11 Nov How to Meditate With Crystals: A Beginner’s Guide
Using crystals while meditating is a great strategy to enhance your meditation and accomplish a specific goal. On a spiritual level, learning how to meditate with crystals can assist in improving your consciousness and awareness, as well as deepen your intuition and bring insight.
Whether you’re a frequent meditator or you’re just getting started, and regardless of how long you’ve been working with crystals, bringing these two energetic practices together unlocks a new way to take care of yourself.
7 Best Crystals For Meditation
If you already have a crystal collection, that’s fantastic! However, how can you know which crystals to use for a crystal meditation? Different crystals have quite different energies and healing properties — and although some particular crystals, like clear quartz, are very universal in their applications, other stones are far better suited to specific areas of medicinal healing.
Choosing crystals by color can be helpful because different colors are commonly associated with different chakras, providing you with a simple map to find stones that may help support your meditation goals and personal meditation style. You can also choose crystals intuitively and just go with whichever crystals seem good to you.
Here are some of our favorite crystals for meditation:
Amethyst stimulates the crown chakra and relaxes the mind, making it an excellent therapeutic choice for meditation and crystal healing sessions. Amethyst’s healing abilities also include giving mental clarity and assisting you in being more in sync with your feelings. Because amethyst is a stone of intuition, it is great for coming to know yourself on a much deeper level, which is why amethyst meditation is so effective.
Clear Quartz
This is one of the best meditation crystals since it can be personalized with your unique meditation purpose. This is the stone to use if you’re hoping for a mental breakthrough. Clear Quartz promotes mental clarity and assists you in becoming more focused. They also enhance the energy of any other crystal, making them excellent for use in any other crystal meditation.
Selenite’s healing powers aid in the removal of negative energy and energy blockages, allowing your body to be energetically cleansed. This stone also emits a stream of positive energy, which helps to boost your vibration and uplift your state. Selenite also helps in connecting you with a higher consciousness.
Citrine, often known as the stone of gladness, is supposed to attract joy and abundance. This yellow kind of quartz, full of sparkling bright, and sunny emotions, reigns supreme when it comes to producing a sense of optimism and excitement. Citrine should unquestionably be the star of any meditation sessions in which you desire to call in abundance and actualize your desires.
Sodalite is a third-eye chakra stone; it awakens your intuition and guides you through the depths of your own soul. Sodalite is thought to bring order and serenity to the mind. For people who believe they are avoiding their realities, this stone can serve as a mirror, especially during meditation.
Lapis Lazuli
This stone, which is said to enhance spiritual development, can improve your intuitive powers and help you overcome conflicts. Meditation combined with lapis lazuli crystals is extremely potent. For one thing, meditation is a method for raising one’s consciousness. Second, this chakra stone is an illuminating healing crystal that strengthens the link to the spiritual realm. When the two are together, transformation occurs.
Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s Eye is regarded as a calming stone during times of transition. It is thought to give you empowerment and the ability to assert yourself. It emits dazzling, cleansing rays of color and envelops you with comfort. This also enables you to become more attuned to other stones, which will allow you to utilize them in future meditation practices.
How to Meditate with Crystals
To get started with crystal meditation, you’ll need your chosen crystal and a willingness to practice, particularly if meditation is new to you.
Set the Mood
Set the tone when you’re ready to begin. Find a quiet spot, set the thermostat to a suitable temperature, and adjust the lighting to create a relaxing, gentle atmosphere. Always remember to take a few deep breaths once you’re already in the process of meditating.
If you’re already a seasoned meditator, simply include the crystals into your present routine. You can also include items like candles, essential oils, incense, or spiritual objects.
Cleanse Your Crystals
Before you begin, you need to cleanse your crystals. This can be accomplished by passing your crystal through incense, particularly sage smoke, and employing sound, such as chanting or singing bowls.
You can also expose your crystal to sunlight or moonlight for a number of hours, submerging it in rushing water, or soaking your crystal in salt water.
Cleaning methods may only be appropriate for some crystals, so make sure you research them well before beginning.
Hold Them In Your Hands
Meditation with crystals can be as effortless as carrying them in your hand and calming your mind.
Begin by closing your eyes and focusing on your breath while holding your crystal in one or both hands. Your body may descend deeper into the earth, generating a grounding sensation. You may feel a sense of lightness and inner awareness surrounding you. Alternatively, you may not feel anything immediately away. Certain crystals do not always resonate, and others cause the hairs on your skin to rise up. Each crystal will have a distinct sensation, so be patient and continue to try different ones.
Holding a crystal in your hand while meditating allows you to spontaneously exchange energies and vibrations with the crystal and enjoy its benefits.
Place Crystals On Your Chakras
Chakras are energy centers on the body that represent various aspects of the physical and spiritual self. If your desire for crystal meditation is to be focused and healing in nature, focusing on the chakra that corresponds to your meditation purpose by employing a suitable crystal is perfect.
For example, if you want to increase your intuition, try a third eye chakra -opening meditation with a labradorite stone, which aids in mental and spiritual connection. Simply lie down and leave the labradorite over your third eye chakra. Then focus purely on your intention, paying attention to your breath and noting thoughts and feelings as they arise. Another option is to do a heart chakra-opening meditation to aid in self-love or forgiving. You might also lay a rose quartz crystal over your heart chakra, in the center of your chest, and focus on your intention once more.
Create a Crystal Energy Circle
Some people may not want to disturb their meditation by having crystals touch their body; in this instance, making a crystal grid layout might be a useful approach to connect with crystal energy without the actual touch. You can simply make a circle of crystals around you. Placing one in front, back and either side of you will help you to fully connect with their vibrations.
Create a Crystal Grid
Another alternative is to place a crystal grid on your altar to focus on before, throughout, as well as after your meditation session. By arranging your chosen crystals in a circular pattern on your altar or other spiritual location, you may actually enhance and improve the energy of each stone.
Put Crystals In Your Bath
If you’re having difficulties relaxing, you might find that meditating with crystals in a hot bath helps. To incorporate crystals in the water is a calming practice. However, be careful not to put selenite or calcite crystals in hot water since they will dissolve.
What To Do After You Meditate With Crystals
After you complete your meditation session, slowly become conscious of your presence in the room. Stretch your body and move your hands and feet. Don’t rush yourself, but instead, drink some water to cleanse yourself and be mindful of your thoughts and emotions.
If you meditate every day, we recommend adding crystals into your practice no more often than once a week. Because you’re dealing with some potent energy, you will require time to process and eliminate any unwanted vibrations.”
Finally, keep in mind that meditation is a long-term process that takes years to master. Take your time!
There are an unlimited amount of ways to meditate and an endless number of ways to include crystals into your routine. Take some time to experiment and find the way that is best for you. Some people are more sensitive to crystal energy than others, so it is important to find the best way to help you achieve the goals for your mind and body. Regardless of how you decide to use crystals in meditation, it’s vital to be attentive to any shifts in energy that the crystals may present you with – this can help you assess if meditating with crystals is a good fit for you.
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