25 Apr Green Chalcedony – Meaning, Uses, & Healing Properties
If you’re a crystal fan, you know that every stone is believed to have a unique personality. Some crystals are calming, while others are magnets for love and friendship. But there’s one crystal whose energy is like a good doctor with powers that seem to work for nearly everything.
That crystal is green Chalcedony.
Now, this crystal won’t fix all your ailments, but it is a wonderful spiritual and physical pick-me-up. Using these gems helps with everything from opening your mind to new possibilities to opening your blood vessels to fix a headache. Today we’re going to find out how green Chalcedony does all of that, as well as its meaning and how to use it for your own benefit!
Green Chalcedony Meaning
The Chalcedony family is one of “Speaker’s Stones.” And as a prominent member of this group of precious stones, green Chalcedony supports the ability of the wearer to speak publicly or in front of a large group.
The name Chalcedony comes from the Latin “chalcedonius”. The term was first used in Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis Historia to refer to a green gemstone. Later, the term “chalcedonii” came on the scene to describe crystals found in the third foundation of New Jerusalem in Revelations 21:19.
Uses of Green Chalcedony
It’s not uncommon to find a necklace with a beautiful Green Chalcedony gemstone, as the crystal supports the heart chakra. So keeping it near the body can amplify its effects. But aside from its use in jewelry, it’s believed that Chalcedony can help heal both the spirit and the body.
Healing a Sore Throat
Because of its association with the throat chakra, this Green Chalcedony gemstone helps with chronic hoarseness and inflammation of the throat. In fact, there are many remedies for hoarseness that use Chalcedony water as the main ingredient.
And green Chalcedony water is rather simple to make. All it takes is a brief boil with a pinch of salt to create the mixture. Afterward, remove the stone and gargle with salty water to cure a sore throat.
Stimulating Milk Production in Nursing Mothers
Lacking inner calmness can cause problems for breastfeeding mothers. In addition to the stress caused by giving birth, the major life changes that come with a baby can also affect a mother’s ability to breastfeed. Worst of all, there’s a vicious cycle of low milk production leading to stress and then leading to even lower milk production.
This crystal can help with these problems by promoting the inner peace mothers need for breastfeeding. Mothers can wear this stone as jewelry, close to the breast, to gain the vibrational energy’s positive effects.
Peaceful Sleep
In ancient times, Egyptians used this protective stone in talismans or as an amulet, believing it to ward off bad dreams. Today, the crystal continues to offer its protective power against nightmares and sleepwalking.
We recommend trying the stone if you’ve been having bad dreams and need a restful night’s sleep.
All you’ll need is a small piece of green Chalcedony and a calm environment. You can place the stone beside your bed or, even better, right under your pillow. It will clear the negative energy staying in your bedroom.
It’s that simple!
Managing the Mind During Meditation
This sacred stone can help bring about a calming flow of energy to your mind without causing restlessness or dullness. You’ll be able to remain focused and attentive during meditation while removing distressing emotions from your thoughts.
The crystal is also believed to be helpful in stimulating the creative process and generating new ideas. You’ll also find that it helps boost your memory, making it easier to learn new things while operating in your creative energy.
To experience the crystal’s true power during meditation, hold it in your left hand (the receiving hand) during your regular meditation sessions.
11 Benefits of Green Chalcedony
Of course, this gemstone is not the only stone out there that provides a lot of benefits; there are many stones of this sort. So what makes this gem so special?
Let’s find out.
Improves Public Speaking
There’s nothing more nerve-wracking than preparing to give a presentation, especially if you have a hard time speaking in front of large groups of people. This gemstone can help! It’s known for boosting the throat chakra and helping ease the nerves that come with public speaking.
But that’s not all! As we mentioned earlier, this stone has curative properties that help with sore throats and hoarseness. This will give you the confidence to speak without worrying about your voice failing you at an inopportune moment.
To work this crystal into your public speaking, simply meditate on it while you prepare your presentation or keep a small piece in your pocket while presenting. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes in your self-confidence!
Keeps You Optimistic
If you’re looking for a little more happiness in your life, this cleansing stone might be just what you need to fight negative energy.
This crystal allows you to focus on the brighter things in life, even if your circumstances are chaotic. It amplifies positive energy and helps you connect with people and situations that feel like home.
While this gemstone can help you find the good in any situation, it is especially useful during times of transition—whether physical or emotional—because it helps you stay mentally centered while navigating change.
Allows You to Handle Criticism
This gem is a stone of calm during the conflict, and it can help you accept even the harshest of criticisms from strangers without damaging your self-confidence.
Having this crystal around can help you listen to what people have to say and not get upset if it’s something you weren’t excited to know. It can help you understand the purpose of their criticism: to help you become a better person.
