04 Jul Green Aura And Its Meaning
Green is a beautiful color, often associated with the natural world. So what does it mean if you have a green aura? Let’s take a look.
Why Is My Aura Green?
Our auras are an outward reflection of our inner energy systems – otherwise known as the chakras. We have seven chakras, and each of them has a different, important purpose, and is represented by a different colored energy. Whichever one is most active in our systems is what will relfect in our chakras – and green is the color of the heart chakra.
Green Aura Meaning
Let’s take a closer look at what a green aura means for the different areas of our lives.
Green Aura & The Heart Chakra
The heart chakra deals in unconditional love, empathy, compassion, healing, and forgiveness. As you may imagine, green aura people have a lot of love for others, as well as abundant self-love, so they tend to be great healers and bringers of peace.
Green Aura & Health
Green is known to signify health and wellness, and people with green auras tend to be great at regulating their own health, enjoying wholesome foods, time outdoors, and lots of exercise. The physical heart and repository system should also be especially healthy in somebody with a green-colored aura.
Green Aura & Personality
As well as being peaceful, compassionate, and loving souls, people with green auras tend to be very sensitive. They can get hurt easily because of their openness and should practice self-care on a regular basis.
They’re also known to be great investigators and feel their best when they spend time outdoors. Green is the color of nature, so you can expect people with green in their aura to be free spirits who enjoy the outdoors and spending time with animals.
Green Aura & Mood
The color green in somebodies aura can also mean that they’re experiencing deep and true love or are connecting with nature. A dark green aura can also mean that the person is experiencing feelings of jealousy or envy.
Green Aura & Spirituality
Spiritually, green aura people tend to have a lot of intuitive abilities, particularly in relation to reading and healing others.
Green Aura & Relationships
Naturally, people with green auras can fall in love easily, and when they love, they love hard. Nobody loves harder than a green aura person, and their love tends to be pure and true. They’re very loyal and very honest in their relationships, but they can get hurt easily.
Children and animals also tend to be drawn to these people and they can usually communicate with them well.
Green Aura & Success
Green energy is very giving and nurturing, so people with green auras are often drawn to careers in food, healthcare, wellness, and fitness, as well as outdoor jobs like gardening and working with children and animals as a teacher or vet.
Variations Of The Green Aura
Let’s take a look at some of the common variations of the green aura and what they mean.
Light Green Aura
A light or mint green aura is associated with empathy, patience, and sympathy. People with these auras are deeply committed to living a harmonious life and getting along with others. They are true peacemakers and genuinely try to see everybody’s side of the situation. People with this aura color may also be feeling ready to start (or are starting) a spiritual journey.
Lime Green Aura
A lime green aura is a mixture of yellow and green. A yellow-green aura means that your heart and solar plexus (which represents joy, self-esteem, and purpose) are working in perfect harmony with one another; making for a truly cheerful, loving soul.
Turquoise Aura
A blue-green aura means that your throat and heart chakras are perfectly in balance. These people tend to be excellent peacemakers, as the throat chakra is responsible for honesty and communication.
Bright Green Aura
A bright green aura signifies a well-balanced, open heart chakra, which represents unconditional love for yourself and for others, as well as compassion.
Emerald Green Aura
A deep or emerald green aura is the sign of a true healer. People with an emerald green colored aura are very magnetic to others and they tend to want to use their gifts altruistically.
Dark Green Aura
A muddy green aura or one that feels unpleasantly dark can also signify a jealous or envious person.
Green Aura Compatibility
Every aura color has a certain color that they are the most compatible with in terms of friendship and romantic relationships, and people with green auras are most compatible with people who have blue and yellow auras.
People with blue auras are very in tune with their throat chakra and tend to be honest people, which is great for sensitive green energy, who do not like being lied to, while people with yellow auras have strong solar plexus chakras, which deal in life purpose, optimism, and confidence, and do not drain empathetic green aura people.
Challenges With Green Auras
Although green aura people have truly beautiful qualities, their huge openness and willingness to love can leave them vulnerable. People will green auras can have issues with boundaries and they can let people into their lives who they shouldn’t. So, if your aura is green, remember to put yourself first and set boundaries with others!
How To Attract A Green Aura
Green aura energy is very attractive. People with these auras are giving, nurturing, and selfless, so if you want to attract somebody with a green aura, it’s important that you give as much as you take, as you don’t want to drain or take advantage of them. Be open, be honest, and be kind!
How To Get A Green Aura
If you want to get more green in your aura, you need to try and rebalance your heart chakra, and there are a few ways that you can work on this. The heart chakra can get blocked by heartbreak and betrayal, causing shyness, loneliness, depression, and anxiety, particularly, social anxiety, as well as a lack of empathy and trust issues.
Physically, when the heart chakra is out of alignment, it can also cause issues with the heart, the chest, the shoulders, the arms, the hands, and the upper back area. You can rebalance your heart chakra in many ways, including through meditation, reiki, yoga, eating a greener diet, spending time in nature, and using healing crystals.
Crystals that connect with this chakra include Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Rhodonite, Amazonite, Green Jade, Malachite, Rhodochrosite, Prehnite, Chrysoprase, Emerald, Green Tourmaline, Green Calcite, Kunzite, Green Moldavite, and Moss Agate.
How To Cleanse A Green Aura
Your aura can soak up negative energy from the people around you, and green energy is particularly sensitive. To keep you green aura positive, you should meditate regularly to renew your energy field.
Smudging, aura combing, and cleansing baths are all great ways to give your aura a deep cleanse when you feel you’re feeling particularly drained. Essential oils like franensense and cedarwood, sacred herbs like thyme and lavender, and cleansing crystals like selenite and clear quartz are all great tools to enhance your practices.
However, arguably the best way to cleanse a green aura is in nature. Going for a walk in the rain or swimming in a natural body of water are guaranteed to leave you feeling supercharged, and spending time in sun or moonlight will also give your green energy a boost.
People with green auras are some of the best people that you can hope to meet. With their unconditional love and compassionate nature, green energy is powered by the heart for warmth, purity, and peace.