12 Nov How to Cleanse Crystals and Charge Them
To cleanse a crystal means to recharge it, dispelling negative energy from the stone. There are many recommendations on how to cleanse crystals using the elements of the earth. When examining how to charge crystals with intentions it is important to understand that visualizing is a part of this practice.
Just as space is cleansed before a moon ritual to cut negativity, so too it is necessary to cleanse crystals that are going to be used. A major part of moon manifestations is the intentions. How to present an intention with visualization during a full or new moon ceremony is a guide on how to charge crystals with intentions.
People believe that crystals, which are fossilized minerals, obtain and release energy over their formation. It is known that crystals have fascinated people since the beginning of time because they are referenced throughout recorded history.
Historical references on the powers of crystals such as the rose quartz and clear quartz have been noted in medical journals from the earliest Egyptian healers, along with the soothsayers of Ancient Sumerians. In Renaissance writings, particular crystal prescriptions are noted for stomach ailments, as well as other mental and physical diseases. Buddhists, Hindu, Muslim, and Christian holy books and writings all have mentions as well as extensive references to the powers of crystals and their energies.
Many who use and are immersed in their prescribed uses suggest that their power comes from a natural energy vibration contained within them. It is said that this energy can both absorb and emit natural vibrations in the world and universe and help dispel unwanted energy.
The energy contained within a crystal is twofold, energy from its formation and then from its travel. Most often crystals travel great distances and pass through multiple hands from the time and place where they are dug before they reach a person who will use them. It is believed that throughout their journey which is often thousands of miles and many hands, the crystal is picking up and dispelling negative energies from those whose hands it passes through.
Crystals are used for many purposes, including moon manifestations, healing, protection, along with meditation. It is believed that like people, the energy in a crystal can be tainted or become negative. Therefore, charging crystals is important for the best benefits. It is especially important when using crystals in new or full moon rituals.
Steps for Cleansing the Crystals
When partaking in a moon manifesting or in universal outreach, one should know how to charge crystals with intentions. In a cleansed ritual space, it is essential to use certain crystals with realigned energy. Using tainted crystals for healing, protection, intentions, or guides will not carry out the goal if the user does not take the time in cleansing the crystals. There are those who believe that full energy restoration may require every cleansing practice known if the crystal has absorbed too much bad energy.
To keep good energy and cast away bad, it is believed that cleansing crystals are a necessity. Crystal practitioners and gemologists believe wholeheartedly that possessors of crystals must learn how to charge crystals with intentions. This alignment with the universal energy of crystal absorption and release is necessary for it to function for good and not bad energy. Crystals absorb their energy from the elements of the earth as they are fossilizing for long periods of time. It is therefore a practical belief that to cleanse crystals those elements must be used in the cleansing and recharging process.
A quick view of how to cleanse crystals follows:
How to Cleanse Hard Crystals
Use – Running Water – Fresh and Salt
Running Water. The birth of a crystal requires the elements of the earth including running water. Running water over decades and sometimes centuries of time seeping into the earth, reacting with the energized crust of the earth are foundational for the formation of these mystical gems. To quickly cleanse crystals place them in running water. It is preferable to go outside to a running brook, stream, or river, if only running faucet water is available it will suffice. This manner of how to cleanse crystals should only be for hard stones such as quartz. Do not use soft or brittle stones. Submerge in running water for one to three minutes totally submerging it to clean the negative fully. Do not place crystals in direct sunlight to maintain their energy.
Salt throughout history has been known as an absorber of bad energy, omens, curses, and negativity. To cleanse crystals with saltwater, fill a bowl with ocean water or its inlets or make your own using unprocessed sea salt. Soak the crystals for 48 hours. Only cleanse hard crystals with salt water. Do not soak soft or crystals that have trace minerals in salt water.
How to Cleanse Crystals (Hard and Soft)
Use – Brown Rice – Sage – Sound
Brown Rice. A natural element of the earth that can absorb and reenergize crystals and help maintain their healing properties. Fill a bowl with uncooked brown rice. Bury the crystals or crystal jewelry for at least a day in the grains of brown rice. After removing the crystals from the rice, and disposing of the rice outside, many people believe that the brown rice has absorbed negative energy and must be discarded out of the dwelling at once.
Sage. A sacred cleansing plant. When burned as a smudge, it creates sacred smoke when burnt. The smoke erases the presence of evil, and negativity and realigns the good energy. Use this process safely outdoors. Hold the lighted sage smudge with one hand while holding the stone in the other. Pass the stone through and into the smoke for at least a minute to fully cleanse the crystals.
Sound. Either with a chant, tuning fork, singing bowl or a bell continue to emit one tone for at least 10 minutes over the crystals. This is how to cleanse crystals that are part of a diverse collection. By placing the collection of crystals together they can be cleaned at the same time using tones. This method is also how to charge crystals with intentions. Gather crystals together or individually and visualize the intention of sanctifying and aligning the energy within the stones.
The Center of Energy
It is believed that crystals like finely tuned engines need to be tuned to work properly to restore their own energy. Cleansing crystals by easy-to-use methods will keep the energy centered so that the crystals can perform to the highest standards. It is thought that other crystals easily become tainted with bad energy and negativity and should be cleaned regularly and definitely before any moon or other ceremonies.
Understanding how to cleanse and charge healing crystals is essential for maintaining their optimal energy and effectiveness in your healing practices. Cleansing removes any accumulated negative or stagnant energy from the crystals, while charging replenishes and enhances their natural energy, ensuring they are ready to provide their healing properties when used.