29 Nov Energy Cleansing: Remove Symptoms of Negative Energy at Home
Do you think your home needs energy cleansing? How do you want your place to feel? You may feel that symptoms of negative energy at home are causing concern. So, it is the right time to have an energy clearing to cleanse your home. The first thing you need to decide is the space you intend to clean.
You may have various reasons for cleaning your home from negative energy. You may want to be more focused and productive by releasing the negative energy from your home. Or you may want to feel peaceful and just have positive energy all around for an upcoming major life transition. Do you know some people resort to burning sage and certain fragrant herbs to remove the negative energy from their homes?
Here is how you can remove the negative energy from your home and bring about positive vibes.
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Ways to Remove Negative Energy from Your Home
The flowing ways are the most beneficial for clearing out your place from negative energy.
1. Place the Crystals Tactically
Crystals are the most significant gift of nature that contain multiple vibrant properties. The most efficient crystal stones to remove bad energy are hematite and tourmaline. Placing the crystal in the right place will produce effective results and dissolve negative energy. Each crystal has a unique property that helps with a particular condition. They are helpful in spiritual and meditation practice and can bring a calm and serene atmosphere at home.
2. Make Noise at your Place
It is a common belief that drums, medals, playing an instrument, and clapping hands are helpful to break up negative vibes. Many people move clockwise at their doorstep or play an instrument or clap towards the walls to create a sound to remove negative energy.
3. Use Sea salt
Salt is the best agent to sterilize multiple things like cutting boards and wounds. Salt is also productive in clearing negative energy. Here is how you can use it to remove negative energy from your home. Salt has agents that can dissolve adequately and deal with negative things efficiently. You can dissolve sea salt in water in a spray bottle and spray in every corner and overall space for more positive energy. Besides, you can even place a line of sea salt on your doorsteps or around your property.
4. Give your Place the Refreshing touch of Plants
You can use the lemon scent to give a quick boost to your place and clear negative energy. Moreover, you may use sage, lavender, and frankincense essential oils or even a blend of organic essential oil spray to remove negativity from your home. You can use it in a diffuser or fill a clean spray bottle with a combination of two or more scents in distilled water. Besides, you can place plants that absorb negative energy and spread positivity like peace lilies, aloe vera, and more. Sage bundles are also an effective way to cleanse your room. Sage bundles are herbs like white sage, lavender, Yerba Santo, or other herbs bound by string. The best sage incense for bringing positive energy may be White Sage, Juniper, Palo Santo, Lavender, and more.
5. Connect with the Power of Imagination
Imagination works effectively to remove negative emotions, and you may imagine a glowing golden light inside your heart. Now breathe profoundly and inflate unless it goes out of your body. Now imagine that you spread that light in your place, intending to remove the negative energy. It may be a bit similar to meditation but not entirely the same. Besides, some crystals that help with sleep may be Rose Quartz, Moonstone, and others.
6. Keep your place Neat and Clean
Clear out the physical dirt and mess to give your space a refreshing look. The dust-free home gives you vital breath and clears out all negative energies from your place. Moreover, by filling your home with fresh air, you keep your space free from all pollutants that may produce unwanted energy and destruct your environment.
7. Use Instruments
You may use multiple instruments for soothing like harmony balls, rain sticks, Tibetan Bowl, or hand-held chimes. Most people play music for relaxation. You may use any other sacred sound to deep cleanse your home.
8. Let in Fresh Air
The simplest way to purify your space is the fresh air. It would help if you opened your windows and doors each morning to let in the fresh air and let the air circulate throughout the home. Fresh air in the morning can help you feel fresh and purified the whole day. Besides, it produces new energy in your space.
In addition to the above ways, you can add fire to your living place or add something from nature like a bowl of flowers. Moreover, you may decorate your space with beautiful colors that enhance the beauty of your home. You can also arrange prayers, mantras, intentions, and affirmations. You can call the prayers silently or loudly. However, they have the effect and clear out all negative energies from your space.
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