04 Feb Green Crystals – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties
As the green color is synonymous with grass, people have come to associate green crystals with spring, renewal, birth, and regrowth. They are considered one of the most pleasant and soothing crystals with strong healing powers.
Learn what the meaning of green crystals is and what they can incorporate into your life.
Green Crystal: Meanings & Importance
Green is the most dominant color found in nature. It can be found in tall, strong trees, fresh spring grass, and moss-swathed mountains. Green is famous for its calming power and for making us feel connected to nature and the earth we inhabit.
Green stones have many different meanings and uses, but they are mainly used as good luck charms. They effectively bring wealth, fortune, and prosperity into one’s life. In the olden days, having a bountiful crop harvest was equivalent to having a healthy bank balance! Green stones are also radiant with luck, optimism, pure joy, and unconditional love.
Moreover, green is a color closely associated with the heart chakra, which means that green crystals have powerful healing properties towards this aspect of our spiritual growth. Green stones can help you find love and can even assist in healing a broken heart.
Benefits of Using Green Crystals
Chakra Healing (Heart)
Green healing stones help you get over past heartbreaks that may have impaired your ability to trust. They will also help you let go of bitter behaviors that are in the way of you falling in love again. Green gemstones will open your heart to divine light, true love, and deep healing. When this chakra is open, it will give us the ability to give and receive the love that makes us feel good.
Love & Relationships
Green crystals raise you and will improve the quality of your relationships. Expect an abundance of love, friendship, and communication if you incorporate green gems in your life! They encourage you to be more open to building beautiful bonds of trust and security and keep you from falling prey to negative energies like insecurity and jealousy. Green crystals ensure that the people you have in your life match your life energy.
Physical Healing
Green crystals do wonders for your physical body. They work well to strengthen your heart, lungs, and respiratory system so that you may breathe fuller and deeper. Green gems also influence good, restorative sleep, a calmer mindset, and inner peace for those riddled with anxiety. These will also help increase fertility and infuse the beauty of life into every cell of your body.
The color green is often associated with money and wealth, as many of the world’s bills share the same green hue. Expect an abundance of wealth and fortune with the help of green crystals. Green gems help you stay focused on ideas and projects and give you enough energy to see them to completion.
22 Green Crystals You Can Use Daily
1. Green Malachite
Green malachite, the stone of transformation, helps you embrace new opportunities and move to exciting, new avenues. It holds tremendous energy that’s powerful enough to shake off stagnancy so you can make changes. The green malachite also works like a magnet to attract positive energy and good fortune.
2. Green Jade
The green jade has been used as an amulet for centuries. It has powerful protective properties that shield the wearer against misfortune and misery. Furthermore, green jade has always been laced with good luck and has the capability of attracting wealth and prosperity, whether in business or pleasure. It will surround your life force with good health, self-confidence, and personal fortune.
3. Green Calcite
Among the earth’s most common minerals, the bright green calcite is a stone that spearheads forgiveness. Expect compassion and plenty of heart-healing vibes to come into your life with the green calcite. This green crystal provides you with a burst of vitality and reminds us of the importance of letting go so our hearts can be filled with space and light.
4. Green Tourmaline
The dark green tourmaline is a great gemstone to have nearby if you need help in manifesting your desires. The dark green tourmaline is rife with courage and calm to balance physical power and spiritual growth. The green tourmaline also provides a great burst of creativity for those working on passion projects.
5. Peridot
The green peridot is simply beaming with positive energy. It brings your body, mind, and soul into alignment so that you may rediscover all the joy and positivity that life has to offer. As the peridot is fresh with spring colors, expect the raining down of abundance if you incorporate this stone into your life.
6. Green Fluorite
The green fluorite is an excellent stone for keeping you in focus — this green gemstone can prove effective for people who find themselves flitting from one thought to the other. This green crystal reigns their nervous energy to soothe and calm them. Green fluorite also provides a wonderful balance to all the chakras, so you may stand in alignment. It also keeps the heart clear and open.
7. Amazonite
The amazonite has always been regarded in history as the stone of the Amazon warriors. Just like the Amazon, expect confidence and personal power upon incorporating this stone into your life. This stone brings a bright burst of energy to the muscle tissue of those who feel depleted and overwhelmed. It’s also an effective problem-solver stone that puts you in perspective and breaks down overwhelming thoughts and concepts into bite-sized pieces.
8. Prehnite
The prehnite crystal is chock-full of soothing and healing vibes that people prone to anger will surely find useful. It will help to harmonize the heart and align you with your intuition. With deep clarity and quiet confidence, you will be able to fully embrace quiet humility so you can live in light and peace.
9. Green Apatite
The green apatite crystal has links to the Greek goddess Persephone, the goddess of spring and innocence. This stone brings the joy of new life and can inspire growth. This stone keeps us radiant, stimulates our senses, and makes us feel lucky to be alive. It is an effective stone for people who want to feel as though every day were a breath of fresh air.
10. Green Aventurine
You want to keep green aventurine stones, also known as the gambler’s stones, in your pocket when you want to sprinkle a little bit of luck into your endeavors. Many people also attest to its ability to reclaim what you once lost, may it be financial, love, or any fortune you feel you may have lost.
