12 Aug How To Cleanse And Charge Your Crystals With The Full Moon
Crystals are one of nature’s best tools for inner healing, spiritual growth, and practices like energy clearing, meditation, manifestation, and more. Whatever you use them for, you have probably heard about the practice of cleansing and charging your crystals.
Cleansing and charging crystals are essential to get the best out of them and keep them vibrating at a high frequency. So, how do you cleanse and charge your crystals with the full moon? Let’s take a look at everything you need to know.
In This Article
Why Do You Need To Cleanse Your Crystals?
Whenever you use crystals, they can absorb negative energy from the enviornment around them; from you, your home, the people around you, and the outside world.
This can cause the stone to emit bad vibes and make you feel down or bring you bad luck. It can also give you headaches, nausea, and other physical symptoms. So, it’s important that you cleanse your crystals on a regular basis to keep their energy clear of negativity.
How To Cleanse Crystals With The Full Moon
There are several ways to cleanse crystals, but one of the most powerful and widely favored ways to do it is by using the full moon. Lunar energy is spiritually purifying, so you can cleanse your crystals by placing them under the light of the full moon.
Also known as a full moon bath, you can do it by placing them outside in the moon’s light in your yard, or simply putting them on your window sill on the night of the full moon.
What Is A Full Moon Water Cleanse?
For a water-based moonlight cleanse, you can place your crystals in a bowl of water before putting them out in the moonlight. This is especially beneficial for water element stones like Aquamarine and Moonstone and people with water zodiac signs such as Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer, as well as people who are using their crystals to heighten their intuition, heal their heart, or enhance their feminine energy.
This is because water is the element of sensitivity and intuition. For a seriously deep cleanse, you can also add salt to the water. Salt has been used for spiritual purification for thousands of years and can help if you’re worried about dark spirits or evil energy.
That said, not every stone can be used with water or salt. It depends on how high they score on the MOHs hardness scale – this is a scientific scale that tests the hardness of minerals (and scores them from out of ten) by testing their resistance against others. Anything that scores a five or below (such as Turquoise and Flourite) is unsafe to put in water as it may crumble or dissolve, but anything above a five (such as Quartz and Topaz) is generally safe for use with water. However, not every crystal that is water safe is safe to use with salt, so be sure to double-check before use.
How To Use Crystal-Infused Moon Water
If you want to take your ritual further, you can use the crystal-infused moon water to aid your healing or spiritual rituals by drinking it or making it into tea (so long as it is safe to consume, always check the gem toxicity table) after meditation, reciting affirmations, or performing a ritual.
You can also use it to clean your hair, face, or body to absorb its metaphysical properties through your skin, mix it in with your bath water, spray it around your home or houseplants, or place it in an oil diffuser with some essential oils to cleanse and refresh the energy of your living space.
How Often Should You Cleanse Your Crystals?
There is no set-in-stone rule for how often you should cleanse your crystals. You should cleanse them whenever they’ve been around some bad energy or you feel like they need cleansing. Tell-tale signs that your crystals need cleansing include being warm to the touch or giving you negative side effects after use.
However, if you use them on a regular basis, such as daily or weekly, you should cleanse them at least once a month – which is where the lunar cycle comes in handy! That said, there are other ways to cleanse your crystals that don’t involve the moonlight for cleansing in-between full moons.
Alternative Ways To Cleanse Your Crystals
Other ways that you can cleanse your crystals include smudging them with sage or another purifying herb such as Thyme or placing them next to a cleansing crystal, like Selenite. There are actually Selenite plates and bowls that you can buy to place your crystals in when you want to cleanse them if you don’t want to wait for the full moon.
Alternatively, you can run your crystals under the tap for a quick cleanse with water-safe crystals, or bathe them in salt-water. Other ways that people cleanse their crystals include cleansing sound baths, such as singing bowls and solfeggio frequencies, diffusing purifying essential oils like Frankincense around your crystals, and soaking them in brown rice, which is especially beneficial for protection stones like Black Tourmaline.
You can also use your own energy by meditating over your crystals, chanting cleansing mantras, and envisioning a white light cleansing them, or you can ask the universe, God, or your angels to assist you.
What Is Crystal Charging?
It’s important to charge your crystals after cleansing them. Charging crystals fills them back up with positive energy and leaves them buzzing with good vibes, ready to be used for crystal healing, meditation, and more.
How To Charge Crystals With The Full Moon
Typically, we use sunlight to charge crystals, but the light of the full moon will naturally charge your crystals a little. However, to leave them buzzing with good energy, leave them in the morning sunlight after cleansing them for a few hours, or even the entire day after their exposure to the full moon, depending on how sun-safe they are.
Some crystals can fade in the sunlight, so be sure to do your research and make sure that your crystals are sun-safe. Again, if you are going to charge your crystals in the sun, you can do this by leaving them outside or putting them on the window sill in the sunlight.
You can also bury your crystals in the Earth for 24 hours to charge them, which you can do on the night of a full moon to combine the full moon’s energy with the charging power of the Earth.
How Often Should You Charge Crystals?
Again, there is no universal rule for crystal charging, but as a general rule of thumb, you should charge your crystals around once a month, or whenever you cleanse them. Or, whenever you feel like they need a little boost of positive energy.
Do All Crystals Need Cleansing And Charging?
Not every crystal needs to be cleansed and charged routinely. Some crystals are self-cleansing and charging – such as Selenite, as mentioned above. Other self-cleansing crystals include Carnelian and Clear Quartz – but that doesn’t mean they don’t benefit from a good cleanse and charge from time to time.
The Bottom Line
Whether you use the full moon or another method to cleanse and charge your crystals, it’s an important part of crystal healing and other rituals. It ensures that they remain vibrant and positive and free from unwanted energy, so be sure to get into a good routine with your crystals and follow our guidance for the best results!
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