opportunities, and get the confidence to go for them. Its ability to help you see things clearly can also help you to ignite the motivation and dedication to work toward your goals.
Indigo Gabbro is ideal for keeping at home because it radiates pure joy and positive energy to lift your spirits. It’s also a wonderful stone for stressful workplaces for the same reason.
Indigo Gabbro Elements
The primary elements that makeup Indigo Gabbro are aluminum, silicon, oxygen, magnesium, iron, and oxygen. These elements give the stone its unique properties and energetic qualities.
Zodiac Signs
Although it’s not an official birthstone, Indigo Gabbro resonates well with the energies of Taurus and Cancer as it helps to nurture their best traits and balance out any weaknesses in their energies.
Indigo Gabbro is associated with the planets Pluto and Saturn in crystal healing and metaphysical practices. It is believed to aid in transformation, letting go of old patterns, and helping to ground and stay focused on goals.
How to Use Indigo Gabbro Crystals
Here is how you can use Indigo Gabbro in your everyday life.
Indigo Gabbro & Meditation
As mentioned above, Indigo Gabbro is the perfect stone for sparking spiritual awakening and growth, so it’s the ideal stone to incorporate into your meditation if you’re a beginner or trying to change course in life. It’s also perfect for activating the solar plexus chakra to find purpose and joy.
Indigo Gabbro & Manifestation
Use Indigo Gabbro to amplify your intentions and manifest your biggest dreams to fulfill your soul’s purpose and attract the right opportunities and success.
Crystal Grids
Indigo Gabbro is the perfect crystal to use around the center stone of a crystal grid because it is a powerful amplification stone. Use it to enhance the spell work known as crystal grids, in which you organize your crystals in a sacred shape to hold an intention in place and pull it into reality.
It is also a terrific crystal for Reiki, the ancient form of Japanese energy healing which involves channeling life-force energy through the hands onto the body. Use this gem in your Reiki sessions by wearing it, placing it on the body, or keeping it close to amplify the healing energy.
Indigo Gabbro Jewelry
Keep it close to your body via jewelry to heal your body and mind and remove deep blockages from the chakra system. This is especially beneficial to those looking to drastically change their lifestyle, eliminate old bad habits, and make new, positive ones. Alternatively, you can carry a small stone around with you instead.
Crystal-infused Water & Crystal Baths
You can also infuse your Indigo Gabbro with water to drink or spray around your home to absorb its goodness straight into your body or release it into the air around you. Alternatively, you could take what’s known as a crystal bath by wearing or putting your gem in the bathtub with you to absorb it through your skin.
Indigo Gabbro is usually a dark gray or black rock with patches of white to gray feldspar and a speckled appearance due to the presence of magnetite.
Stones Similar to Indigo Gabbro
If Indigo Gabbro isn’t right for you, alternative crystals that vibrate similarly include Yellow Apatite, Amethyst, Sunstone, Citrine, and Labradorite. Gemstones that complement its energy include Carnelian, Selenite, Turquoise, Black Tourmaline, and Rose Quartz.
How to Cleanse and Charge Indigo Gabbro

It’s a good idea to cleanse your Indigo Gabbro every few weeks to rid it of negative energy and charge it to refill it with positive, healing vibes.
The easiest way to cleanse crystals is with the full moon’s light. You can do this by placing it outside or on your window sill on the night of the next full moon. For elemental water cleanse, try putting it in a water bowl first.
Alternatively, you can run it under the tap, smudge it with sage or another purifying herb, or place your gem on a crystal-cleansing plate. To charge it, leave it in the sun for a few hours or place it on or under the Earth for 24 hours.
Best place to put Indigo Gabbro.
Indigo Gabbro can be placed in any house room. Still, it is especially effective when you need protection, grounding, or spiritual growth. For example, you can place Indigo Gabbro in your bedroom to promote restful sleep and protect against negative energy or in your meditation room to enhance your intuition and spiritual awareness. You can also put it in your living room or any area where you spend much time promoting a sense of calm and harmony.
What is Indigo Gabbro good for?
Indigo Gabbro is good for grounding, protection, spiritual growth, transformation, and emotional healing. It can help you feel more centered. It also shields you from negative energy, stimulates intuition, facilitates transformation, and assists in emotional healing.
Is Indigo Gabbro and Merlinite the same?
Yes, Indigo Gabbro and Merlinite are the same stone. The name “Merlinite” was given to this stone because of its association with the legendary wizard Merlin, who was said to possess magical powers and a deep connection to the earth.
What is the hardness of Indigo Gabbro?
Indigo Gabbro has a hardness of around 6 on the Mohs scale, which measures mineral hardness. This means that it is relatively hard and can resist scratches and abrasions.
However, it is still softer than other popular gemstones like diamond, sapphire, and ruby. The hardness of Indigo Gabbro makes it suitable for use in jewelry and other decorative applications. However, it should still be treated with care to avoid damage.
Indigo Gabbro, also known as Mystic Merlinite, is a powerful and unique stone that has many healing properties. It is a grounding stone that can help balance the energies of the body and promote a sense of calm and relaxation. Indigo Gabbro is also believed to have a strong connection to the spiritual realm, making it an excellent tool for meditation and spiritual growth. It has protective properties that can shield you from negative energies and psychic attacks, and it is also said to have powerful healing properties for emotional and mental well-being. Overall, Indigo Gabbro is a valuable tool for those seeking to enhance their spiritual practice, protect themselves from negative energies, and promote emotional healing.
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