Helps You Stay Focused
While this crystal may spark your creativity and help you imagine new and exciting goals, one of its lesser-known abilities is to keep you focused on achieving them.
This gemstone helps to keep impulsive distractions at bay so that you can concentrate on what matters. If you’re working toward a goal and find yourself easily distracted by whimsical ideas or actions, consider giving this crystal a try.
Reduces Hostility
One of the best things about this crystal is that it helps reduce hostility. It’s an amazing tool to have in your back pocket if you just can’t shake a grudge.
Because it has such calming effects, this gemstone has a way of helping you move past anger. Plus, it makes you open up to the idea of forgiving those who do you wrong.
These changes will make you a better friend, family member, and coworker.
Because the crystal also helps you see different points of view, it can also help you better understand others’ perspectives. This can lead to higher levels of empathy and allow you to make more informed decisions in your relationships.
With the help of this nurturing stone, you’ll find that you’re severing ties less and giving people chances more often.
Teaches You to Embrace Change
When you’re open-minded, it’s easier to accept that things change and adjust to those changes instead of trying to force your own ideas onto the world. The world will change regardless of what you do, so why not be more accepting?
If you’re a person who doesn’t like dealing with change and reacts negatively to it, then working with this crystal can help you learn to be more adaptive.
Relieves Anxiety
This gem is a great reliever of stress and anxiety. By helping to calm the mind, it allows you to release negative thoughts and unwanted feelings that cause extreme distress.
The energy provided by this crystal allows you to find balance in life so that you can live in the present moment rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.
Eliminates Confusion
The first step to manifesting anything is getting crystal clear on what you want. When you’re ready to take action, this is the stone for you.
This gem helps you define your goals and dreams, and then it helps you find the path to make them a reality. It’s a stone of inspiration therefore it can help you get rid of confusion and see things from a new angle.
Spiritual Communication
It is thought that the chalcedony gemstone is used to improve all kinds of communication, even those with the spirit world.
If you’ve ever been in a tarot reading, you know how important crystals are in those rituals. The reason for that is that crystals have special abilities which allow communication with the spirit domain. Take, for example, our chalcedony crystal: it’s a stone of clarity, therefore it can open up your mind to receive information from invisible realms.
Heals Internal Wounds
All of us have internal wounds, sometimes from things that happened a long time ago or things that are still happening today. The emotional properties of this stone can help you heal those wounds so that you can move on with your life and feel better.
Maintains Romantic Connections
Do you find yourself getting angry at your partner over and over again? If so, this crystal may be just what you need.
It’s a powerful stone that helps release anger and other harmful emotions that affect your relationships. It’s also great for improving communication and emotional balance —perfect for restoring tranquility in a relationship that has been affected by stress and unwanted feelings.
Healing Properties of Green Chalcedony
This gem has long been thought to have curative powers. Let’s look into these healing properties a little more to find out what this crystal can do.
Emotional Healing
Green chalcedony has been used for centuries to soothe the mind and soul. People believe that it can help them get rid of aggression, self-doubt, and other negative emotions and instead fill them with peace.
If you’re feeling stressed or anxious, you should consider carrying this stone with you in your pocket or purse. The emotional healing power of the gemstone is increased when it’s kept close to the body for long periods.
Physical Healing
This stone is an extraordinary physical recovery gemstone.
It helps treat problems related to the neck, tonsils, and vocal cords. The gem is also effective in treating stomach diseases and infections.
Besides this, chalcedony is known to have a positive effect on blood circulation, making it useful for those suffering from high blood pressure problems. What’s more, the crystal has the potential to relieve headaches by opening blood vessels, thereby allowing more blood to circulate through the brain and reducing pressure.
Spiritual Healing
This stone is excellent for spiritual health because it calms the mind and lets you think about your soul’s needs more deeply.
The gem is great for people who are feeling overworked, stressed, or who just have too much going on to pay attention to the messages from their higher selves. Simply wearing the stone can quiet the anxious thoughts that get in the way of your spiritual communication.
You can place the stone near your heart chakra, and let it help calm any ideas that serve you no purpose.
Focus on how you feel as the gemstone quiets the mind. And remember to observe your thoughts and pay special attention to the new ideas that form that you’ve never noticed before.
Do this for a few minutes once a day and increase your sessions as needed.
Now that you understand the emotional, physical, and spiritual benefits of green chalcedony, it’s time to add this gem to your collection!
The stone comes in many forms that’ll fit your personal brand of crystal use. You can fasten chalcedony cabochons into a necklace to support your throat chakra. Or you can admire the waxy luster of the crystal structure in its raw form.
With its calming properties, this gemstone will help you achieve overall balance and inner peace no matter what you’re going through.
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