11. Bloodstone
Our ancestors used the bloodstone in ancient times to raise their morale and strength on the battlefield. Although we may not need to charge off into battle during these modern times, the bloodstone will still grant us the same courage and inner strength to face challenges. This crystal will keep you physically and mentally on top of your game.
12. Chrome Diopside
The chrome diopside helps one align their vibrations with the natural world to coexist with the beautiful earth. It gives one a deeper sense of commitment to the earth and brings forth groundedness and harmony. This green stone is great for those who want to feel more at home on this planet.
13. Tsavorite
The tsavorite comes from the garnet family, with which it shares its regal vibes. This green crystal entices you to embrace every decision you make to fulfill your destiny. It will allow you to see the abundance of beauty present in yourself and the world you create. You will finally become fully committed to owning your life with the help of the tsavorite.
14. Moss Agate
The moss agate is rife with refreshing energy, much like a cool breeze on a hot summer day. It can help with emotional healing to release anything holding you back from reaching your full potential. The moss agate will also act as a filter in your life, so you choose people and places compatible with your purpose.
15. Chrysoprase
The chrysoprase will manifest joy, optimism, and success in your every endeavor. It’s also a powerful heart chakra healer that will plunge you into pure waves of love and happiness. It also washes away toxic emotions that plague us, so our body, mind, and soul stay balanced.
16. Prasiolite/Green Quartz
Green quartz, also known as prasiolite, is the stone for those who want to welcome loving and harmonious vibes into their world. Like all quartz stones, the green quartz is also an amplifier and can take a fleeting positive emotion and blow it to large proportions. This is a lovely stone for clearing out bumpy energy to ensure smooth-flowing vibes.
17. Garnet
Although most commonly red, garnets can also come in gorgeous shades of green. The green garnet is overflowing with vitality and is deeply connected to the root chakra. This crystal is a shimmering source of hope to weary travelers and can help deepen your connections with others.
18. Moldavite
The moldavite is a beautiful green gem with potent healing powers. The crystal shape is a source of new energy in going through a transformation; at the same time, it also encourages psychic connections. It awakens one’s natural desire to connect with the divine.
19. Green Agate
The green agate is rife with healing powers. It is an excellent source of energy for those who want to overcome lethargy or illness. You can also expect flexibility in decision-making if you seek help from the green agate. If you need a helping hand in achieving success, you won’t go wrong with the green agate.
20. Serpentine
The green crystal serpentine shares its hues with one of nature’s most dangerous predators: the snake. Just like how the snake sheds its old skin, this green crystal invites us to be bold enough to let go of things that no longer serve us so we may move on to fresh beginnings. This stone encourages new growth so that you can embody a new sense of self.
21. Seraphinite
While many green gems are filled to the brim with earthly joy, the seraphinite is uniquely airy and full of mystical light. This rare gemstone is a great source of spiritual connections that will result in connections to the higher realm. The seraphinite is also a great source of feminine energy and will light your soul star chakra.
22. Zoisite
The zoisite is a grounding stone that will work to center us, no matter how far off we’ve gone. It brings empowerment and wholeness to the soul and tells us to be our own anchors. It’s also a great stone for artistic types as it allows you to find fresh beginnings in old passions that you may have set aside for a while.
How To Use These Gemstones
One of the best ways to use green gemstones is by wearing them as jewelry. Wearing green crystals close to the skin is the best way for your heart to absorb all its powers directly and shows the world that you are serious about bringing your intentions to fruition.
The green gem can get to work in healing your heart chakra if you place it against your heart in meditation. This is highly effective in syncing up with the vibrations of your chosen crystal. These healing crystals will protect your aura and do the deep-dive work that enhances your well-being.
Excellent Crystals To Combine With Green Crystals
Green crystals work with many other crystals in the rainbow spectrum. Combining green crystals with clear quartz crystals will amplify the powers present in the green crystal and turn it up a notch.
Since green gemstones are powerful healers of the heart chakra, they will also perform well when combined with pink stones as they will greatly complement each other’s powers. Pink crystals like rose quartz, rhodonite, and morganite will work well in protecting your heart chakra to welcome love.
When combined with other green gems, black crystals will provide great protection to those who may be wary of receiving abundance. Black gems provide an extra layer of protection and shield you from all negative energies.
Are green crystals expensive?
You will get inexpensive green crystals as they provide the most choices in colored stones. However, green diamonds, jade stone, emeralds, and tsavorites are rare and expensive and can have an extra cost of up to $1 million per carat.
What is a pale green crystal called?
A pale green crystal is called prasiolite and is under the quartz family. This affordable green crystal is created by heat-treating light-colored amethyst to produce its unique green hue.
Green crystals have lovely vibes that ground and connect us to nature. These allow us to broaden our horizons so we may live a full and rich life and open our arms to all the possibilities that life has in store for us. The other crystal healing properties include relaxation, peace, and growth.
Green crystals will always be on top of the list of any crystal expert.
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