13 Jul How to Use Chakra Affirmations
Affirmations are one of the easiest and most effective ways to heal, re-balance, and activate your chakras. Before we get into how to use chakra affirmations, let’s take a quick look at what they are and how they work.
All About Affirmations
Affirmations are like personal mantras that you can repeat to create and affirm a belief in your mind. They work by tapping into your subconscious mind and changing the way that you see yourself and your life, and causing reality to follow suit.
How Do They Work?
There are two schools of thought behind the way affirmations work; the first is that the brain controls the body, and so repeating affirmations to do with your being (health, appearance, mental state, and chakras), can help to change those things, but you can also use them to manifest changes in other parts of your life, such as your career or love life, because we live in a like-attracts-like universe.
In Spirituality
Using the mind to manifest a change within ourselves or our lives is something that is recognized in many spiritual belief systems and religions, including Wicca, the law of attraction, the law of assumption, Hinduism, Buddhism, and even Christianity.
In Science
Numerous studies have concluded that positive thinking has a significantly positive effect on mental health, physical health, and life circumstances. In addition to numerous independent testimonies, several scientific studies also appear to confirm that the way we think affects our reality; as seen in this this study on the effects of mental imagery on muscular strength by Ohio University, or the well-documented placebo effect.
Affirmations & Chakras
The chakras are our spiritual energy centers. We have seven main chakras that all represent a different sacred part of our being. When we align and activate them, we operate at our highest vibration, we attract greatness, and we feel great!
So – how can we use positive affirmations to activate our chakras? It’s easy. Simply tell yourself that your chakras are aligned, healed, or activated. Or, you can make them specific to one chakra, or its purpose. There’s no wrong way to do it, as it’s all about your own mind, so say whatever feels right, natural, and powerful to you.
Which Chakras Do I Need to Work on?
Before you get started, you need to know which chakras need your attention. So, let’s take a look at the chakras and what they do, as well as how they can become blocked, the symptoms of blockages, and the kinds of affirmations that we can use to heal them.
The Root Chakra
The root chakra governs our connection to the physical world and nature. It makes us feel grounded, peaceful, secure, and courageous, and it can also help us to manifest abundance in the material world.
Also called the first chakra, the root can become blocked by fear and cause dissociation and feelings of sluggishness, anxiety, and depression. It is even linked to eating disorders, nightmares, arthritis, and constipation.
As mentioned above, if you don’t want to be literal with your affirmations and affirm that they are aligned or activated, you can use affirmations related to their purpose if that feels more natural to you. Root chakra affirmations should reference feeling safe, at peace, and connected to the Earth or the present moment.
The Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra or second chakra governs our sexuality, sensuality, sense of adventure, and creativity. It becomes blocked by repression, obsession, addiction, and sexual trauma, which can result in low libido, issues with reproductive health and fertility, and a lack of creativity.
It is also linked to anemia, hypoglycemia, pain in the lower back and pelvis, and issues with the spleen, bladder, and kidneys. Sacral chakra affirmations should include feeling attractive, desirable, sexually satisfied, confident, and fertile.
The Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus or third chakra helps to align us with our purpose in life, as well as being responsible our self-esteem, fulfillment, and happiness. It can become blocked by emotional trauma and dietary issues, resulting in a pessimistic attitude, low self-esteem, feelings of hopelessness, and victimhood mentality. It can also cause people to behave irresponsibly.
Physically, a blocked third chakra can cause nausea, bloating, digestion issues, and a loss of appetite. Solar plexus chakra affirmations for activation should surround being happy, having a positive self-image, and feeling fulfilled in life.
The Heart Chakra
The heart or fourth chakra governs our love for ourselves and others, as well as compassion and forgiveness. The heart chakra can become blocked by heartbreak and betrayal, and it can also be affected by our diets, resulting in feelings of shyness, loneliness, trust issues, and a lack of empathy.
Physically, it can also issues with the heart and chest area. You should include attracting love and feeling loved, or loving yourself in your heart chakra affirmations.
The Throat Chakra
The throat or fifth chakra is responsible for our sense of identity, truth, expression, communication, and creativity. It is most often blocked by emotional trauma caused by the behavior of others, such as school bullying or emotional abuse, making us feel silenced or insignificant.
Blockages can lead to a crisis in identity, creative block, and problems with communication. It can also cause thyroid problems and issues with the physical throat, respiratory system, and mouth, such as a hoarse voice, acid reflux, and mouth ulcers. Throat chakra affirmations should imply that you know and feel confident in who you are.
The Third Eye Chakra
The third eye or sixth chakra is responsible for our spiritual intuition and psychic abilities. Activating the third eye is often associated with having a spiritual awakening, heightening our sensitivity and allowing us to grow as spiritual beings and develop our natural abilities.
The third eye chakra becomes blocked when we allow our ego to be stronger than our id and ignore our spiritual selves. A blocked third eye causes a lack of insight, joy, and appreciation for life, as well as a fear of the future and difficulty concentrating, dreaming, and using our imaginations. Affirmations to help you heal and unblock this chakra should imply that you are fully in touch with your spiritual gifts.
The Crown Chakra
The crown or seventh chakra is responsible for our connection to the spiritual world. It becomes blocked when we deny our spiritual selves, and this can cause a number of issues, including closed-mindedness, confusion, and a lack of inspiration, as well as poor coordination, oversleeping, chronic tension headaches, and fatigue. To activate your crown chakra, you should repeat affirmations that imply you are open to spiritual connection and communication.
How to Use Chakra Affirmations
The great thing about affirmations is that you can do them yourself and at any time. Whenever you are bored or at a loose end during the day, or doing something routine that doesn’t require too much thought, such as showering, brushing your teeth, or doing the dishes – why not say your affirmations?
It’s best to decide on one or two affirmations and keep them short and sweet. You don’t need to say them out loud, although you can if you want to, but it is enough to just say them in your mind. However, the best time to say them is before going to sleep and in the first thirty minutes when you wake up, as this is when your subconscious is at its most receptive.
It’s also very powerful to repeat them during meditation, and some people even like to listen to recorded affirmations in their sleep. If you do it during meditation, it may also help you to visualize your chakras coming into alignment whilst your repeat your affirmations, and hold or wear some chakra crystals, too.
How Long Do I Have to Say Them for?
There is no set length of time for which you should say your affirmations. You’ll have to rely on your intuition and repeat them until you feel satisfied. Long-term, once you experience a change, it means your repeated affirmations have created a belief; which has shifted your reality. You can keep affirming if you want to, but once you create a belief, your mind assumes it to be true without much effort.
That said, in the case of our chakras, whenever life throws something at you that makes you feel a little off-balance, it can throw our chakra systems off-kilter, too. So, you might want to continue to repeat them in times of change or periods of negativity.
Why Aren’t My Affirmations Working?
It is important to note that repeating affirmations will not work if you only commit halfway. Saying your affirmations the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night is great, but if you think negatively for the rest of the day, you’re undoing your own work.
Whenever the subject of your chakras enters your mind – Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Replace any unwanted or negative thoughts with your positive affirmations and don’t dwell on anything that you don’t want to keep in your reality!
Affirmations are one of the most powerful tools that we have to change our lives – and our chakras! They’re so simple to do, they feel great, and they work. Why not give it a go? Be sure to follow our tips for the best results.