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Grey Stones – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties

Grey Stones - Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties

Grey Stones – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties

Every crystal has a different energy that resonates with a different vibration and part of our energy system – and one of the biggest indicators of a crystal’s energy is its color. Grey crystals are not as common as other colored gemstones, but they do exist and they have a strong magical energy. Let’s take a look at some of the top grey crystals, what they mean, and how to use them.

In This Article

What Does Grey Mean?

While some may consider it to be dull, grey radiates soft but powerful cyclical balance and divine celestial energy, as it is the color of the moon. It is where the two most extreme colors on the spectrum, black and white, meet.  The colors infuse their energies of tranquil angelic purity and deep Earthly protection.

These stones can contain shades of many colors beneath the surface, from blue to gold and black to white. In addition, they’re great for achieving greater balance within the physical body, mental/emotional state, and energy system. As well as your personal or work life, and they’re perfect for general spiritual growth and protection of the self and the home.

Grey Stones Powers

Best Grey Stones

Let’s take a look at some of the best grey crystals and what they do.

Grey Moonstone

Grey Moonstone is a feminine stone that’s heavily associated with peace and tranquility. So, if you want to awaken your feminine energy or you struggle to relax for sleep and meditation it’s a great choice for you.

Gray Agate

Agate is known for being a stone of balance generally, this is amplified in Grey Agate. Besides, it’s perfect for rebalancing the health of the body and chakras, as well as mental health issues, and getting you through emotionally turbulent times.


Labradorite is a blue gem with silvery grey undertones that takes spiritual exploration to a whole new level. The beautiful metallic crystal provides introspective insight and guidance in hard times. It’s also helpful for manifesting big changes, astral projecting, and dreamwork.

Gray Tourmaline

Tourmaline is famous for its ability to absorb negative energy and transform it into positive energy. As well as protect you and your home against further bad vibes in both the spiritual realm and the physical one. It is also known to protect against EMFs which can be hazardous to our health.


Hematite is another protection stone that grounds our energy into the Earth. It’s a dark grey root chakra stone and helps with safety and security in the physical world.


Apatite is a manifestation stone. You can use it to amplify your vibrations when manifesting your dreams and desires and are particularly attuned to humanitarian work. It also connects to past lives and the future and stimulates spiritual attunement.


Obsidian is a dark and dreamy grey gemstone that helps you to seek the truth and is all about tethering you to the physical world and staying safe and protected against psychic attacks and more. It’s been used for protection since the Middle Ages and has a strong ability to absorb bad energies.


Aquamarine is known to represent happiness, hope,e, and everlasting youth. In ancient times, it was used to protect men at sea and instill fearlessness in sailors.

Grey Chalcedony

Grey Chalcedony is a nurturing stone that promotes goodwill and generosity. It absorbs bad vibes and brings the mind, body, and soul into alignment, ridding you of hostility and turning sadness into joy.

Gray Fluorite

Fluorite is thought to be a force of order among crystals. It is associated with direction, clarity, confidence, and self-love. The Genius Stone connects with all chakras and amplifies other crystals.

Grey Tanzanite is often described as a self-awakening stone that can guide and activate your spiritual awakening or growth, urging you to be the best version of yourself you can be.

Grey Diamonds

Diamonds are one of the most coveted, loved, and valuable precious gemstones in the world. It’s also the hardest substance known to man, and this is matched by its spiritual energy, which brings resilience and clarity. The grey diamond is the same only it features gorgeous silvery grey inclusions.

Tahitian Pearl

Tahitian Pearls symbolize wisdom and are master healers for the body. They’re said to represent and bring hope to the hopeless and brokenhearted. Moreover, they were once the rarest and most valuable type of Pearl in the world.


Onyx is a powerful protection crystal, known as a protector from evil. It’s also great for protecting harmonious relationships from toxicity and break-ups and bringing people closer together.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is another popular protection stone known for its grounding abilities as well as its ability to detoxify the body and atmosphere and connect with the root chakra.

Grey Star Sapphire

Grey Star Sapphire is known as the stone of destiny and features unique crossbars that are said to represent destiny, faith, and hope according to Christianity. Additionally, this type of Grey Sapphire also aids in meditation and acquiring knowledge, as well as dispelling depression and anxiety.

Platinum Rutilated Quartz

Platinum Rutilated Quartz is known to carry the energy of angels. It can be used to improve mental health and spiritual growth and illuminate all of the chakras in the energy system, encouraging us to step into our highest spiritual selves.

Grey Amethyst

Moreover, Amethyst is a well-loved classic that is ideal for beginners and pros alike. It’s a spiritual superpower that can help to heal all aspects of your being and activates the third eye. Take your spiritual practices to a deeper level. While it’s known for its usual purple color there is a grey variety.

How To Use Grey Crystals

Here are some top ways to use grey stones.

Meditation & Other Spiritual Practices

Definitely, using your gray gemstones during meditation and other spiritual practices like spell-casting and manifestation brings the spiritual part of your energy system. This is in line with the Earthly part for deeper meditations and more powerful spiritual practices.

Astral Projection

Grey gemstones are ideal for astral projection because they activate the top chakras while anchoring you and grounding your energy into the Earth.


Wearing grey gemstone jewelry is ideal for people who want to restore balance to themselves or their lives in some way and remove deep energetic blockages.


If your grey stone is water safe to use with water according to the Mohs scale, use it with the element by making crystal-infused water for drinking and use around the home to ingest its metaphysical qualities or brighten up your space. Furthermore, you can also take a crystal bath to soak up its metaphysical properties through your skin for inner healing.

Crystal Grids

Indeed, Grey crystals are perfect for crystal grids because they combine both Earthly and heavenly energies to make sure all of the elements are called upon to amplify your intentions.

At Home

Keeping your grey stone somewhere central or important at home like your bedside table or living area will keep it divinely protected and invite positive angelic energies into the space.


Finally, you know now that it’s a good idea to have stones of all colors if you want a comprehensive healing collection. Even so, if you’re seeking greater balance in your personal life, body, mental state, or chakra system, as well as divine energy and protection, a gray gemstone will be a terrific choice for you.

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